Metropolitan Police Department, Investigation Division 1, Investigation Division 3.

The atmosphere in the entire office was not very good, because the management officer of Investigation Division 1 just came over and scolded all of them.

The morning news on Nichimi TV has been broadcasted, and the superiors naturally know that there is a traitor among their police officers.

Most of the detectives in the Criminal Division actually know about the haunted incidents in the Metropolitan Police Department, the haunted incidents in the hospital, the haunted incidents in the medical university, and the supernatural incidents in the Tokyo base.

However, in the fog water ghost murder incident that occurred last night, only the police officers of Investigation Division 1 and Investigation Division 3 were present.

The police officers in other offices did not know about this incident, so the traitor could only be among them.

After the management officer of Investigation Division 1 left, Officer Megure did not scold others.

In fact, if he had not considered his own future, he would have wanted to expose the series of supernatural incidents that had occurred recently.

In addition, Officer Megure also had some doubts. Would the police officer who did not want to reveal his name in the news be Maori Kogoro?

If so, then he himself would become the traitor, and naturally he would be embarrassed to scold others.

Officials from the Metropolitan Police Department and the National Police Agency are also discussing whether to make public the series of supernatural events that have occurred in recent days.

If there are only a few supernatural events, then for the sake of public security, they will naturally be concealed from the public.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, the supernatural events in Tokyo do not seem to be stopping, but are getting more and more intense!

First there were supernatural events within the Metropolitan Police Department and the Tokyo Prefectural Office, and then the supernatural events spread to major hospitals and medical schools.

Last night, those ghosts were no longer limited to hospitals and medical schools, they would go out from these places and kill people outside.

At the same time, there was also a"water ghost", and fire was of no use to the"water ghost".

‘Not only is the range of ghosts' activities getting bigger and bigger, but there are also new ghosts! Today there is a new water ghost, will there be more ghosts tomorrow?

After careful discussion, the Metropolitan Police Department and the National Police Agency finally made a decision.

Wait and see for two more days.

If the supernatural events still do not decrease, then all supernatural events will be announced to the public.

And if the supernatural events decrease or even disappear, then naturally they will not admit the existence of supernatural events.

As long as they refuse to admit it, what can the public do to them?

After the meeting, the White Horse Superintendent immediately passed on the decision of the meeting and ordered everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department not to admit the existence of supernatural events in any occasion.

What else can the people below do? Naturally, they can only obey orders.

Of course, obeying orders is only obeying orders in public. In private, if you talk about supernatural events with three or two friends, the Metropolitan Police Department will not be able to find out.

Everyone has family and friends.

The police officers don't want the people around them to be at a loss when encountering supernatural events, and can only be killed by ghosts in despair.

Teitan High School, Class B, Year 2.

Wang Nue sat by the window, apparently looking out the window in a daze, but in fact he was happy alone looking at the emotional value in the system.

When he got up in the morning, he only had 150,000 emotional points.

But now, he has 800,000 emotional points! This is the power of news!

Today's morning news on Nichimi TV let more people know about the supernatural events that have happened in recent days.

Of course, not everyone has seen the morning news on Nichimi TV today, and not everyone believes that supernatural events have occurred.

But even if only some people believe it, Wang Nue has harvested hundreds of thousands of emotional points.

At the current rate of harvesting emotional points, his emotional points should be able to break one million before the class ends at noon.

At that time, I will draw a purple blind box ten times in a row, and I will definitely get a few good things!

Sure enough, for Conan himself in the world of Conan, ghosts are more likely to cause panic than terrorist organizations.

There are too many deaths in the world of Conan, and murders happen every day, and even several times a day. People in the world of Conan are used to it.

Even if it is a terrorist organization, it is just an ordinary murder, but there are more murderers.

But haunting is different.

Japan is a country that believes in all kinds of monsters and ghosts. Foxes, snakes, and even kappa can be worshipped as gods.

There are also a lot of urban legends among the people. Urban legends have already scared many people. Now that there is a real ghost, it will naturally make more people feel scared.

On the way to school, Xiaolan told Sonoko about the water ghost incident she encountered last night.

"What!? Xiaolan, you really encountered a supernatural event! ? ?"Yunoko was shocked.

Before, although they knew that supernatural events happened, those supernatural events did not happen around them, and the feeling was not strong.

Although they were also afraid, they just didn't dare to go out at night.

They thought that as long as they didn't go out, ghosts would not find them.

Now Xiaolan really encountered a supernatural event, and the one she encountered was a water ghost, which was different from the ghosts that appeared before!

"Xiaolan! Don't go out at night anymore, it's too scary outside at night!" Sonoko said while holding Xiaolan's arm.

These days, she hasn't stepped out of the house at night! Unexpectedly, Xiaolan was so stubborn that she followed Maori Kogoro to solve the case.

And then they really encountered ghosts!

Fortunately, Xiaolan was fine. If something happened to Xiaolan, she would really cry to death!

"My dad is out, so I don't dare to be home alone.……"Xiaolan was also terrified.

According to the ability of the ghost described by Inspector Megure, if the ghost had kidnapped her, she would not have been able to escape. The final outcome would have been the same as that of the short-haired girl, being dragged into the river and drowned.

""Ran! Let's go to the Kamiki shrine to worship after school!" Sonoko suggested.

Ran looked puzzled:"But, didn't Kamiki say that something in his house is not so effective?"

"But Kamiki-san predicted supernatural events! Regardless of whether the Kamiki family shrine is effective or not, at least Kamiki-san must have real abilities! Maybe he is the reincarnation of Lord Haruaki.~!"Yuanzi emphasized that

"Sonoko, Haruaki-sama is an Onmyoji, and Kamiki is a priest. They have different professions.……"Xiaolan didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Even if Lord Qingming was reincarnated, he should be reincarnated as an Onmyoji, right?

However, she agreed with what Sonoko said before.

Kamiki-san predicted supernatural events, so at least he has real skills!

Maybe it was because of the amulet given by Kamiki-san that the water ghost didn't find her last night!

It's also right to visit the Kamiki family shrine more often.

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