Chapter 166 F15 dispatched, failed in battle [Subscribe please! ]

Ikebukuro Police Station.

Eri Kisaki came here to get a new driver’s license.

The apartment building where she lived caught fire, and all her documents, bank cards, credit cards, etc., were all burned. In the next period of time, she has to get all those things back as soon as possible.

After getting the driver’s license and coming out of the police station, Eri Kisaki immediately took a taxi and prepared to go to the nearby banks to get new bank cards one by one. As soon as she got in the car, she heard the news from Nichimi TV playing on the taxi radio.

The Demon King descended on Ginza and covered the entire Ginza with a huge barrier.

While most people were running away, the shrine maiden who eliminated the tree demon in Beika Town yesterday chose to go upstream, briefly broke the Demon King’s barrier, and entered the barrier.

It seems that she is going to eliminate the Great Demon King!

Eri Kisaki was immediately anxious when she heard it.

Xiaolan went to fight the Demon King alone? ? Are you kidding? ?

Eri Kisaki has never seen the Great Demon King, but she also knows about the Great Demon King!

It appeared on Tsukikage Island before, taking away the shadows of most people on the island, and also taking away five years of life of countless people including Maori Kogoro! Maori Kogoro saw with his own eyes that the Great Demon King was nearly 100 meters tall!!

Is that kind of existence something that humans can match! ?

Even if Xiaolan has spiritual power to exorcise demons, that kind of demon king is not something she can deal with!

Kisaki Eri immediately asked the driver to change the route and go to Ginza.

But the driver immediately rejected Kisaki Eri’s request and asked her to get off the car.

Not all drivers are as brave as the taxi driver who took Xiaolan.

The taxi driver didn’t take her, so Kisaki Eri had no choice but to get off the car, and then used the Shiki Paper Dance, turning paper into wings and flying towards Ginza.

Before at the Kamiki Shrine, she didn’t go out to save Xiaolan who was surrounded by reporters, because those reporters would not hurt Xiaolan.

But the Great Demon King is different.

The Great Demon King really kills people!

As a mother, how could she pretend not to know when she knew her daughter Xiaolan was in danger?


“They are Officers Sato and Takagi from the Metropolitan Police Department’s Demon Exorcism Division!”

“They attacked the demon king’s barrier! They broke it!! The demon king’s barrier was broken by them!!”

“Even though it was only a little bit, they did break the demon king’s barrier!!”

“Officers Sato and Takagi from the Exorcism Division rushed into the barrier without hesitation! I hope they can rescue the more than 100,000 people trapped in the barrier!”

“At the same time, I also hope that they can defeat the devil.…………”

NHK reporters filmed the scene of Sato Miwako and Takagi Wataru forcibly breaking the barrier and running in.

Metropolitan Police Department.

Metropolitan Police Department, seeing this scene, Megure Jusan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Regardless of whether the big devil was successfully eliminated in the end, their demon-killing class had at least tried their best.

Sato Miwako and Takagi rushed into the barrier, which saved their police a little face. In the air.

Ten F15s rushed from a distance.

The big devil appeared in Tokyo Ginza, which is very close to the center of politics, making all the high-ranking officials in Tokyo, even the locusts, very panic. The devil’s barrier surrounded a corner of the locust residence.

The Metropolitan Police Department, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of Justice, the Senate, the House of Representatives, the National Diet Building, and even the Prime Minister’s residence were all not far from the barrier.

As long as those ministers stood by the window, they could see the huge barrier that was like a bowl, upside down on the ground.

Standing higher, you can even see the big devil in the barrier with your naked eyes!

How could those people not be afraid?

After learning what happened in Ginza, Prime Minister Hashimoto immediately issued his own Prime Minister’s Order.

Order the Air Self-Defense Force to send fighter jets to

“”Protect the emperor!”

At the same time, he ordered the First Division to send troops into the Zhongyang District to protect it from the attack of the Great Devil.

The soldiers, armored vehicles and tanks of the First Division have not arrived yet, but the ten F15s of the Air Self-Defense Force have arrived.

“This is J01, this is J01, we have found the big devil, shall we launch an attack immediately?”

The pilot flew over the Zhongyang District and immediately saw the huge barrier that was turned upside down on the ground.

The whole picture is not clear from the ground, but from the air, the whole picture of the barrier can be basically seen.

It is precisely because you can see the whole picture that you know how terrifying the barrier released by the devil is.

It’s too big!

The area covered by the barrier is really too big!

A huge barrier with a radius of one kilometer, no matter who it is, has never seen such a scene before.

The particle defense shield in science fiction movies is probably like this.

Getting closer, the fighter pilot soon saw the big devil.

After all, the big devil is nearly 100 meters tall, and it is easy to spot the big devil even in the air.

“Launch an attack on the big devil immediately!!”

The fighter pilot’s headset came with an order from the Air Self-Defense Force headquarters……

Ginza is in Zhongyang District, and the political center of the capital is also in Zhongyang District!

Most of the government departments, ministers of various provinces, prime ministers, and even locusts are all in this area.

The big devil is too close to those people.

If the fighter can destroy the big devil, it would be the best.

After receiving the order from the superior, the pilots of ten fighters immediately used the fire control system to scan the target.

It turned out that they couldn’t find the target at all!! After all

, the big devil is not a fighter or a tank. It is parked on the ground without any movement and no heat source. It can’t be distinguished from the surrounding high-rise buildings.

Moreover, the big devil is actually a shadow aggregate, and it can’t be detected by radar at all.

God machine gun.

In the end, there was no choice but to use the naked eye to aim and launch air-to-air missiles, and at the same time turn on the auxiliary weapons installed on the outside of the right air intake. The M61A1 fires da da da da da swoosh swoosh boom!



A large number of bullets and air-to-air missiles hit the barrier, but it still only caused ripples in the barrier.

The air-to-air missiles carried by the ten F15s were all fired, but the barrier of the demon king covering the sky above Ginza was still intact.

Xiaolan’s magic-breaking arrow broke a gap of eight or nine meters.

Sato Miwako and Takagi Wataru’s attacks also barely broke a gap of one or two meters. Nearly a hundred air-to-air missiles and nearly ten thousand Vulcan cannon bullets 5.3, but failed to open even a small gap in the barrier.

After the ten F15s approached the barrier, they quickly increased their altitude to avoid hitting the barrier.

“This is J01! This is J01! Our attack is ineffective! We can’t break the Great Demon King’s barrier!!”

While the pilot reported to the headquarters, ten fighters launched an attack on the barrier, but the scene of returning in vain was broadcast live by all the media on the ground. Seeing this scene, the people were very disappointed with the Air Self-Defense Force!

Ten fighters purchased from the United States at a high price, but they couldn’t even break the demon king’s barrier!

This is too useless!!

Ten F15 fighters are not as good as the witch alone, and the two police officers Sato Miwako and Takagi Shigeru!

The people of Tokyo can only pin their hopes on the witch and the two extraordinary police officers of the Exorcism Class.

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