In the second half of the night, the people in the Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Division were very busy.

Those who normally went home to rest after work were called to work in the second half of the night. They were too busy, too busy at all. There were few people active in the second half of the night. Even in the hospital, doctors and nurses on duty would take time to rest when there was no emergency.

But there were always a few people who would walk around.

Then, the bodies killed by zombies were discovered, and the people who found the bodies were scared and called the police immediately.

Some zombies did not hide when killing people, but walked into the wards and medical offices to kill people openly.

When they found a person, they would go up and bite off the throat first, and then bite off the carotid artery to suck blood.

In the pirate world, the zombies created by Gekko Moria using the Shadow-Shadow Fruit cannot actually enhance their own strength by sucking human blood.

But these zombies created by Wang Nue can.

He didn't know why, and in the end it could only be attributed to the two worlds being different and the rules of the world being different.

But this is also good. The enhancement of the zombies' bodies is basically equivalent to the enhancement of his strength.

After all, those zombies that were resurrected because of the shadows are completely obedient to him.

The detectives of the Metropolitan Police Department's Investigation Division were very busy.

When the bodies of the victims were found, everyone's faces changed.

Because the wounds on these bodies were exactly the same as those of the people who were killed by the"ghosts" in the Metropolitan Police Department last night!!

And most of the victims' blood was sucked out!!

This made Inspector Megure and others realize that something was wrong. It seems that Kishida was not the only"ghost" that caused trouble in the Metropolitan Police Department before!

Judging from the current situation, there seem to be a lot of"ghosts"!!

Touto University Affiliated Hospital.

One of the zombies here is the kind that does not hide and openly slaughters patients and medical staff in the hospital.



"Save me! I don't want to die!!"

This is an elderly male zombie.

This zombie looks very old, at least in his sixties, but he is extremely powerful!

Ordinary adult men are no match for him.

During this period, five hospital security guards tried to subdue the zombies, but were killed by the zombies. Three of the five security guards died, and the other two escaped with injuries.

When the police arrived, the zombie was still committing the crime, grabbing a young nurse, biting her neck and sucking her blood.

"Damn it! Release the hostages immediately! Lie on the ground with your hands on your head!!"

The criminal police who came shouted.

After receiving the alarm, they only knew that someone was committing a crime here, but they didn't know that it was a 'devil' who was committing the crime.

The zombies ignored the police and continued to suck the delicious blood.

""Hey! Look over there!" One of the police officers pointed at a body on the ground.

He found that the injuries on the body of the deceased were exactly the same as those of his colleagues who were killed in the Metropolitan Police Department yesterday!!

The others looked over and immediately discovered this.


A police officer swallowed his saliva in fear:"Hey, could that guy also be an 'evil ghost'! ?"

They did not participate in yesterday's battle, but they knew how fierce the battle was afterwards.

More than a dozen police officers were bitten to death by the 'evil ghost'.

And after the 'evil ghost' died, hundreds of bullets were found on his body! The small pistols in their hands could not deal with the 'evil ghost' at all.’!

"Fire! The 'evil spirits' are afraid of fire! Go find a fire!!!" One of them remembered the key

""Quick! Quick! Quick! Quick!"

Several police officers retreated directly, leaving only one police officer staring at the 'evil ghost' from a distance. The zombies' IQ was still too low. Apart from obeying orders, they acted completely on instinct.

If they were smarter, they should have killed these criminal police immediately after seeing them, or just ran away.

But Wang Nue didn't really care. If the zombies died, they died. If the zombies died, the shadows would come back.

He wouldn't lose anything at all. At worst, he would just look for new bodies.


The next morning.

At the Maori Detective Agency.

The three of them were eating breakfast while the TV next to them was broadcasting today's morning news.

#Last night, multiple murders broke out simultaneously in major hospitals in Tokyo!

#All the murderers were cruel, destroying the throats and carotid arteries of countless victims!

#According to statistics, the number of victims has exceeded two hundred!

#This sudden murder is obviously an organized and premeditated murder!

#Who is behind this? Is it a terrorist organization? Or the Yakuza? Is it related to the attack on the Metropolitan Police Department the night before?

#Our station will continue to report on this incident!

In the news, some photos of people killed by zombies were released, and they looked horrible.

"How terrifying!!"Ran felt goosebumps all over her body.

Conan and Maori Kogoro both looked serious.

Such a unified and consistent murder case was obviously an organized and premeditated action.

The news did not report whether the police caught the murderer.

But even if the police caught some of the murderers, those people might not be all of them. At least the organization behind the planning of this action must have more people!

""Ran, go home early after school and don't go out at night!" Maori Kogoro looked at Ran and warned her.

First, the Metropolitan Police Department was attacked by an unknown force, and now there is a large-scale murder.

Both incidents happened at night. It is impossible to say that the two incidents are unrelated.

Before the police completely destroy the organization, Tokyo has become unsafe at night.

Hearing her father's advice, Ran shuddered.

She suddenly remembered what Shenmu Nue told her and Sonoko yesterday!

‘Try to go out less at night in the future! You will encounter unclean things!! '

Watching the news, the places where murders happened last night were all hospitals, and the injuries on the victims were too weird!

The throats and carotid arteries were bitten off!

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like something a human can do, right?

So, these murderers are actually...ghosts! ?

Xiaolan shuddered suddenly, and looked at Maori Kogoro with fear:"Dad... do you think the murderer last night...could it be a ghost?"

"On TV, places like hospitals are most likely to be haunted, aren't they?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? There are no ghosts in this world. It was just a terrorist attack planned by a certain organization."Mouri Kogoro complained.

Conan agreed with this. There can't be ghosts in this world!

That's not scientific at all!

Xiaolan wanted to say that there are ghosts in this world. Kamiki in her class can see ghosts.

But after thinking about it, she didn't say anything.

After all, it was just Kamiki who said it herself. There was no evidence. Even if she said it, her father would definitely not believe it.

After Sonoko came, Xiaolan picked up her schoolbag and went out to school.

In the morning, Maori Kogoro also took Conan to Teitan Elementary School to go through the admission procedures.

On the Internet, supernatural events in the Metropolitan Police Department, hospitals, medical universities, Tokyo headquarters and other places are quietly spreading.

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