"That's good, but why did the silver-haired maid you just saw suddenly improve her skills?...There is something fishy..."

Kong thought deeply about it and felt that Xiye's suggestion was good, but he was a little surprised by Xiye's sudden improvement in strength....

Looking at beautiful women can improve your strength....No wonder I don't want to practice...But why didn't I find it before?...

"this..."Xiye's head is full of black lines...

However, Seraphlu's words reminded everyone present...

Himejima Akeno said with a sinner tone:"Ahhh~. Lady Seraphlu is right... What should I do?..."

"I have a solution...Since Xiye is a human...Then use holy water to deal with Raisa..."

After saying this, Cang Na hesitated for a moment.

Holy water is something that belongs to the Seraphs, and it has a magical effect against demons.....

It is the best way at the moment....

Rias also nodded:"Xiye Jun, you can use this...But the behavior would be a bit bad...."

"Allah~..Minister, I think this is a good proposal....But here comes the problem...Where can I find this holy water?.."Himejima Akeno asked hurriedly.

Holy water... As the name suggests... is something that only the church has....

Something to fight against demons...

Although powerful demons have a certain resistance to this thing...

But that is heart-wrenching pain....It would cost Raisa half his life..

But the church in Juwang Town has been abandoned for a long time.....

Where to find holy water...

Xiye also covered his face...What a bad idea....

There are dozens of ways to deal with Lessar....

"It's just roast chicken, why is it so despicable?...That's just some bullshit trick that Hyoudou Issei would use....

Kitty seems to have thought of something...He raised his head, which had been lowered all the time, and said,"I saw it on Asia...it should be correct..."

Ala Ala~ That little saint...Xiao Mao Jiang can actually share a man with other women.. saying this...Himejima Akeno's body was shaking like a sadist..

As for Koneko-chan mentioning that Asia had holy water on her body.. but she didn't remain skeptical..

"..The Saint... that little girl."

Seraflor recalled the last battle between Cangna and Xiye, and Asia who had been following Xiye...

"Cang Na Sauce...come on...Xiyejun doesn't like girls from Oupai University..."


Cangna's head is full of black lines...It seems that my sister is always so outspoken....

But it is true...The ones following him, Koneko-chan and Asia, are exactly like that....

But as a queen, she...Only one goal is to take Xiye as a dependent...

This way, the fact that I was defeated last time...isn't a big deal.

"So... Rias. Koneko-chan said that the little saint has...I won't bother you anymore..wish you good luck.."Sona pulled Serafla out..if she stayed here, she felt her image would be ruined....

However, Himejima Akeno suddenly came to Xiye and said,"Ah~ Is Xiye really like that?..."

Rias lowered her head and looked at Koneko-chan....He frowned and said,"Asia does have it...."

After thinking for a while, Kitty nodded affirmatively....

After receiving the response from the kitten in Tacheng, Rias also pondered for a while and asked Xiye about it:

"Xiyejun...Thank you for your help....if you can...You can use Asia's holy water...Maybe winning the game is more advantageous..."

"Okay, I understand." Xiye waved his hand and said calmly.

"It's getting late....I should go back to class..."

Leaving these words behind, Xiye left.

And Xiaomaojiang followed Xiye.

After leaving the Supernatural Research Department...

Xiaomaojiang suddenly stopped, took Xiye's hand, and asked shyly:

"Xiyejun~...Do you really like Oupai Xiao?.."

A weak voice came out of the kitten's mouth, but it still reached Xiye's ears..

This question seemed to be nothing....But she always sees some information..that men like big...

But facing the two giant peaks of the Supernatural Research Department’...She's still a little envious.

"(⊙o⊙)…"Xiye's mouth twitched..but he still squatted down...Pinch the face of the kitten in Tacheng:"Big and small are the same...Look at people.. Isn't Kitty-chan very good?.."

"oh.."The little cat responded cutely.

But she was still a little worried.

The little girl's mind began to overflow again....There is no clear rejection.. That means I like you..

Then, Xiye and Xiaomaojiang returned to their classes....

But Sora suddenly appeared in his mind and asked,"Oh...I am also curious about the question of Kitty...Do you like big or small?..."

At this moment, Kong had a wicked smile on his face, looking curious.

"Want to hear the truth... or a lie?.."Seeing the girl Kong who looked like a demon, Xiye responded


"Big or small."

"What about lies?..."

"Except you...Big or small..."

After receiving Xiye's answer, the girl smiled:".....I told you...I am a loli...how come I am not on your menu?...Ha ha...I like the way you tell the truth.."


Xiye directly blocked the girl's words...

But time goes by quickly...When school was over, people hadn't left yet.

Suddenly ,...Koneko-chan appeared, and Asia followed her. She had obviously skipped class early....And he brought along the good girl Asia....

"Xiyejun~You want to compete with the devil~ and it's a devil stronger than that Cang Na.."

