Chapter 90: Shiho Miyano escapes from the organization and encounters a water ghost.

Keita Ochiai’s ex-girlfriend is dead, and her current boyfriend is also dead.

Since they just happened to meet, he will naturally not let the other party go.

Keita Ochiai made a lot of noise, after all, he chopped the alloy door of the luxury apartment into four pieces. The sound of the metal door hitting the ground was particularly harsh at one o’clock in the morning.

In addition, during today’s evening news time, the news on major TV stations were reporting the announcement issued by the police department, causing many people to be unable to sleep at all. After hearing the noise, the people living opposite immediately ran behind the door quietly and watched the situation outside through the cat’s eye on the door.

When he saw a man breaking into the neighbor’s house opposite, the man quickly took out his mobile phone to call the police.

Fortunately, Keita Ochiai did not waste too much time reminiscing with his ex-girlfriend. He just chatted for a few words and then drew his knife to kill.

First, in front of his ex-girlfriend, he castrated the man who hooked up with his ex-girlfriend with a knife, and then killed his ex-girlfriend with another knife.

Finally, he killed the man who had changed his sex with a knife.

Then he quickly left the scene.

Not long after he left, the detectives from the First Investigation Division arrived at the scene.

This time, it was not Shiratori Rensaburo who led the team. Shiratori and Sato were both injured and hospitalized, and they might not be able to be discharged in a short time.

The police arrived at the murder scene.

Seeing the situation at the scene, even the detectives from the First Investigation Division who had seen many murder scenes felt that the murderer’s methods were too cruel. Many detectives felt a chill in their crotch.

The dead at the scene were a man and a woman. Both of the dead were naked. The male dead’s little turtle was chopped off, but this was not a fatal injury. The cause of death was that his head was chopped off.

The other female dead was even more miserable. She was directly cut in half with a knife.


Being cut in half will not kill you immediately. It will take a few minutes or even more than ten minutes for the blood to flow before you die. If the position of the cut is a little downward, then you will live longer. There are surveillance cameras at the entrance of this high-end residential area. With the testimony of the neighbors opposite, the police quickly locked in Keita Ochiai’s identity.

“Isn’t this Keita Ochiai! ?”

Someone recognized Keita Ochiai from the video.

After all, Keita Ochiai was taken to the Metropolitan Police Department as a suspect a few days ago.

At the same time, someone also recognized the extraordinary weapon, the Thor’s Sword.

“The knife in his hand…………It’s the Thor’s Sword! ? ?”

In the Metropolitan Police Department, many people have participated in the qualification selection for using the Thor’s Sword.

Most detectives are certainly familiar with the Thor’s Sword, a supernatural weapon that the Metropolitan Police Department once owned.

A few days ago, Ryoichi Mifune lost the Thor’s Sword, and quite a few detectives in the Metropolitan Police Department were dissatisfied with him.

Everyone felt that if they were the ones who owned the Thor’s Sword, they would definitely not lose the Thor’s Sword like Ryoichi Mifune!

“The murderer actually possesses the Thor’s Sword. This case is not something our Investigation Division 1 can be responsible for. Report it and apply to transfer the case to the Exorcism Division.” The responsible police chief made a decision.

The previous incident in the Metropolitan Police Department when Suwa Yuji made a scene, let everyone know that ordinary people like them could never be the opponents of extraordinary people.

The gun is fast at seven steps away, and the gun is fast and accurate within seven steps. This does not apply to extraordinary people at all.

Only extraordinary people can deal with extraordinary people!

In a drug research institute of the Black Organization.

Two days ago, after learning that her sister died at the hands of Gin, Shirley began to go on strike to protest her dissatisfaction with Gin.

As for the information provided by Gin, saying that her sister turned into a raccoon cat monster and attacked them.

Shirley didn’t believe this kind of nonsense at all.

Her parents died when she was very young, and she didn’t even have her parents in her memory.

The memory of her parents was obtained through photos.

And her sister Her sister was the only relative she had in this world.

The death of her sister made Shirley collapse and despair. She didn’t want to continue working for the organization.

She worked hard for the organization, but in return the organization killed her closest people!

How could she accept this?

Several days of absenteeism in protest made the organization a little impatient.

So, Gin ordered the security personnel in the pharmaceutical company to lock up Shirley and let her calm down.

If Shirley changed her mind and was willing to continue working for the organization, she would be released. If Shirley still resisted the organization when Gin and the others returned to the pharmaceutical company, she would have no choice but to punish her.

In the confinement room, Shirley, who was handcuffed to the water pipe by the security personnel of the pharmaceutical company, took out a pill of APTX4869 that she had secretly hidden from her pocket, hesitated for a moment, and then threw it into her mouth and ate it…….

The death of her elder sister means that her last relative in this world is gone.

In this case, it is better to die. Maybe on the way to hell, she can catch up with her elder sister.

In addition, if she is lucky, a small probability event will happen to her, so that she will not die, but her body will become smaller.

Then she can escape from here through the garbage outlet.

Maybe it is the blessing of her elder sister’s spirit in heaven. After taking APTX4869, she did not die, but her body shrank to the size of a seven or eight-year-old elementary school student!

The shrinking of her body allowed her to break free from the handcuffs.

After that, she used all her strength to crawl to the side of the garbage outlet, crawled into the garbage outlet, and escaped from the drug research institute through the garbage passage. With a shrunken body, Shiho Miyano crawled out of the garbage dump and walked blankly on the street at night.

She successfully escaped from the organization.

But where should she go next? Where can she find a place to stay?

And her elder sister is dead, what is the meaning of living next?

Find a group���Revenge?

Haha…………Forget it. With the powerful force of the organization, she simply cannot fight against it. She should just live alone in the future. For some reason, Shiho Miyano suddenly thought of Kudo Shinichi.

After being fed APTX4869 by Gin, Kudo Shinichi just disappeared, but was not confirmed dead.

APTX4869 is her important project. It is rare for this drug to have some human experimental targets. Naturally, she cannot give up any experimental results.

So she took the time to search Kudo Shinichi’s house twice.

Then it was discovered that Kudo Shinichi’s body seemed to have become smaller, because Kudo Shinichi’s clothes when he was a child disappeared during the second search.

Thinking of this, Shiho Miyano changed direction and walked towards the direction of Beika Town. As her body also became smaller, Kudo Shinichi, the high school student detective, should be able to understand her current situation and take her in, right?

Otherwise, with her current status as an elementary school student, I am afraid that she will only be sent to an orphanage in the end, and finally see if there is any kind-hearted person to adopt her.

However, as they walked, a large amount of thick fog suddenly appeared in the air around them. The fog appeared very quickly, and in just a dozen seconds, visibility dropped to the lowest. Seeing this scene, Miyano Shiho was shocked.

“No way…………I just escaped from the organization and met the fog man! ? ?”

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