"Where have you all gone?

Suddenly, the principal appeared in front of everyone.

"Hey, isn't this Lise? She's here too. I was wondering why there was a fluctuation in space. It turns out it was you who did it."

The principal was a little surprised to find a student he hadn't seen for a long time in the crowd.

However, the bright light in his eyes proved that he was also curious about what happened.

"Um. Principal. Long time no see. I took them to a special place, but.......Not as skilled as others...I was taught a lesson by the new student in school."

Lise glanced in the direction of Xiye. Although she was restrained by Selina's magic, she was still angry about being caught.


The principal inquired about Xiye carefully.

It seems that Wang Libibulia Academy seems to have a shocking guy....

Will he surpass himself?....For example, give that woman....

The principal looked up at the sky, and a woman's figure appeared in his mind.

She was the one he had been waiting for......

Soon, he came back to his senses, looked at Lise and said,"Since it was Xiye who caught you, let him decide how to deal with you."

"headmaster...Lise is a traitor to our Royal Library. I think it should be decided by the seven magicians."

Sanai Miroku said firmly. He was afraid that Xiye would believe Lise and let her take the opportunity to escape from here.

"Well... I think I should ask Teacher Lilith about this question and see what she says."The principal thought about it and said.

Obviously, as the chief inspector, he still has the final say.


With her index finger on her lips, Lilith looked at Xiye, then looked at Sanna Miroku's expression, and said respectfully:"I think Xiye deserves the most credit this time, so let Xiye handle it."

So, the final result was left to Xiye to handle.

Hearing this result, Lilith cast a strange look at Xiye.

Sanna Miroku and Fudo Akine had already left.

"Hey, how can I protest? I always feel that my husband is always suspected of cheating....."

Ailin walked over to Lilith and said softly. But the decision had already been made.

Lilith asked in confusion,"Why?...If it is handed over to Sanna Miroku, Selina will be sad. After all, Sanna Miroku is the most tolerant towards the Demon King."

"All right.."

Ailin glanced at Selina, who was watching Xiye and her sister leave with a look of reluctance on her face.....I always feel like I am the partner who is being ignored.

But fortunately, Xiao Wei is there to accompany me........Xiao Wei next to him also looked lost......

A long time has passed and it has been almost 10 days since I came to this world.

Xiye listens to Lilith's lectures leisurely every day.

"My strength seems to be a little bit short of that...."

The reason why he has not used the Black Emperor Sword here is that the Black Emperor Sword is a hot weapon for a Demon King candidate.

If he shows up rashly, others will definitely keep an eye on him.

It will be disadvantageous to him.

What he has now publicly disclosed is the owner of the magic book"Astir's Manuscript", and he is also a Demon King candidate.

During this period, he also learned a little information from Lise.

That is, the purpose of Lise's trip is to destroy the Royal Biberlia Academy.

And the others, just like the original plot, have begun to attack the three famous academies, and Liberl, the dean of the Royal Liberl Academy, is indeed the huge black hand behind this farce.

This includes Saint! She is also there.

And she appears as a Demon King candidate....

And there is no news that the so-called"Fragments of Elias" magic book is in her hands.

So the two legendary magic books are in his hands.

It's just that"Fragments of Elias" has not been exchanged yet.

And these days, he also told the principal about the actions of the"Gospel Exploration Society".

But the principal said that the strength of the other two academies is not low and should be able to cope with it.

In Xiye's opinion, this guy just doesn't want to care. Moreover, the purpose of the Gospel Exploration Society may also be himself.

Or in other words, Xiye, who has the Demon King Gene.

The Demon King candidate is either an enemy or a partner.

However, Xiye doesn't want to care about this matter. His purpose of coming here is to improve his strength.

He is not interested at all if he doesn't have what he needs.

However, the voice of the system rang at this moment.

"Ding! The system issues a task: meet the Saint in person and gain the ability to unlock the bond of the Dream!"

"System reward for completing the task: unlock the spirit of the magic book"Astir's Manuscript"!"

"Meeting the Saint! Resolving the bond of dreams!?"

"what happened!"

"However, you can open the book spirit of"Astir's Codex"....Empty...."

"That black-bellied little loli...."

Xiye was a little confused in his room. Xiye knew about the"dream".

Lise also mentioned it, but Sheng didn't tell anyone else what happened in the dream. She only said that she was looking for a man with the magic book"Astir's Manuscript".

This was a headache.

Knock knock knock!

There was a knock on the door. Xiye opened the door.

Lilith said softly:"Student Xiye, the principal suddenly issued a task, asking us to go to the Royal Liberl Academy"

"It seems that Liberl has sent a signal for help to the principal."

Xiye vaguely guessed it and muttered to himself.

But it seems that he has to go, after all, he also wants to know why 'Sheng' is looking for him!

And the system's reward also makes him quite tempted


Xiye nodded and agreed.

They both came to the principal's office............................................................................................................................................................. ps: I beg for flowers and monthly tickets

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