Open the information of the"Ilias's Fragment" magic book.

Magic book:"Ilias's Fragment" (auxiliary magic book)

Opening ability degree: 50% (changes with the"Astir's Manuscript" magic book), can analyze and eliminate enemy abilities (no strength requirement! Analysis time required: 5 minutes)

Ability: Increase the strength of your own magic power by 100%.

Book spirit: opened

""Hey, it's actually a fragment of Elias!" Kong's voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

She was pulling the hair of a little girl with long yellow hair.

The little girl's eyes were wide open, and her brown pupils stared at the girl Kong with a resentful look.

Xiaosheng also appeared, looking at the two girls in front of him strangely.

Suddenly, another girl appeared in this strange place.

And she looked like a book spirit like herself.

And the aura on her body was not inferior to her appearance.

"Ye, who is she! ?"

Through the spiritual connection, Xiye heard the words of the Bible Lolita God Xiaosheng

"She is also a book spirit, but not from this world."

Xiye smiled and said

"It's from another world...."Xiaosheng was also slightly stunned, but then he agreed with Xiye's statement.

As an ancient god, it was indeed the first time he heard of someone like Kong and Ilia.


Elijah was displeased when she saw a familiar person. That person was the same person as her who only knew the magic book in the legend.

"let me go..."

"Ilya, you have also become this guy's magic book...."Let go of the evil hand, Kong smiled evilly.

"I do not know....I have been sleeping....I woke up here."

Xiaosheng said, returning to his silly state.

However, just when Xiye and the other two girls were able to sit down and play landlord, a figure appeared above Xiye's residence. A strong aura immediately enveloped the area.

"Someone is coming!"

The smile on Kong's face disappeared immediately, and she warned vigilantly.

Before, she was very calm when she met a strong person like Gurefia, but now she looked solemn.

Obviously, the person she met now was as powerful as Gurefia!

"It should be him..."Xiye frowned. Kirkbol was dead.

It seemed that the White Dragon King was about to arrive.

But at this moment, the man in the sky was suspended in the air without any movement, quietly waiting for something.

Xiye also looked out the window.

"It's time to meet him."

Fei Li went outside. It was already dark.

The man in silver jeans and a black jacket looked at Xi Ye and stopped opposite him. His calm face finally changed.

"You are Xiye! ?"

"Since you have found me, you should recognize me...."Xiye said lightly

"Haha, interesting.....Kirkbol is planning to deal with him....I didn't expect you to deal with him so easily." Vali said admiringly.

He had just come from Azazel and wanted to solve the troublesome matter of Kirkbol.

"Are you the White Dragon King?...Kirkbol is nothing but a clown."Xiye said disdainfully.

Before, Huxu was a little afraid of the White Dragon King, but now, after he survived the fragment of Elias, he didn't feel that he would be afraid of the White Dragon King.

"You bastard, I was blamed for you, is this your attitude?..."Wally was immediately embarrassed. He was innocently implicated, and this guy seemed to be very dissatisfied with him.

"Blame it!?"

Xiye looked at Vali in confusion.

Seeing that Xiye didn't seem to understand what he was saying, he quickly explained:"When you were dealing with that Lesa Phoenix, Sirzechs suspected me of what you did...."


Xiye was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Sirzechs to have such a rich imagination and even Conan-like reasoning ability, but it didn't matter.

It was indeed Wally who took the bullet for him.

"So what are you doing here?...."Xiye looked at the White Dragon King Vali's state and saw that he didn't seem to be planning to attack him. He said calmly:

"I blocked the gun for you, but......I still want you to join my team!"

Wally smiled. He still admired a strong man like Xiye. He was more excited to be with the man who was called the strongest human being somewhere.

And he was also an individual.

"Your team!? Not interested." Xiye curled his lips and said

"......"I thought that my offer might have touched this human's heart, after all, the White Dragon King was a powerful figure.

But the young man in front of me refused without hesitation.....

At this moment, a holy light suddenly burst out from below!

Xiye looked down.

Outside the courtyard, a man with a captive on his head flew backwards and hit the wall of the courtyard.


In the picture, at the door of Xiye's residence, Asia is holding a dark-haired cat in her arms, with wings of a seraph on its back and a golden halo on its head.

"How can there be a Seraphim here!?"Wally looked down in confusion and exclaimed.

And Monkey King also stood up:"Oh my god, this guy has a ten-winged Seraphim hidden in his home....."

He brushed off the dust on the black and red armor, scratched his head, and said helplessly:

""That Heige, don't blame me for this. I can't save you now!"

Then he looked up in the direction of Vali.

His body bounced up like an arrow and came to Vali's side.

"Sorry, mission not completed!"

"It's okay!"

Wally waved his hand, then looked at Xiye with interest:"Is this the reason why you don't want to join my team?....This Seraph is a stranger....."

"Ten Wings..."

Xiye lowered his head again and looked at Asia. He found that Asia had transformed into ten wings as his strength increased.

Asia was also stroking the wings behind her in amazement. It was like a dream.....

I didn't do anything, but my strength has increased to ten wings..... ps: Please subscribe, please subscribe, the author also needs to make a living, no rewards, no urging, as long as you persist in subscribing! Just give some free data, thank you! Ilya's picture below!

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