Chapter 99 Keita Ochiai encounters a tree demon [Please subscribe! ]

The Black Organization’s drug research institute.

Gin and his little brother Vodka stood in front of the surveillance screen in the security room.

On the surveillance screen, the surveillance video inside the drug research institute was being played at double speed. The focus was on the small room where Miyano Shiho was previously imprisoned. But after watching the surveillance video last night, no one was seen entering or leaving the small room.

Gin’s face was as cold as ice, and the security personnel standing in the security room were all silent. Gin’s momentum was too scary!

“Hey! What are you guys looking at?! So many people were looking at that woman, and she actually let her escape!!”

“Now no one is talking! ? Can anyone tell me how that woman Shirley escaped!!!”

Vodka shouted at the security guards.

“Brother Vodka, we really don’t know…………”

“The brothers who were patrolling last night and the brothers who were guarding the gate were not lazy and did not notice Shirley at all.…………”

The security captain explained

“Bakayaloo! You bastard, you still dare to quibble!!”

Vodka raised his hand and slapped the security captain, making his face swollen.

“I didn’t see Shirley leave, so why didn’t you tell me why that woman wasn’t in the company?”

Vodka asked loudly.

After being slapped, the security captain lowered his head and didn’t dare to make any explanation.

Seeing that the security captain didn’t say anything, Vodka was also angry.

What’s the matter? Is he using silence to express his dissatisfaction?

Vodka was about to slap this useless guy again, and Gin, with a cold look in his eyes, spoke up.

“Enough of vodka”

“Forehead…………Got it, big brother.”

Vodka put down his raised hand.

“Let everyone pack up, this research institute cannot be used anymore.”

Gin said coldly.

“Got it, big brother.”

Vodka nodded immediately, then looked at the security captain beside him.

“What are you still standing there for!? Why don’t you go and tell everyone to pack up!?”

“Hi! Hi!”

The security captain nodded quickly and then left the security room with his security personnel.

“”Brother, how did that woman Shirley escape?”

Vodka looked at his gin boss in confusion.

“It doesn’t matter. Since that woman has escaped, everything here must be destroyed.”

“Also, issue a hunt for that woman. Tell the people below to report immediately if they find any trace of that woman.”

Gin ordered.

If it were in the past, Gin might have investigated further how Shirley, that woman, broke free from the handcuffs and escaped from the closed room.

But now supernatural events are frequent, and before that, Miyano Akemi transformed into a monster that can control fire.

So it’s not surprising that Shirley, that woman, was able to break free from the handcuffs and escape from the closed room out of thin air.

Maybe, Shirley, that woman, like her stupid sister, has awakened some strange abilities.

But in this case, it is even more necessary to catch the traitor Shirley!

Even if it is just a corpse, it is of considerable value to the organization.

“I know, big brother.”

Vodka nodded.

This was not the first time he had dealt with such a thing. He was very experienced and knew what to do.

After the notice was issued, the people in the institute quickly packed up their things and took away all the valuable items and materials.

In the end, some worthless things were left and burned directly.

In the early morning, Keita Ochiai came to the Beika Cemetery with a bouquet of flowers in his hand, ready to pay tribute to his grandfather.

Keita Ochiai came to a tombstone with flowers in his hand and placed the flowers in front of the tombstone.

If Xiaolan and others were here at this time, they would find the photo on the tombstone, which they were very familiar with.

It was the former director Ochiai of the Beika Art Museum.

Although Director Ochiai killed people, he was also killed by the shadow armor. After his death, the police contacted his family and asked them to take Director Ochiai’s body back.

Keita Ochiai looked at the photo on the tombstone:”Grandpa, I am a superhuman now. My current swordsmanship is not even one-tenth of my strength, even if you are at your peak.”

After the cremation of Director Ochiai’s body, he was buried in the Beika Cemetery.

“The whole society is rotten.”

“In addition, the world is undergoing tremendous changes, demons, monsters, ghosts, and monsters appear one after another, and the future will be an era where strength is king.”

“I don’t want to be a social animal who works hard every day for a little salary. I want to have supreme power, endless wealth, and countless beauties!”

“Grandpa, although you have superb swordsmanship, you have not brought any glory to our Ochiai family.”

“But I’m different. The Ochihe family will grow and develop in my hands, and quickly become an existence comparable to those chaebols!”

Shashashashashashasha. Keita Ochihe was standing in front of his grandfather’s tombstone, talking about his great ambitions.

But he suddenly felt that the atmosphere around him seemed a little wrong.

There was some movement around, but whenever Keita Ochihe looked around, he didn’t see anyone.

Although he didn’t see anything, Keita Ochihe felt a strong sense of crisis.

His intuition told him that this place was very dangerous and he had to leave here as soon as possible!

Quiet! Too quiet!

Except for the sound of wind blowing the leaves, and the occasional sound of some unknown creature moving, there was not even the sound of insects or birds around. Too weird!

“Grandpa, I have to leave.”

Keita Ochihe clenched the Thor’s Sword in his hand.

But just as he turned around, a vine that appeared at his feet suddenly wrapped around his feet. Clang!

A silver light flashed, and Keita Ochihe cut the vine that was wrapped around his feet into several sections with two knives.

The next moment, Keita Ochihe ran away.

He was no longer suspicious, but very sure that something strange must have happened in this cemetery. It could be a ghost or a monster!

But just as Keita Ochihe ran, he saw several trees moving quickly in front of him, blocking his escape.


Keita Ochiai was shocked. The trees could move by themselves! ???

The trees could not only move, but also attack Keita Ochiai. The branches of several trees stabbed Keita Ochiai like spears.

“Stop kidding! Just a few trees, you want to stop me!! ?”


The lightning on the Thunder God’s Sword was shining, and Keita Ochiai’s figure suddenly disappeared, and then appeared behind those trees. Those trees were also cut in half by Keita Ochiai.

But the next moment, Keita Ochiai felt something desperate happened.

All the trees in the cemetery”stood up” from the ground and surrounded him.

“huh huh huh huh”

“You can’t escape!!”

Keita Ochiai’s eyes were full of shock.

The tree actually grew a human face! And it spoke!

Escape! He must escape immediately!

With so many tree monsters, the chakra in his body is not enough for him to fight for such a long time!

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