Chapter 66 The King of the Coast Reappears, and the Metropolitan Police Department Obtains the Sword of Thor [Please subscribe! ].

While Wang Nue was helping three college girls exorcise demons at the Metropolitan Police Department, the King of the Coast, who had been lurking on the seabed, came out of the underwater cave again.

After eating last time, it dug a cave on the seabed and crawled in.

While resting, it also avoided the Coast Guard ships that were searching for it on the sea.

The Coast Guard ships are actually warships with a displacement of thousands of tons. The largest ships even have a displacement of more than 9,000 tons.

The warships are not only equipped with various anti-aircraft and anti-sea radars, various sonars, but also various weapons.

40mm naval guns, ship-borne machine guns, helicopters, and even illegal torpedoes.

These weapons can still cause considerable damage to the King of the Coast.

Although the King of the Coast is

“Monster-level creatures, but they are still carbon-based creatures after all. Before they master the skill of domineering, they are still mortal.”

If a 40mm naval gun hits you, it will also cause serious injuries. If you are hit by a torpedo, even the king of the coastal waters will be killed.


Fortunately, after a few days of patrols, the Coast Guard has not found any sea monsters, so their vigilance has been greatly reduced.

They believe that the sea monster that appeared in Tokyo Bay before has left Tokyo Bay and entered the Pacific Ocean.

Except for a few ships that have been sailing at the mouth of Tokyo Bay, all other ships have returned to the military port or gone to other places to perform missions. The fishermen in Tokyo have also gone out to sea to fish again one after another.

The sea monster has not appeared for a few days, which makes the captains of the ships believe that the sea monster has left.

Even if they are not very sure, they have to go out to sea again.

After all, they have to live.

If the fishermen don’t go out to sea to fish, what will they eat? It’s okay not to go out to sea for one or two days, but if they can’t catch the sea monster, will they never go out to sea in the future? Is it the sea? The King of the Near Sea emerged from the underwater cave and shuttled along the seabed at a very fast speed.

It is noon now.

In the early morning, a group of fishing boats have returned with full loads. But at noon, there are also fishing boats returning to the port with a boatload of fish. The King of the Near Sea has smelled the fragrance of food.

Soon, the King of the Near Sea found the target. After swimming near the fishing boat, it suddenly emerged from the water and bit the fishing boat into pieces with one bite. Most of the fish were swallowed by the King of the Near Sea.

Several unlucky fishermen were also eaten by the King of the Near Sea. For the King of the Near Sea, there is no difference between humans and food.

Today is a sunny day, and the view on the sea is extremely wide. The scene of the King of the Near Sea jumping out of the water to attack the fishing boat was seen by many witnesses.

“ocean…………The sea monster is coming again!!”

“Run away!!”

“Contact the Coast Guard now!!”

“Throw away the fish! Throw away the fish quickly!!”

The surrounding fishing boats sped up and fled. The people on several yachts were also scared and quickly fled.

Only the second-generation rich man on a yacht looked indifferent.

“Why are you running? The sea monsters are attacking fishing boats. They are obviously hungry and attracted by the fish in the boats.”

“We are on a yacht, and there are no fish in the cabin. The sea monster will not attack us~”

The rich second generation looked confident.

However, just as the rich second generation finished speaking, a huge head emerged from the sea next to the yacht and bit the yacht into pieces.

The rich second generation standing on the yacht, as well as several coolly dressed young girls on the yacht, were all swallowed into the body of the King of the Coast.

If there were no orders from Wang Nue, the King of the Coast might really only attack fishing boats, after all, there were food in the fishing boats.

But Wang He’s order was to let it make trouble, and the bigger the better.

This yacht is different from the surrounding fishing boats, and the key is that it doesn’t run away. Isn’t this a provocation to the majesty of the King of the Coast? The King of the Coast immediately chose this yacht as a target.

The people on this yacht probably never thought in their lives that they would be eaten by sea monsters.

While driving the fishing boats to escape, the captains contacted the Coast Guard and asked the Coast Guard to send ships to destroy the sea monsters. Some people contacted the media, and some people contacted the Metropolitan Police Department.

Then the alarm center assigned the task to the Exorcism Division.

After all, that sea monster doesn’t look like a normal creature, maybe it’s a ghost?

When receiving the task assigned by the alarm center, Officer Megure felt like his whole body was about to break apart.

Ask them to destroy the sea monster? ?

Are you sure they are not asking them to deliver rations to the sea monster? ?

As a criminal police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department, Officer Megure also knew about the sea monster, and even the Metropolitan Police Department estimated the size of the sea monster.

The sea monster is at least more than 100 meters long! It may even be 300 or 400 meters long!

The sea monster has a perverted bite force, and it can bite a fishing boat that is more than 10 meters long into pieces!.

This equipment can kill ordinary ghosts, but asking them to kill a sea monster that is hundreds of meters long, is this asking for their lives?

Although they are from the Exorcism Division, they are just ordinary humans less than two meters tall, and their weapons are flamethrowers, Molotov cocktails, high-power stun guns, metal mesh rope guns, etc. Officer Megure looked at Wang Nue for help..

“Mr. Shenmu…………”

Wang Nue interrupted what Officer Megure was about to say:”Officer Megure, please stop joking. I know a little bit about exorcism, but I’m not Kamen Rider and I can’t beat monsters.”

“The Coast Guard has so many ships, just leave the sea monsters to them.”

Wang Nue complained.

He also heard the task assigned by the alarm center, and he really had to complain about the people in the Metropolitan Police Department’s alarm center.

Are those people’s brains stuck in the door?

Only the army can deal with sea monsters of the size of the King of the Coast. Even if they receive a call, the Superintendent should be asked to contact the military department. They actually gave such an outrageous task to their colleagues.

Wang Nue seriously doubted whether Officer Megure had offended the people in the alarm center.

Rejecting Officer Megure’s request for help, Wang Nue left the Metropolitan Police Department directly with the money for exorcism.

Investigation Division 1.

Shiratori Renzaburo took the

“The Thor’s Sword and the case report that had just been rushed out were handed over to the head of the Investigation Division, Matsumoto Kiyonaga.”Kiyonaga

Matsumoto knew the magic of the”Thor’s Sword” and did not dare to delay. He immediately took Shiratori Renzaburo and went directly to the Hakuba Superintendent General, bypassing the temporarily vacant Criminal Division Chief.

“Oh? It really is a magical sword.…………”

The fifty-year-old White Horse Police Chief held the”Sword of Thor” in his hand and felt the power he had gained.

Even though he was a politician, not a samurai, he was somewhat attracted by this extraordinary power.

“If such a dangerous weapon falls into the hands of 1.4 criminals with bad intentions, the consequences will be disastrous.…………”

Suwa Yuji is an example.

“The Thunder God Sword was put back into the scabbard and returned to the Chief of the Investigation Division, Matsumoto Kiyonaga.

“Matsumoto, this sword will be kept by your class for the time being. You must ensure the absolute safety of this sword!”

“Later, I will issue a notice to invite the best swordsman in the Metropolitan Police Department to participate in the election. From now on, this sword will be given to this person.”

“At the same time, this person will also be transferred to the Exorcism Division. In this way, in addition to Miss Xiaolan, your Exorcism Division will have a second combat force.”

Superintendent Hakuba decided the ownership of the”Sword of Thunder God” in just a few words.


Matsumoto Kiyonaga felt a lot of pressure, but he still accepted the order.

He just hoped that nothing unexpected would happen before the kendo master was selected in the Metropolitan Police Department.

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