After successfully catching the shadow zombie, Gin and his team immediately sent it to Shirley's lab.

The shadow zombie was tied up and sent to the test bench.

Including Shirley, all the researchers had never seen a living ghost!

Before, when they saw a dead ghost, they only thought it was a corpse.

But when they saw a living ghost, they were very surprised.’,‘They couldn't treat a moving 'ghost' as a ghost at all.

Because the shadow zombies were really no different from normal humans except for their different complexion.

But after Shirley and other researchers extracted some tissues from the ghosts for testing, they were surprised to find that

‘Although the 'ghost' looks the same as a living person, all the cells in its body are dead!!

How can the dead cells make the 'ghost' move! ? ?

Including Shirley, all the researchers immediately became interested in the 'ghost'!

For living people, they have not been able to conduct research without restraint, but for a dead person, there is nothing to worry about.

Drawing blood, digging out the heart, beheading, suturing broken limbs, etc., all kinds of things are done to the shadow zombie.

The shadow zombie just won't die!

This makes a large number of researchers even more interested.

Shirley is also very interested in the ghost in front of her.

Is this a disguised form of immortality?

If we can figure out the principle of the 'ghost' activity, can we achieve immortality?

The researchers of the Black Organization conducted detailed research and experiments on the shadow zombie.


Suwa Yuji was very happy.

Since he obtained the Thunder God Sword, he has acquired extraordinary swordsmanship that no mortal can master.

He only showed off a little bit of his skills during the enrollment, showing a little bit of his strength to those students who have not registered yet.

He recruited a large number of students!

In just one day, he earned more than five million in registration fees!

Not counting the money he had saved before, just one day's registration fee was enough for him to pay off the loan and interest he borrowed from Maruden Jiro, and redeem his mortgaged family heirloom sword.

Excited, Suwa Yuji immediately called Maruden Jiro and made an appointment with him to meet tomorrow evening.

At that time, he would go to pay back the money.

Thinking that he could finally redeem the family heirloom sword, Suwa Yuji was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

Although the Suwa family heirloom sword is not as good as the Thunder God Sword that he accidentally obtained, it is after all a sword passed down from generation to generation in the Suwa family.

If he loses it in his hands, how can he meet his ancestors after his death?


In Tokyo Bay, the warships of the Coast Guard have been roaming around in Tokyo Bay for a whole day.

All the sonars have been turned on for a whole day, with the purpose of finding the sea monster that appeared in Tokyo Bay in the early morning and destroyed a fishing boat.

Whether it is for safety reasons or other considerations, the death order issued by the top leaders of Japan is to catch the sea monster!

But many warships have been in Tokyo Bay for a whole day, and the sonar has not detected any trace of the sea monster.

They even drove to the sea outside Tokyo Bay, but still did not find any trace of the sea monster.

If there were not many fishermen who witnessed the appearance of the sea monster with their own eyes, and the wreckage of those fishing boats remained at the scene.

The people of the Coast Guard might have thought it was someone's prank.

How could they know that after attacking the fishing boat, it immediately hid on the seabed and dug a cave on the seabed that could accommodate itself and drilled in.

After eating and drinking, it is natural to sleep.

When the food in the stomach is almost digested, the king of the offshore will come out again to attack the fishing boat.

The next morning.

Wang Nue ate Ichiraku ramen while watching the morning news on TV.

As time went by, the media reported more and more about"ghosts".

Shadow zombies come out every night and kill people and suck their blood.

Hundreds of people are killed every day.

Nowadays, Tokyo is much quieter at night.

Although the Tokyo government has never acknowledged the existence of"ghosts", the number of shadow zombies has increased, and more people have encountered them.

Monsters that are fast, powerful, not afraid of pain, and can't be killed, what else can they be but ghosts?

Even if the Japanese government can control the media, not all citizens are stupid.

In addition to shadow zombies, Tokyo often has a fog that can cover hundreds of meters in radius.

Every time the fog appears, there will be a woman's cry for help. When the fog dissipates, the body of the girl will be found in the nearby river.

This has become a hot topic.

Although the police said that the water ghost murder case was committed by a perverted murderer. But how to explain the fog that covers hundreds of meters in radius and has extremely low visibility? It is extreme weather if it appears once, but it is still extreme weather if it appears every day?

And every time the fog appears, a girl dies. This can no longer be explained by coincidence.

A 'fog man' has appeared in Tokyo.’、‘The urban legend of the 'Mist Woman'.

Compared with these, the Shadow Demon seems to have no sense of existence. The

Shadow Demon will only use the Sharingan to use illusions to 'control' others when Wang Nue gives him a task.

Otherwise, the Shadow Demon's favorite thing to do is to appear in different bathrooms and hide in the shadows to peek at boys taking a bath.

Wang Nue seriously suspected that the shadows used to create the Shadow Demon were probably the shadows of female perverted voyeurs?

But Wang Nue was too lazy to care. The shadows he plundered through the Shadow-Shadow Fruit would retain some of the original owner's instincts.

As long as they still obeyed his orders and did not rebel, and the shadows had some of their own hobbies, he was too lazy to care.

Let the Shadow Demon peek at other men taking a bath, just don't peek at him.

In addition to those ghosts, the sea monster that appeared yesterday was also reported by major media.

A huge sea monster attacked several fishing boats in a few minutes, killing more than 30 people and a large number of witnesses.

This morning, those small fishing boats fishing near the coast did not dare to leave the port.

Wang Nue took a look at his current emotional point, which had reached more than three million points, close to four million points. After a few more days, he should be able to draw the pink blind box ten times in a row.

How could he not be happy?

Wang Nue was watching the news when someone suddenly called him outside the house.

"sacred tree~!"

He recognized that it was Xiaolan's voice.

Wang Nue thought that Xiaolan and Sonoko came to play with him, or came to the family shrine to worship the sacred tree. But when he opened the door, he saw Xiaolan and a group of people standing at the door.

He knew some of them.

Not to mention Maori Kogoro and Conan, Inspector Megure, Sato Miwako, Takagi Wataru, Chiba Kazunobu and others are all criminal police officers of the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Xiaolan, what are you doing?……?"

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