On one side of the overpass, three figures were secretly watching the situation on the overpass.

""Ah, Ah, Minister Rias, I told you that the kitten is a little strange, look!"

The speaker was a girl named Akeno Himejima with long black hair and dressed in school uniform.

On both sides of her stood people who were also dressed in school uniforms of Kuou School. The one called Rias had a cold face, long red hair, a charming figure, and skin as smooth as jade.

The other one was Yuto Kiba with short blond hair, silver-gray pupils, and a kind face!

"Akeno, do you think it's right to stand under the overpass and spy on Koneko-chan?"

Rias turned her back, leaned against the wall, and protested with her arms folded across her chest.

""Here he is, that man!"

After Himejima Akeno said this, the three people below all looked up.

A man wearing a simple T-shirt, with short black hair, who looked about the same age as himself, was looking at Tacheng Kitten.


Although the distance below is a bit far, it is just to avoid the sight of the kitten in Tacheng.

But the devil's hearing and vision can still see clearly at this distance.


""Mao-chan brought snacks to Xiye~"

Himejima Akeno clenched her fists, her forehead full of black lines, thinking of the old Mao-chan who looked so protective of food.


The three people present all looked incredulous.

Even the calm Rias opened her eyes and looked at Xiye.

"Ordinary people! ?"


Tacheng Kitten held a box of fish-shaped biscuits in both hands and raised his head.

He handed it to Xiye.

"Xiyejun, thank you for coming to see me~"

"What is this?"

Looking at the snacks on the ground, Xiye was a little caught off guard.

If he didn't know the identity of this little Lolita, he would think this might be a wonderful thing.

But at present, it is a reincarnated demon with the strength of an intermediate demon and a part-time cat demon.

It shouldn't eat people~~

Xiye scratched his head, not knowing whether to take it or not, looking at the gradually darkening sky.

Could this be the last supper!?


Tacheng Kitten called out again with a complicated expression, a little disappointed.

Seeing this, Xiye felt a little uncomfortable.

This shouldn't be a trap.

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath!

After a few seconds, Xiye reached out and took the fish-shaped biscuit from Kitten!

"Since we have chosen to meet in person, we must remain calm."Xiye muttered to himself.

But he immediately opened the absorption gift package that the system had just given him in his mind!

"Open the newbie gift pack!"

He gave the system in his mind a command.

"Ding! Open the novice gift pack, congratulations to the host for obtaining the magic book"Astir's Manuscript" to open the"Domination" theme. Get the"Magic Elimination’!"

"Astir's manuscript?"

Isn't this the powerful magic book in"Seven Magicians"?

And it directly opens the theme of domination.

As a loyal fan of the anime, he is more aware of the pros and cons of this magic book.

However, he still doesn't know the specific information whether the magic power is also directly opened.

But the magic elimination ability has been opened, and he should not pose a threat to Xiaomaojiang.

With the support of strength, Xiye breathed a sigh of relief.

To be precise, the danger and reward are proportional, which is an eternal truth.

"Xiye-kun, you can't ignore a girl like this when you meet her."

A trace of disappointment appeared on Xiaomaojiang's cute face.

Is it that she is so bad that she can't get Xiye's favor?

She is still in a daze.

"Ah! Really? Xiaomao-chan, I'm so sorry."

Xiye came back to his senses, his tense body relaxed, and he spoke openly.

"It's okay. You said in the game that you are an uncle, and I said I don't believe it!"

Xiaomaojiang came to Xiyedi and closed the distance between them.

This is what she saw in the love manual last night.

Closing the distance can increase the distance between each other's hearts.

And giving gifts also represents one's own thoughts.

As for why she gave snacks like fish-shaped biscuits, it was because she didn't understand boys at all. She loved to eat this the most, so the other party would like her favorite things.

"That's just to cover up myself, afraid that some girls will fall in love too early!"

Looking at the Tacheng kitten on his right, Xiye joked.

The little girl heard this.

There was a hint of shyness on her cute face.

Are you talking about me, Xiye?.....

Under the overpass


Xiye was stunned for a moment. That was what he said when he first met Xiaomaojiang in the game.

At that time, he had not yet adapted to his current youthful appearance, which made him look more than ten years younger. It is normal for a twenty-something to call himself an uncle in front of a little girl.

Could it be that Xiaomaojiang likes this?

"Eeyah, Eeyah~ Uncle, Kitty is so cute...."

Himejima Akeno has been observing the situation from below.

She couldn't help but let the sadistic elements in her body begin to overflow.

Rias, on the other hand, supported her head with her hands, her face full of complexities.

Although the changes in Koneko-chan were very strange, these were not the main points.

That was Xiye, who was called the uncle.

She was a superior demon with the strength to surpass everyone present. He was surprised to find that there was something on Xiye that made him afraid.

It was just a moment ago.

That was when Xiye opened the novice gift package.

As her follower, she had the obligation to help them avoid hidden threats.

"Alas, what happened to Mao Mao-chan? She actually approached a man~"

Himejima Akeno began to narrate as if she was giving a live commentary, and watched Mao Mao-chan and Xiye leave.

Her whole body was shaking with surprised laughter.

The fatal temptation of her figure was no less than that of Rias, and she was acting as the queen of sadism.

Kiba Yuto, on the other hand, had a kind face.

He was dragged here by Akeno's curiosity.

Ps: I beg for data and flowers!! Thank you all! The next one will be more exciting!......

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