Chapter 127 Sasebo was destroyed, and the Self-Defense Forces dispatched planes [Please subscribe! ].

Beika Museum.

The police guarding here did not know the news that the Sasebo Naval Base was attacked.

Of course, even if they knew, this matter had nothing to do with them.

The Metropolitan Police Department only has jurisdiction over Tokyo, and they only need to protect the safety of the people within Tokyo.

The attack on Sasebo was the business of the Nagasaki Prefectural Police Headquarters.

Even if the Nagasaki Prefectural Police can’t handle it, there are still the Self-Defense Forces behind them.

It’s not the turn of the Metropolitan Police Department anyway.

Maori Kogoro and Chaki Shintaro stood together, and Xiaolan stood aside with a bow and arrow to prevent ghosts from appearing around.

On the roof of the Haido Hotel, Conan had already had his historic first meeting with Kaito Kid.

And set off a firework to attract the attention of the helicopter in the sky.

Kaito Kid even used the intercom to imitate Chaki Shintaro’s voice and asked all nearby helicopters to rush to the Haido Hotel.

He also imitated Nakamori Ginzo’s voice and ordered the police guarding all the entrances and exits of the Haido Hotel to rush to the rooftop of the Haido Hotel.

Finally, he pretended to escape using a hang glider, but actually used the cover of flash bombs to quickly change his clothes and blend in with the police at the scene. He also left a famous quote to Conan:”Little brother, let me tell you. If a Kaito is an artist who is skilled in stealing treasures and is creative, then a detective is a person who can only follow the Kaito and nitpick, and is at best just a critic.”

After saying this, Kaito Kid disappeared.

However, he left another notice letter at the scene.

#April 19th. The Sally Beth will sail from Yokohama Port. I want the real Dark Star Pearl on the ship. Kaito Kidd comes on board.

With the departure of Kaito Kidd, the night in Tokyo has returned to silence.

Except for some areas where there was a commotion due to the Shadow Ghost killing people, most other areas were very quiet. It was just that the sound of fire trucks could be heard from time to time on the streets of some places.

Foxfire would set at least a few fires every day, and the firefighters in Tokyo were almost busy.

And Sasebo, nearly a thousand kilometers away from Tokyo, was completely in chaos.

Sasebo Naval Base is the military port of the US Seventh Fleet and also the military port of the Maritime Self-Defense Force.

Sasebo Naval Base was attacked, and the US Seventh Fleet Command and the Fumoto Maritime Self-Defense Force Command received news of the attack on the military port at the same time.

The US Seventh Fleet Command immediately ordered the Air Force to rush to Sasebo to check the situation. At the same time, it also questioned the Fumoto Maritime Self-Defense Force, asking what was going on.

The Tsurugi Maritime Self-Defense Force was also confused.

How could they know what was going on?

After receiving the alarm, they immediately contacted the Maritime Self-Defense Force personnel at the Sasebo Naval Base, but they could not get in touch at all. They could only send out reconnaissance helicopters to Sasebo to investigate the situation.

When the reconnaissance helicopters of the US Seventh Fleet and the Tsurugi Maritime Self-Defense Force arrived in Sasebo, nearly half of the city of Sasebo had been desertified by Shukaku.

High-rise buildings, streets, and mountains have now all turned into deserts.

Looking from the air, Sasebo, which should have been brightly lit, is now mostly dark.

In addition to some ships in the port, the ships are burning with flames, and only the areas far away from the port are still lit. In the night, the pilots on the fighter jets did not see the situation in the city clearly, but they could see the situation in the naval port clearly. The entire naval port of Sasebo seemed to have been attacked by a nuclear bomb, and the entire naval port was razed to the ground.

All the ships in the naval port also sank.

The civilian ports in the distance were also affected. Occasionally, there were two ships that did not sink, but they were also burning with flames. Seeing this scene, the pilots in the fighter jets and helicopters were all stunned.

What kind of attack was this on the Sasebo Naval Base? Did someone really drop a nuclear bomb on the Sasebo Naval Base? But there are only a few countries with nuclear bombs, who dares! ? ?

Inside the Sasebo Naval Base, there is not only the naval base of their Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force, but also the naval base of the US military stationed in Japan! This is the second largest military port for the US military stationed in Japan.

The country that launched the attack, isn’t it afraid of retaliation from the United States! ? ?

The pilots of the Seventh Fleet and the pilots of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force took pictures of the Sasebo Naval Base with night vision cameras, sent the pictures back, and then flew over the city to see what happened in the city of Sasebo and why there was no light in the city center.

Then they took a picture that they couldn’t believe.

The city of Sasebo is gone!!

All the high-rise buildings in the city center are gone! No, not only the high-rise buildings, but also the streets, trees, parks, etc., everything is gone!

The city of Sasebo below seems to have turned into a desert!

The pilots of both sides quickly sent back the photos they took.

Then the Seventh Fleet Command and the Maritime Self-Defense Force Command realized that things might not be that simple. The mushroom bomb attack could only blow the city into ruins, but it could not turn the city into a desert!

Sasebo City, I am afraid that a large-scale supernatural event has occurred!

After leaving Tokyo Bay, the sea monster has been active in the surrounding waters of Alpine.

From time to time, it attacks fishing boats, cargo ships, and even passenger ships. This is no longer a secret.

Now such a strange thing has happened in Sasebo. In an instant, the military port and the warships docked at the military port were all destroyed. The entire city of Sasebo has”instantly” turned from a city full of high-rise buildings into a desert.

In addition to the monster, they really can’t think of any other reasons that can cause such a phenomenon.

Of course, the more crucial thing is that the photos taken by the Maritime Self-Defense Force’s reconnaissance helicopter included Shukaku in the picture.

Although Shukaku lying in the desert is not as tall as standing, it looks like a giant beast at first glance!

Although we don’t know what kind of monster that monster is, it is certain that the destruction of the Sasebo naval port and the destruction of the city of Sasebo are most likely related to that monster!

The sea monster can’t be caught in the sea, so why can’t this monster be caught on land?

The Maritime Self-Defense Force Headquarters immediately ordered the Maritime Self-Defense Force’s helicopters to take off and destroy the monster in Sasebo City!

The Coast Guard lost face in Tokyo Bay, and their Maritime Self-Defense Force must pick it up in Sasebo!

Although the Coast Guard is useless, their Maritime Self-Defense Force is a combat-capable 10 helicopters fully loaded with weapons, which took off from the Kanoya Air Base more than 100 kilometers away and rushed to Sasebo City.

The ten helicopters are equipped with a large number of air-to-ground missiles, rockets, and ship-borne heavy machine guns.

The Altai Maritime Self-Defense Force is determined to kill the monster that destroyed Sasebo!.

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