Chapter 124: Release the One-tailed Shukaku! [Subscribe please!]

Maori Kogoro and Officer Chaki of Investigation Section 2 debated the possible location and time of Kaito Kidd’s appearance.

Suzuki Shiro looked at Wang Nue:”Nue, what do you think? When do you think Kaito No. 1412 will appear?”

“Uncle, I’m not a detective, how would I know how Phantom Thief 1412 would appear?”

Wang Nue shrugged.

“Oh, just guess based on your feeling. It doesn’t matter if you guess wrong.”

Suzuki Shiro said with a smile.

Wang Nue thought for a moment:”Emmm…………Then I guess Kaito 1412 won’t come this time”

“Eh? Phantom Thief 1412 won’t appear?”

“Yuanzi’s reaction was a bit exaggerated.”

She was looking forward to seeing what the international thief looked like!

“After all, they said it in the preview letter, it’s an April Fool’s joke. Of course, this is just my guess. I’m not sure whether Kaito 1412 will appear in the end.”

Wang Nue shrugged again.

Because of his appearance, the Conan world has changed beyond recognition.

He won’t make a promise unless it is 100% confirmed.

“Impossible! Since Phantom Thief 1412 has sent out a notice, he will definitely show up!”

Chamu Manager disagreed with Wang Nue’s words.

390 Wang Nue shrugged again, too lazy to argue with Chamu Shintaro.

“Hahaha, it’s okay, it’s okay, everyone just act according to your own ideas.”

Suzuki Shiro stepped forward to act as a peacemaker.

Chaki Shintaro arranged the police force according to his own ideas, and Suzuki Shiro personally led Wang Nue and others to visit the museum. In the evening, Wang Nue and others left the Beika Museum, and only Maori Kogoro stayed alone. He needed to stay with Officer Chaki and others to capture the Kaito Kid who might appear at any time.

As for Conan, he said that he would stay at Dr. Agasa’s house tonight.

As for whether to go to Dr. Agasa’s house or go home with his mother Yukiko, only he knows.

After leaving the Beika Museum, Conan did not go to Dr. Agasa, but returned to his own home and dived into his father’s data room. Yukiko was cooking dinner, while Kudo Yusaku was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper.

“Shinichi is such a jerk. He came back without even saying hello to us and went straight into your data room!”

Yukiko said with dissatisfaction.

“Haha, just let him go.”

Kudo Yusaku smiled.

He had guessed what his son was doing in his data room. He must have gone to look for information about Kaito Kidd.

He had already deciphered the code in the Kaito Kidd preview letter.

#When the moon separated the two people#, these two people refer to the artificial satellite and the sun.

The phrase”the moon separated the two people” refers to the moon being between the artificial satellite and the sun, so the time when Kaito Kidd appears is between 12:30 and 4:00 in the middle of the night when the BS signal broadcast is interrupted.

This happens to be the English abbreviation BS of the dark star BlackStar.

The wave in the phrase”with the wave invitation” refers to the radio wave, which means that Kaito Kidd will appear from the direction of the BS radio wave release. The

BS radio wave is emitted from 45 degrees from south to west, and will also be transmitted from the horizon to the distance in the direction of 42.3 degrees.

From the perspective of the Beika Museum, the only place that meets this condition is the roof of the Haido Hotel.

Therefore, Kaito Kidd will appear on the roof of the Haido Hotel at 12:30 in the second half of the night tonight.

As for going to the Beika Museum to steal the dark star, Kaito Kidd will not go at all.

After all, Kaito Kidd said at the beginning of the preview letter that this is an April Fool’s joke.

In addition, Kudo Yusaku also speculated that the dark star that the Suzuki Foundation put on display at the Beika Museum was probably fake.

After all, it was common for museums to exhibit”imitations”.

Kudo Yusaku looked in the direction of the reference room. When would Shinichi find out about this? Kamiki Shrine.

After Xiaolan came back, she was absent-minded.

After dinner

“Shenmu, I want to go to the Rice Flower Museum. I am a little worried about my father’s safety.”

Xiaolan applied to Wang Nue.

Although there are a lot of police around the Rice Flower Museum, it is night after all.

Who knows if there will be ghosts near the Rice Flower Museum tonight? Who can guarantee that my father will be safe when he is with Officer Chamu?

“If you want to go, go ahead. Xiaolan, your spiritual power has been mostly restored, so even if you encounter a ghost, it should be no problem.”

Wang Nue nodded in agreement.


Xiaolan nodded heavily:”Then I will leave now”

“”Bring your equipment!”

Wang Nue reminded.

Xiaolan was not as proficient as him in controlling spiritual power. Now she could only use the magic-breaking arrow to kill demons like Higurashi Kagome did. Xiaolan could not use spiritual power to heal or open a barrier like Wang Nue did.

“Got it!”

Xiaolan responded, changed her shoes and ran out.

After Xiaolan left, Wang Nue took a look at the system panel.

It was time to release the One-Tail·Shukaku.

He remembered what time Kaito Kidd appeared? He didn’t remember the exact time, but it seemed to be in the second half of the night. Wang Nue thought about whether to arrange the appearance time of the One-Tail·Shukaku to be the same as that of Kaito Kid.

But after thinking about it, he decided not to.

He couldn’t arrange the One-Tail·Shukaku to appear in Tokyo without using the Tailed Beast Ball. If he turned around and used Wind Style·Air Training Bullet, his home might be gone. One-Tail·Shukaku It must be thrown to a place hundreds of kilometers away.

If it is too far away, it will be meaningless whether the appearance time of the One-Tail·Shukaku coincides with the appearance time of Kaito Kidd, because no one will care. It is also impossible to trick Kaito Kidd.

In the end, Wang Nue decided to send the One-Tail·Shukaku to the base of the US Army stationed in Al.

Last time, the King of the Near Sea scared away several US naval ships, which made him harvest a lot of emotional points.

If the One-Tail·Shukaku directly destroyed a base of the US Army stationed in Xi, it would definitely bring him more emotional points.

After taking a shower, Wang Nue returned to the room and called He turned on the computer and searched the Internet for the location of the US military bases.

He soon found a lot of public information.

There are many US military bases, with more than a hundred military bases in Japan.

Wang Que selected some of the more famous or important military bases.

Yokosuka Fleet Base, Sasebo Fleet Base, Yokota Base, Zama Base, Okinawa Base, Misawa Base, etc.

Among them, Yokosuka Fleet Base, Yokota Base and Zama Base can be abandoned because they are too close to Tokyo.

Yokota Base and Zama Base are even in the east. Within the Kyoto metropolitan area.

If the Shukaku is deployed to these places, it may be deployed tonight and Tokyo will be gone tomorrow.

So the only options are Sasebo Fleet Base, Okinawa Base, and Misawa Base.

Among them, Sasebo Fleet Base is the second largest naval base of the United States in Japan.

Okinawa Base is the base with the largest number of US troops stationed in Japan. From the perspective of military branches, it is mainly the Navy and the Marine Corps.

Misawa Base is a large air force base of the US military in northern Japan.

Should we attack the Navy? Or the Marine Corps? Or the Air Force? This is a question..

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