Asia clasped her hands together, looked at Xiye and said worriedly

"Yes. Xiye nodded.

However, Asia took out the cross from her neck and said,"God, although your believers know that you are gone, please bless Xiye to defeat the devil......"

Aixia prayed facing the cross with her eyes closed.

However, Xiye was tactful....

He didn't believe in any gods at all. It was better to become stronger on his own than to pray to others.

However, Xiye did not interrupt Asia's prayer to God. After all, the girl had good intentions. As for Xiaomaojiang, she hid behind Xiye because as a demon, she was afraid of the cross....

After a few minutes, Asia slowly opened her eyes.

Then she took out another pendant from her neck.

It was a delicate little water bottle....

"Xiyejun~ Xiaomaojiang told me that this is holy water...When I was in church, a kind nun secretly gave it to me...."

Aixia took it off and handed it to Xiye

"OK.."Xiye looked at Asia's sincere eyes and couldn't bear to make her sad. In order to reassure her, he accepted it.

Mao Maojiang also smiled at Asia....

I don't feel uncomfortable about Xiye and Aixia living together...

Even if Asia and Xiye are together...

In fact, you can also accept...

The premise is that Xiye cannot abandon her..........

However, in the underworld

, in the underworld, in Serafla's office

, Sirzechs was helping Serafla handle some diplomatic matters....

There was a knock at the door.....

"Come in..."

Sirzechs said calmly. When he looked up and saw that it was only Gurefia, he hesitated for a moment and said,"Gurefia,...You're back so soon?...What about Seraphlu?.."

Gurefia responded without any expression:"Lady Serafla is not ready to come back yet..."

"What about Rias?.."

"The lady has a boyfriend in the human world..."After hesitating for a while, she said calmly:"And he is the boyfriend of my family...."

"oh.."Sirzechs responded on instinct, but then realized,"You said Rias has a boyfriend..."

After being shocked, Sirzechs put down his work and said,"What a naughty boy. Father will be angry again.".."

Sirzechs poked his forehead with a headache:"That noble boy... Rias has taken a fancy to him..."

"Just a human being"

"But the man chose to beat Lesa at chess..."Gurefia added:

"Humanity...interesting...Rias actually chose a human as her husband..."I don't know about that guy Raiser. Tell him. After all, there is an engagement. It's my father's agreement."

Sirzechs instructed.

Gurefia nodded and slowly left the room......

The scene came to the other side of the underworld.

The Phoenix family mansion.

In the underworld, there is a teleportation array that can be used to teleport to various areas of the underworld. Gurefia has already appeared here following Sirzechs' instructions.

"oh~~...My fiancée has a boyfriend...Which family is he from?.."

Lessa Phoenix's face was immediately embarrassed, but she didn't dare to lose her temper in front of Gurefia.

This silver-haired maid was not someone he could afford to offend. She was the famous silver-haired queen of annihilation in the underworld. If it weren't for her status, the second generation demon king of Leviathan would be hers.

"A human being."

When she said this, Gurefia did not show any disdain, because she had already tested the man.....Not low strength...

"Merely human....Rias...You actually found a human to cheat on me...."

At this point, Raisa glanced at Gurefia and saw that she was not angry....I didn't say anything further....

"Ms. Rias, let me tell you...That man will play a game of chess with you..."

"And it's a duel between that human and you and your followers...."

After saying that, Gurefia wisely left the place. She knew that this Lesa must be holding back a ball of anger.....

As a maid , she consciously left Phoenix's mansion.

As she watched Gurefia leave,....

As the sound rang out, the red wine glass in Lesa Phoenix's hand was crushed.

Countless pieces fell to the ground, and the red wine flowed on the ground like blood.

Human! ?...Chess...

Rias....I'm wearing a green hat...

I want to see what that guy is capable of....How dare you go against me, Lesa Phoenix...

Then a girl in a pink princess dress...A girl with wavy double ponytails and a tender white face walked in.

"Lesa...You look unhappy..."

"Rebel...How did you come..."Lesser saw that the person who came was her sister: Rebel Phoenix.. She said with a calm face.

How could he say such a thing as a cuckold?

‘I heard it, Miss....Your fiancée in the Gremory family has a boyfriend.. You won't be afraid to face him....Don't dare to say it out loud..’

Ravel covered her mouth and laughed, and the girl's heart rose and fell with the laughter.....

"snort...Mind Yourself..."

Phoenix gritted his teeth when his sister found out.

However, Rebel had no intention of leaving and continued,"Do you want to meet your fiancée's boyfriend?"...I want to see it....A man who can make you feel depressed"

"You've never lost in a ranked game, and that Sairaorg Baal will beat you so hard that you can't get up...."

"snort...You don't need to tell me...I want to meet that human being now...."

Ps: Below is a picture of Rebel. Please subscribe automatically and give some flowers and comments.

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