Chapter 178 Curse of the Wind Hole (Subscribe please!).

Xiaolan’s death made countless people feel desperate, and also shook countless people’s hearts.

As the righteous witch and the two extraordinary detectives of the Exorcism Class, some died and some were injured.

As for the two men in black who surrendered to the devil, they not only got back the five years of life that were taken away, but also left safely! And according to the words of the devil before, the superpowers they possessed seemed to be obtained by trading with the devil!

This really fulfilled the old saying.

Good people don’t pay for their lives, and the disasters will last for thousands of years!

Since there is no good end for being a good person, it is better to be a bad person!

In a shop, although Kudo Yusaku and Yukiko did not see Xiaolan being shot by a large piece of shadow arrows, they saw a large piece of shadow arrows falling.

They thought that Sato Miwako and Takagi Wataru, two police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department, were going to die.

But they didn’t expect that the result reported by the radio host on the mobile phone broadcast was that the witch was pierced by the large piece of shadow arrows in order to save people. died!


Yukiko covered her mouth in shock, unable to believe her ears.

Xiaolan is dead!? How could it be!?

Yukiko wanted to go out to confirm impulsively, but was stopped by Kudo Yusaku.

“Yukiko! Calm down!”

“If you go out now, not only will you fail to save Xiaolan, but you will also lose another life in vain!!”

Kudo Yusaku scolded in a low voice. They were not far from the location of the Great Demon King. If they made a little more noise, they might be discovered by the Great Demon King!

Then both of them would die!!

After being held by Kudo Yusaku, Yukiko calmed down. Yukiko did not rush out, but several people ran out of the shop next to them.

After those people came out, they knelt directly on the street and shouted loudly:”Master Demon King! We are willing to surrender to you too!! We ask Master Demon King to give us strength!! We also ask Master Demon King to reward us with our lifespans again!!”

“Please, Demon Lord!”


A group of people knelt on the ground and shouted, fearing that the devil could not hear their voices.

When Kudo Yusaku saw those people outside the window, his heart broke.

Are those people mentally ill?

They didn’t even think about what kind of people the devil wanted to recruit?

Xiaolan, the two police officers, and the two men in black, without exception, they were all extraordinary people!

Why do these ordinary people think that the devil would recruit them?

What does the devil want from them? Just because they can flatter him!?

And they shamelessly asked the devil for benefits! They want superpowers and longevity!


Do you think the devil is Aladdin’s magic lamp?

Originally, the devil was so tall that he would not pay much attention to them.

But now that these people shouted like this, wouldn’t the devil’s attention be attracted!?

Kudo Yusaku looked up and saw the devil… Wang Chao and the others looked over here.

He quickly pulled Yukiko back, fearing that they would be seen by the Demon King.

When Xiaolan suddenly detonated her spiritual power and blew up all the shadow soldiers surrounding her, Shenmu Nue was surprised. He was surprised at Xiaolan’s high fighting talent.

Before, she knew nothing and only had one magic-breaking arrow, but in the battle, she actually figured out two applications of spiritual power.

One is to build a barrier for defense, and the other is to explode spiritual power to cause damage to the outside.

Afterwards, Xiaolan ran in front of Sato Miwako to block the attack for Sato Miwako.

Shenmu Nue didn’t care much.

After all, Xiaolan has learned to use spiritual power to open the barrier, so there must be no problem blocking his shadow hair.

But Shenmu Nue didn’t expect that Xiaolan couldn’t even open the barrier! And then she was hit by a large number of Shadow arrows pierced the body!

You should know that among the large number of shadow arrows he fired at Sato Miwako, none of them was aimed at Sato Miwako’s vital points.

Even if Xiaolan didn’t come to rescue, Sato Miwako would not die. At most, she would be slightly injured and lie in the hospital for a while.

But Xiaolan’s sudden intervention and failure to open the barrier made Shenmu Nue have no time to control the shadow arrows that were shot out.

Then Xiaolan was pierced through the body by several shadow arrows! One of them even pierced her heart!

In the end, Xiaolan was really dead!

As for why Shenmu Nue was so sure? Of course it was because the spiritual power he had given to Xiaolan before was returned! Xiaolan was actually killed by him personally.

Although this was not his original intention, it is a fact!

Fortunately, Shenmu Nue has more than one way to resurrect people, otherwise he really

Suddenly, Shenmu Nue heard people shouting at his feet, as if someone was shouting”9898 Demon Lord”. Looking down along the sound, he saw several people kneeling in the middle of the road. They kowtowed and shouted loudly, saying that they wanted to submit to him, and hoped that he would give them extraordinary powers and return their lives. Shenmu Nue was happy. Are these people brains good?

Just by saying they would submit to him, they wanted him to give them extraordinary powers and return their lives.

Are they making a wish to him as a dragon god?

Xiaolan, Sato Miwako, Gin, they are all important characters in the Conan world, and they are all people who already have extraordinary powers. What kind of little Karami are these people?

But what Shenmu Nue cares more about is that he saw two familiar figures in the store near those people!

Kudo Yusaku and Yukiko!!

These two people were also locked in the barrier? It turned out to be such a coincidence! ?

Shenmu Nue’s mind moved.

Several shadow bats nearby turned into a black shadow and quietly sneaked into the store.

Then they confirmed that it was indeed Kudo Yusaku and Yukiko!

Shenmu Nue suddenly had an idea.

“Hehehehehehe!! This demon king doesn’t need garbage!”


Shenmu Nue waved his hand casually, and dozens of wind blades flew downwards.

However, only a few of those dozens of wind blades were heading for the people in the middle of the road. More wind blades flew towards the buildings on both sides.

The focus was on the building where Kudo Yusaku and Yukiko were hiding.

Boom boom boom!!

The wind blades collided with the building and the ground, splashing a large amount of dust.

Cracks were cut into the building and the ground, and the few people who ran out earlier were directly cut in half by the wind blades.

Seeing this scene, some people nearby who were originally ready to move did not dare to come out.

They only lost a few years of life now, but if they went out like those people, they would die! However, the buildings hit by the wind blades were different.

The people hiding inside fled one after another.

Kudo Yusaku also pulled Yukiko and ran out of the store.

Just now, a wind blade shot into the ground close to his instep, almost cutting off his foot.

The house they were hiding in became even more shaky and could collapse at any time, so they naturally didn’t dare to hide in it any longer.

“Hehehehehe! There are still so many people hiding?”

“You are very brave! This demon king has decided to give you a gift!!”

The demon king transformed by Shenmu Nue waved his hand, and several black streams of light flew towards Kudo Yusaku and others.


The black stream of light pierced through the bodies of six or seven people, including Kudo Yusaku.

Each person was pierced in a different part of the body, some were pierced in the palm, some were pierced in the chest, some were pierced in the arm, and some were pierced in the calf.

Kudo Yusaku’s lower abdomen was this.

This is the curse [Wind Cave】!



Boom! Boom!



Hundreds of explosions suddenly erupted on the barrier.

Shenmu Nue looked into the distance and saw a large number of armed helicopters, as well as a large number of armored vehicles, tanks, and self-propelled artillery, surrounding the barrier.





Tanks, self-propelled artillery, and helicopters all began to fire at the barrier.

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