Chapter 111 Doll Mary Chapter Hachishaku-sama Chapter Slit-mouthed Woman [Please subscribe! ]


After playing with his friends, Kusata separated and walked home alone at night.

When passing by a garbage dump, he felt like something was looking at him.

Looking towards the garbage dump, he saw a doll that looked very beautiful and high-end, thrown into the garbage dump.

Although the doll was sitting in the garbage dump, it was very clean. It should have been thrown away just now.

Kusata walked over curiously, looked around, and saw that there was no one around, so he picked up the doll in the garbage dump.

Kusata checked it carefully and found that the doll was intact and clean, with almost no dust.

“”Such a beautiful doll, since no one wants you, then just follow me~”

Souta ran towards home with the doll in his arms. What

Souta didn’t see was that when he was holding the doll, the doll had a strange smile on its face.

The next morning, Kyoto Prefectural Police Officer Ayanokouji Fumu came to Souta’s home with a group of his men. Souta ‘s family of three were all brutally murdered.

Each of the dead had at least thirty knife wounds on their bodies, and the fatal wound was that their throats were cut with a knife.

Such a cruel killing method made the detectives at the scene His eyes were serious.

This was a big case, an important case!

The murder weapon was left at the crime scene, it was a sharp-bladed kitchen knife in the victim’s home.

The forensic department found a lot of fingerprints on the weapon, so they took the weapon back to the Kyoto Prefectural Police Investigation Headquarters to extract the fingerprints. There was a lot of blood splattered everywhere at the murder scene. On the walls and the floor, there was blood everywhere.

Especially a doll sitting against the wall, its whole body was covered with blood.

The pet squirrel that Officer Ayanokouji carried with him was very uneasy today, always…”Hissing” at the doll on the ground.

This caught the attention of Officer Ayanokouji.

Officer Ayanokouji put on gloves and picked up the doll that was stained with blood on the ground. He checked the doll and found nothing wrong with the doll.

But the squirrel he raised was still barking at the doll.

Officer Ayanokouji asked the forensic department to take the doll stained with blood back to the Kyoto Prefectural Police Headquarters for inspection.

Carefully check the doll to see if there are any clues of the murderer on the doll.

But the forensic department took the doll back to the Kyoto Prefectural Police Headquarters, and then found that the doll was missing!!

This caused quite a stir inside the Kyoto Prefectural Police Headquarters.

If it were normal, at most it would be considered as someone’s negligence that led to the loss of evidence.

But the people in the forensic department said that it was definitely not because of their own work mistakes that caused the loss of evidence.

Someone must have secretly taken the evidence away!

Coupled with the supernatural traffic accident that happened last night, this made the head of the Kyoto Prefectural Police Headquarters have a bad premonition.

Could it be……………Kyoto has also had supernatural incidents like Tokyo, right?

That’s terrible.


The Metropolitan Police Department is also in a state of panic at this time.

Last night, the Metropolitan Police Department received several reports saying that they saw Hachishaku-sama wandering around their homes and hoped that the police could send someone to get rid of Hachishaku-sama as soon as possible.

If it were in the past, such calls would definitely be treated as pranks.

Not only would they not be accepted, but the people who made the prank calls would also be educated.

But now it’s different.”Spiritual energy has revived” and ghosts really exist.

Hachishaku-sama, who used to only exist in urban legends, is not impossible to appear now.

After receiving the alarm, the police from the Exorcism Division immediately rushed to the location of the caller to look for the Hachishaku-sama they mentioned.

But no trace of Hachishaku-sama was found.

If there were not a lot of people reporting the case, and they all lived in the same area, the police would really think that it was a prank.

But there is also good news, that is, Hachishaku-sama did not seem to hurt anyone.

At least no one was attacked or hurt by Hachishaku-sama near the people who called the police.

Of course, that was last night.

This morning, things changed completely.

After dawn today, the Metropolitan Police Department received many reports that bodies were found and people were killed.

After the police arrived at the scene, they found that the deaths of the deceased were all very strange.

Most of the deceased were men, and occasionally women.

But the way these deceased died was the same, that is, the corners of their mouths on both sides were cut open, and the cuts were made along the cheeks to the roots of the ears.

At the same time, there were a large number of wounds on the body caused by sharp weapons. According to the identification of the forensic personnel, the murder weapon should be a pair of very large scissors.

This made all the detectives in the first investigation section gasp?……….

“Hey, could this be done by the Slit-mouthed Woman? ?”

“Slit-mouthed woman… Gulu……”

“Another supernatural event…………After all, it has to be handed over to the Exorcism Division.”

“Is it possible that someone imitated the slit-mouthed woman and committed the crime?”

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Who is so bold as to imitate the Slit-Mouth Woman and kill people outside in the middle of the night? Aren’t they afraid of encountering a ghost? ?”

These policemen have never seen the Slit-Mouth Woman, but the legend of the Slit-Mouth Woman is widely circulated in Japan.

In the 1980s, some schools were even closed because of this legend, and students did not dare to go to school.

The detectives of the Investigation Division were naturally familiar with the legend of the Slit-Mouth Woman.

“”Let’s transfer the case to the Exorcism Class.”

That was the decision.

But just as the Investigation Class 1 transferred the”Slit-Mouthed Woman” case to the Exorcism Class, they received several reports that their sons were missing! He was still at home last night, but when he woke up in the morning, he found that his son was missing.

There were more than ten households who reported the case. The ages of these missing people were concentrated between twelve and eighteen years old, and all the missing were boys.

The people from the Investigation Class 1 rushed to the homes of those whose children were missing and investigated their homes.

Then they were horrified to find that in the yards of every family who had lost a child, there were very large footprints!

The footprints were sixty yards large!!

And the footprints were not wearing shoes, but were left barefoot on the ground.

The Investigation Class 1.5 didn’t know Although they heard about the report about Hachisha-sama last night, the detectives of Investigation Section 1 still linked the missing persons to the supernatural events after seeing these huge footprints.

After all, who has size 60 feet?

How tall would that person be if his feet were size 60?

Investigation Section 1 immediately applied for the Exorcism Section to join, and the two departments jointly enforced the law.

As soon as the Exorcism Section learned about this case, they immediately thought of the multiple reports from last night.

Many people said that they saw a tall woman eight feet tall wandering around.

Huge footprints, missing boys, isn’t this similar to the Hachisha-sama in urban legends!?

Inspector Megure’s face turned black.

The previous ghosts have not been solved yet, and now there are the slit-mouthed woman and Hachisha-sama.

The Exorcism Section is too busy, too busy!

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