Chapter 142: Kuroba Kaito: Does the Mirror Immortal have a grudge against me? [Please subscribe! ].

Ikebukuro 3-chome, Tenyue Building.

Hibiki Eri took her pajamas to the bathroom to take a shower, but when she was almost done, the water suddenly stopped.

Hibiki Eri checked and found that not only the shower head had no water, but other taps had no water as well.

The water supply was cut off!

Hibiki Eri frowned, wiped the water off her body with a bath towel, and prepared to call the property management to ask them to see what caused the water outage.

As a result, after wiping the water off her body and putting on her pajamas, she suddenly heard a loud”boom” and felt the ground under her feet shaking.

Then, the lights in the room went out!

Hibiki Eri frowned, water outage and power outage?

Coupled with the loud noise just now, Hibiki Eri suddenly had a bad premonition.

Could it be that there was also a fire in the building where he was?

And there was also an explosion! The power supply to the building was cut off!

Hibiki Eri came to the window and looked down. More than 20 fire trucks on the road were still working hard to put out the fire.

The fire on both sides of the street seemed to be under control. At least from her side, the fire was not bigger than before.

Hibiki Eri looked down from the window and saw that there seemed to be many fire trucks parked at the entrance of the building.

There was a fire in their building too!


However, she lived on the 22nd floor. Even if there was a fire downstairs, it would not reach her floor in a short time.

Therefore, she did not plan to go out, but planned to stay at home and wait for the firefighters downstairs to put out the fire.

Hibiki Eri is a very good lawyer, but her knowledge of science does not seem to be very good.

She overlooked one thing, that is, when a high-rise building catches fire, because of the existence of pipes and shafts, when a fire occurs, it will spread rapidly upwards like a tall chimney.

Moreover, the windows of their building cannot be opened, and a central air-conditioning system is used.

After the power outage, the oxygen in the room decreases rapidly, and a large amount of incomplete combustion products, such as carbon monoxide, will soon be produced.

When carbon monoxide and air are fully mixed and reach the explosion concentration limit, they will explode instantly when they encounter a fire source.

The explosion shatters the glass of the building, and the inhaled air will become a combustion aid for the fire. Further accelerate the speed of the fire spreading upwards.

At the same time, the flames will rush out from the broken windows, spread upwards along the outer wall, and then rush into the upper floors from the outside, resulting in the phenomenon of fire rolling up.

In short, once a fire occurs in a building, it is very difficult to extinguish.

For some small fires, the automatic fire extinguishing system in the room can still put out the fire.

But if the fire is big, the sprinkler system of the automatic fire extinguisher is not very useful.

Not long after staying in the room, Hibiki Eri felt smoke drifting into her room.

Although the smoke was not very thick, it was not good news.

Hibiki Eri heard some noises coming from outside the house, opened the door, and saw the neighbor next door running out of the house.

“Quick! Quick! The fire is spreading, let’s run!”

“Hurry up! Hurry up! Don’t pack your things!”

The expression of Hibiki Eri turned serious, because the smoke in the corridor was thicker than that in her room. With the help of the light of the neighbor’s flashlight, she could see a lot of smoke spreading out from the gap of the elevator door.

Hibiki Eri realized that she could not continue to sit at home and wait for death.

She hurried back home, changed into a set of casual clothes for going out, took a flashlight, and left home.

The elevator could not be used, and only the escape stairs could be used.

But after walking down the stairs for only a few floors, many people were seen running up the stairs breathlessly.

Seeing Hibiki Eri, someone immediately shouted,”We can’t go down! Go up!”

“The smoke below is too thick, I can’t go down at all!”

“Go up! Go up!”

“Let’s go to the rooftop, maybe there will be a helicopter to rescue us!”

After hearing what those people said, Hibiki Eri could only turn around and climb up the stairs.

But she was not as panicked as the others, because she had superpowers, she just didn’t plan to use them in front of outsiders.

But if she really reached a desperate situation, she wouldn’t care about so much at that time.

Just conjure up wings and fly away!

Everyone soon came to the rooftop

“Hey! Is there someone lying over there?”

“No…………No way, someone is dead here! ? ?”

Many people saw that not far from them, there was a person lying on the ground motionless.

Fei Yingli took the initiative to step forward and check the condition of the person. It was not clear from the distance before, but after getting closer, she found that the person was dressed as a waiter.

She touched the carotid artery and found that there was a pulse.

“He is still alive, not dead.”

Hearing what Hibiki said, everyone else breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, no one was dead.

Otherwise, it would be too unlucky.

They encountered a fire and could not escape, so they could only escape to the rooftop. As a result, they encountered a corpse as soon as they reached the rooftop.

Does this mean that they are all going to die?

Fortunately, the man was not dead.

Someone had already taken out his mobile phone to call the police, call the rescue number, and indicate their location.

In this way, the helicopter rescue may come faster.

“Hey! Are you okay? Wake up! Wake up!”

Hiki Eri pushed the person lying on the ground, but the person didn’t respond at all. She had no choice but to pinch the person’s philtrum hard, and the person finally responded.

“Um…………Huh! ? ?”

When Kuroba Kaito opened his eyes and saw the group of people in front of him, he was immediately shocked.

He subconsciously wanted to escape, but his body was not very obedient.

“Who are you? Why are you unconscious here?”

Hiki Eri looked at Kuroba Kaito in confusion.

No one knew that Kuroba Kaito was Kaito Kid, and Kisaki Eri didn’t know him either.

But as a lawyer, as an elite lawyer with a 100% winning rate, Kisaki Eri subconsciously felt that there was something wrong with the young man in front of her.

Which waiter would faint on the rooftop of a building?

“Forehead…………Where is this?”

Kuroba Kaito did not answer Kisaki Eri’s question, but looked around 347 in confusion.

He remembered that he was in the bathroom of the Sally Beth, removing Suzuki Shiro’s disguise.

He was going to find an opportunity to knock Suzuki Tomoko unconscious and steal the dark star from her body.

As a result, when he opened the door of the toilet cubicle, he saw the mirror fairy standing at the door waiting for him! Just as he was about to escape from the gap above the cubicle, he saw a pair of red eyes.

Then he fell into darkness, feeling nothing and sensing nothing.

When he regained consciousness, he was surrounded by a group of people in front of him.

Although he was surrounded by people, Kaito Kidd still observed his environment through the gaps between people.

The rooftop of a building!

How could he appear here?

The mirror fairy didn’t pull himself into the mirror world?

What was the purpose of the mirror fairy attacking him?

Kuroba Kaito was confused.

“This is the rooftop of Tianyue Building.

“A fire broke out in the building”

“We can’t go down now, we can only go to the rooftop to wait for rescue”

“I don’t know whether you are lucky or unlucky.”

“He must be lucky. If he hadn’t met us, he would have frozen to death here alone at night.”

People around him were talking one after another.

Hearing this, Kuroba Kaito couldn’t help but twitch his mouth.

Could it be that the fire in this building was set by Jingxian? Was he going to burn him to death? Did Jingxian have a grudge against him!??

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