Supernatural forum.

The sea monster incident that occurred in Tokyo Bay this morning also became a hot topic

#What is going on in this world? First it was ghosts! Now it’s sea monsters! Is the end of the century coming?

#I don't dare to go to the beach anymore.

#I have stockpiled three years' worth of food. Even if the world ends, I can at least survive for another three years!

#I'm different. I stocked up on guns and a lot of Molotov cocktails. If the end of the world is coming, I'll go steal food from my neighbors.

#Damn! I want to get a gun too!!

#What doomsday? It's not happening. Didn't you notice that ghosts and sea monsters all appeared in Tokyo?

#So what? Tokyo is cursed!?

#It must be that old dog Mingren did something immoral and offended Amaterasu, so Amaterasu punished him!

#Why are these paranormal events confined to Tokyo? Shouldn't the entire country be punished?

#Tokyo is the closest, other places will probably be soon

#Japan is too dangerous, I want to go to the United States!!


Shenmu Shrine.

Wang Nue was watching the morning news.���He ate breakfast happily.

In the past two days, his emotional points have exceeded one million again.

Now there is another incident of sea monster attacking ships in Tokyo Bay, and not only Nichimi TV is reporting it, but other TV stations are also reporting it one after another.

With such a large-scale report, I believe that his emotional points will surge again today.

Originally, he thought that the Japanese government would block the news of the sea monster, so he found Ryuji Hosoya of Nichimi TV in advance.

Unexpectedly, the official did not block the news of the sea monster at all. Or, there was no time to block the news.

This time, Wang Nue was not in a hurry to consume emotional points for the lottery, and the things he had drawn before had not been fully used.

He was going to stock up again to see if he could stockpile emotional points to 10 million, and then draw ten consecutive pink blind boxes.

The things in the pink blind box must be better than those in the purple blind box, and it is more cost-effective.

At this time, he didn't know that he gave Xiaolan the power to exorcise demons, and Xiaolan was intercepted by the Metropolitan Police Department before she came to his family's shrine to be a shrine maiden.

But it doesn't matter much.

Xiaolan's demon-slaying ability was given by him, so he could naturally take it back.

He only needed to take back Xiaolan's power little by little, and then Xiaolan would stay in his family's shrine and slowly recover her power.

This would make Xiaolan and everyone else think that if she wanted to keep her spiritual power, she had to stay in his shrine.

As for whether doing so would make people covet his family's shrine, and thus drive him out of his own shrine and occupy his family's shrine?

Wang Nue was not worried.

He felt that the tycoons and politicians in the Conan world should not be so stupid and short-sighted, right?

And it was him who really gave Xiaolan power, not his family's shrine.

If someone really dared to do that, he would make the other person regret coming to this world.

He now has the [Water Transformation Technique], which makes him"invincible". Except for a witch in the Conan world who is unknown whether she exists, no attack from others can hurt him. The combat power ceiling of the Conan world, Kyogoku Makoto, stood in front of him. He stood still and let Kyogoku Makoto attack him. Kyogoku Makoto was exhausted and could not cause any harm to him.

In addition to the uncertainty of nuclear weapons, other weapons of mass destruction are also ineffective against him.

As for weapons of mass destruction such as poison gas, he believes that those politicians in Japan would not dare to use them in Tokyo, right?


Beika Art Museum.

After practicing for many days, Director Ochiai can finally ensure that his plan is foolproof.

Not only can he kill Boss Manaka, who wants to turn the art museum into a hotel, but he can also frame the crime of murder on Kubota, who does not care for the artworks in the museum and even often steals and sells the artworks in the museum.

Those two bastards were punished, and his goal was achieved.

According to the plan, Director Ochiai called Boss Manaka to the Hell Room where medieval armor was exhibited, and hid in a medieval armor in advance.

After Boss Manaka came, he killed Boss Manaka according to the steps in the plan.

And left forged evidence at the scene to frame the crime of murder on employee Kubota.

However, just as Director Ochiai, who was wearing armor, was about to leave the Hell Room and put the bloody armor on his body into Kubota's cabinet, a suit of armor in the Hell Room suddenly moved.

The armor walked down from the booth with a two-handed sword in hand.

Director Ochiai stopped and looked at the other armor in surprise:"Who are you?……?"

He thought there was someone hiding in the armor like him.

He hid in the armor to kill people, but what was this person hiding in the armor for? Did he want to kill people like him? Or was he planning to steal the artworks in the museum?

He killed Boss Manaka and this person saw him, so he couldn't keep him alive.

Although he was almost seventy years old, he still hoped to spend his old age in peace if possible.

But the shadow armor didn't speak, and he raised the two-handed sword in his hand and stabbed at Director Ochiai.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Seeing that the other party not only ignored him but also attacked him directly, Director Ochiai immediately turned sideways, snatched the long sword from another medieval armor beside him, and then faced him head-on.

Although he is almost seventy years old, he was also a powerful swordsman when he was young!

Even now, ordinary people are not his opponents.

Otherwise, he would not have been able to kill Boss Manaka so easily.

This is indeed the case. Director Ochiai's swordsmanship is really strong. He easily avoided the attack of the shadow armor, and then slashed at the neck of the shadow armor with a sword.

Almost in an instant, Director Ochiai chopped off the head of the shadow armor, but he was stunned.

Because after being beheaded, the man in front of him did not spurt out blood, and the helmet that fell to the ground was empty, with no head at all!

Just as Director Ochiai was stunned, the two-handed long sword in the hands of the shadow armor also came in front of him and instantly pierced his chest.

"cough cough……"Director Ochiai coughed up blood.

At this time, he finally saw the inside of the armor through the hole in the neck of the armor.

The armor was empty, where was the person?

Shadow Armor drew out the long sword, then walked towards the helmet that fell to the side, picked up the helmet, and put it back on the"neck".

Finally, he stood back on its display stand.

Director Ochiai felt that his body's strength was rapidly draining away, and his legs were unable to support the weight of himself and the armor. He knelt on the ground with a snap, and finally fell face forward.

‘Is this... retribution?……’

Director Ochiai never imagined that there was actually a medieval armor that could walk on its own in the museum!

He wanted to use the armor to kill people, but he was killed by the armor instead.

It's really... ironic...

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