"It just so happens that the old man Balupa has also come to Juwang Town, so I can just take the four holy swords from him... and exchange them for the"Ilias's Fragment" magic book in the store. I must do it!"

Xiye thought for a while.

However, it is a bit difficult to take Irina and Jenova as maids.....

He was also curious about how the system had transformed the Bible into a magic book. He wondered what it was for....

At this time, Asia also knew that Xiye pretended to be Rias' boyfriend, so she lowered her head in shame.

Soon, Himejima Akeno was sent to investigate the fallen angel.

Xiye, Mao Maochan and Asia also left the Supernatural Research Department one after another.

As for Kiba Yuto, Rias did not arrange his work, because Kiba Yuto was too sensitive about this matter and it would disrupt Rias's plan.

Xiye did not go home immediately with Asia and Mao Maochan, intending to expand Mao Maochan's warehouse.

So at this moment, strolling on the streets of Komao Town

"Xiyejun, I believe they will understand that the devil is not really bad...."

Asia held Xiye's hand and said sincerely.

After meeting Xiaomaojiang, the devil can also be a little foodie who loves snacks.

Xiaomaojiang nodded cutely and agreed with Asia's words.

Xiye did not answer the girl's question immediately, but said calmly:"In fact, all races are the same, it's just a matter of the heart...."

Ai Xinuo nodded thoughtfully.

After walking on the street for a while, when Xiye was trying to find Balupa, a sound from the street attracted his attention.

"...Please have mercy on us, Lord God.——...!"

"for...We the lost sheep...Give your gift..."

Two girls I had met not long ago today were sitting on the side of the road praying in capes and white hoods on their heads, but passers-by looked at them with strange eyes....

"how so...There are no believers in God here. It is a city without any faith at all...."

"Stop it, Jenova....We are penniless and can only beg the pagans for mercy, otherwise we will have nothing to eat....Now I can't even buy a loaf of bread...."

"It's all because of the information given by those scammers. We have to go around in circles in several cities. Now the public funds have been used up...."

As he spoke, Xenovia pulled his hood down a little, fearing that his face would be recognized. After all, a holy swordsman doing something like begging was not something that anyone would see.


The feeling of hunger spread from Jenova's stomach through the air and reached Irina's ears.

Hearing this, Irina also lowered her head quickly.

"Are we going to starve to death on our way to retrieve the Holy Sword for the Church?..."

Because they didn't want to embarrass themselves, they were huddled in a corner, not caring whether the cloaks would get dirty. They sat on the ground and muttered dejectedly.

Xiye, Asia and Maomaojiang just stood in the distance and watched, without rushing forward.

"Really....It's a bit pitiful...."

Asia said with some worry, she also came from the main church, and she was hungry, but the lost godfather Friede was doing robbery behind her back.

That's why she had food to eat, she didn't know it at the time, she only found out when she arrived at Juwang Town.

"really...It's too miserable that it has come to this point...."

Xiye held his forehead helplessly and sighed.

At this moment, the two girls were just like in the original novel, penniless and wandering on the street.....

The first time I saw them, they still had the strength to deal with the kitten....

He is totally different from now....

They also thought that God could save them. The church was already deserted, and there were no believers in God here.

Just when Jenova and Shidou Irina were desperate and didn't know if they would starve to death today,

"Ding Dong~"

A coin fell into the shadow of General Wan, causing the two people sitting on the ground to raise their heads with gratitude.

"Thank you so much....."

"Thank you for your charity, Father, always bless you...."

However, when they saw the faces of the two people in front of them, their expressions turned pale.

Xenovia looked at Xiye with a depressed look on his face and muttered to himself:

"cut....How come I can always see such annoying people in a place like this?..."

Then she seemed to have thought of something and smiled self-deprecatingly at Xiye.

"Isn't it interesting to see us like this? Isn't it refreshing?.....He acted so righteous before, but now he has fallen to this point.....You should be very happy now, right?"


Xiye sighed softly and said helplessly

"I'm not going to do that. You look hungry now, right? Let's find a place to eat first, and then we can talk slowly. How about that?"

Shido Illya and Xenovia looked at each other and pursed their lips.

If they could, they could have refused directly, but the strong feeling of hunger made it impossible for them to refuse.

Asia also tried to dissuade them at this time:

"Don't worry, we have no ill intentions, we just want to have a good chat with you...Xiyejun is a very gentle person..."

After a long silence, Xenovia turned his head and spoke.

"All right...You won, but even so, don't expect me to have any good impression of you. Our ideas will not change at all!"

Her look made Xiye helplessly cover her face.

Although she knew that Jenova was a tsundere, it seemed a bit inappropriate in this situation.....

Xiaomaojiang didn't say anything. Although she felt a little scared of the holy swords on the waists of the two girls, she was not afraid with Xiye by her side.

But she was also curious about why Xiye....

Xiye brought the two to a ramen restaurant that they had often visited before.

Then the two girls' eating style shocked Xiye and the other two.....

Jenova and Shidou Irina wolfed down the ramen that was served to them, and their heroic eating style was as if they had never eaten in their entire lives. ps: Please subscribe! Support the author! Here is a picture of Jenova!

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