"This old guy....Looks like I've lost him again!"

Rossweisse gave up the search dejectedly!

The curly silver hair on her forehead swayed in the wind.


At this moment, Xiye suddenly appeared from behind and called her

"Huh...Why are you here?"

Rossweisse looked at Xiye with a puzzled look on her face.

"I'm here to help." Based on his memory, Xiye estimated that the old man Odin and Azazel were drinking and looking at women....

Or have left...

"Eeyore....How do you know the Lord God is missing?.....It's really a headache...."

Rossweisse blushed. As a Valkyrie of the Norse god Odin, she failed to fulfill her due duties.

How shameful!....

It seems that I am really not suitable for this job!

"That old man.....You don't need to look for him anymore..."

Xiye said lightly

"Xiye...Although you are very strong, Lord God looks old....But how can you address the Lord God like this?..."

Rossweisse said with an unhappy look on her face.

"Isn't that what you call yourself in private?..."

Xiye said jokingly.

He was behind Rossweisse just now, but he heard him call like this....

"Eeyore...."Rossweisse's long hair stood up immediately, and she shook her head frantically:

"No...No...I didn't say that..it was just an angry remark...."


Xiye exhaled. It seems that this girl is not Valkyrie material. However, I want to invite her to be my maid!

I think she should be able to do it....

However, a pair of vicious eyes in the dark night attacked from a distance.

Then, Xiye looked at the owner of the breath.

A man in a Zhongshan suit, with long black hair and a silver coat tied around his waist.

Next to him was Joan of Arc, whom he met on the holiday island before.

Standing here, Xiye immediately guessed that this was the"strongest human" Cao Cao!

"Huh...What are you looking at..."

Rossweisse looked at Xiye in confusion.

She found that at the end of the street, a man with a strong aura was looking over here.

"Could it be your enemy?"

Rossweisse asked as she looked at the two people staring at each other.

"I do not know..."

Xiye spread his hands and preached with a calm face.

"Do you want to go with me? If Odin leaves you behind, I will hire you....Salary is easy to talk about!"

"No, I can go with you, but you have to pay....."

"A bowl of braised beef ramen..."


Rosweya showed a satisfied smile on her face, feeling that she had made a profit. Although she had not seen Xiye take action during the conversation between the three parties, from the looks in everyone's eyes, it could be seen that Xiye's strength should be quite good.

So, if she went with him, she would just watch the show, which she was the best at....

There is no salary in the Norse gods, just like she is only responsible for the defense of the main god Odin on a voluntary basis.

A bowl of beef ramen is very tempting!

Then the two of them walked towards Cao Cao.

"Xiye...Nice to meet you....My subordinates have high praise for you..."

Cao Cao smiled and looked at Xiye

"Really.."Xiye glanced in the direction of Jeanne, and then said lightly

"Huh...Is this a Valkyrie? ?"

Cao Cao looked at Xiye and could tell from her magical aura that she was not from this area, but from Northern Europe!

And the Valkyries were all trained to protect the Lord of Northern Europe and to assist him in handling some of his government affairs.

"It seems that Brother Xiye can not only get the Seraph, but also the rare Valkyrie! I admire you so much!..."

Cao Cao laughed out loud. He felt a little ashamed of himself for this young man.

"Humph! You are so presumptuous!....I am a Valkyrie under the command of the Lord God Odin..."

Cao Cao's words immediately aroused the fighting spirit of this carefree Rossweya.

"oh....Is that so?...Is that old guy Odin here too?....I just arrived at Juwang Town and I seem to have missed it...Many things..."

Cao Cao smiled as he watched Xiye and the Valkyrie walk together.

Could it be that Odin wanted him to go to Northern Europe and become a god?

Was he too late?...

"What is your purpose in looking for me?"

Seeing that Cao Cao did not make any move, Xiye was curious about why he came to look for her, so he asked.

"Don't worry, I just heard Jeanne talking about you, so I came to see you. There's actually another strong man among humans... I haven't met an opponent for a long time.."

Cao Cao said as he looked at Xiye, trying to find out something from him....

"Do you want to fight?...I'm not free today.. another day.."Xiye waved his hand and said calmly

"ha~...I haven't done anything for a long time....Actually, I want to do it... But that's not my purpose today."

"Are you interested in joining my team?"

"Not interested in...There was a guy who wanted me to join him, saying that I could choose any pretty girl I wanted, but I had no interest in joining... You guys are all weird, I really have no interest in you..."

Xiye said without any interest.

Hearing this, Luo Siweiya's face suddenly became alert. Looking at Xiye, she wondered if she had any motives for looking for her. She shrank subconsciously. Seeing that Xiye didn't look at her, she breathed a sigh of relief....

Cao Cao's mouth twitched. The guy in front of him looked like he had a big appetite!

However, just as he was about to say something...

A figure came out from a dark corner. His brown pupils, like an eagle's, stared at Cao Cao.

Then he changed the subject and said with a smile:"Xiye....I'm just asking casually, you don't have to tell everyone...I will be embarrassed like this!"

However, a strong aura appeared, and Cao Cao discovered the person coming.

This middle-aged man dressed casually was the governor of the fallen angels, Azazel! ps: Please customize it, and ask for data support!

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