(Sorry for getting up late!)

"Xiyejun~you....You suddenly said something like this..."

The kitten in Tacheng was in a difficult mood and the complaining tone disappeared, becoming more cute and innocent.

"I'm not kidding, I really like Kitty, and I want you to be my real girlfriend’..."

Xiye said with a smile

"However, you can't be public even though you are pretending to be Rias's girlfriend......"Tacheng Kitten was greedy for this feeling, and did not loosen her arms around Xiye's waist. She buried her head in Xiye's belly and whispered

"I know that Xiaomao-chan also wants to be my girlfriend, and there is no conflict with Rias's matter."Xiye had a smile on his face.

Xiaomao-chan was obviously still jealous.

"where..."Xiye broke her heart, and the little cat whispered

"Um...Kitty seems to disagree......Then I have no choice but to find someone who is really Rias' boyfriend."Xiye said, pretending to be wronged.

"Hmm~...Xiyejun~Bully me...People there don't agree...."

The pretty face of the kitten in Tacheng was red and raised, and finally nodded and whispered.

Looking at such a cute kitten, Xiye was also in a good mood.

"But, Xiyejun~Why did you suddenly confess to me?..."

Tacheng Kitten glanced around secretly, fearing that other people would hear her and Xiye's conversation, so she asked shyly:

"Um...This...Xiaomaojiang had a jealous expression when she came in. It must be because I ignored you, but I like Xiaomaojiang....Of course I want you to feel that you are not left out, so I said it...."

At this point, Xiye suddenly stared into the eyes of the girl in front of him:"Secondly, the little cat is in my arms, which makes me a little impatient...."


Xiaomaojiang realized that it seemed that she and Xiye were indeed......

With a start, he jumped up

"So that's it....."

Tacheng kitten blushing...She lowered her head and said nothing. She was a little afraid to look Xiye in the eye. She could only feel her heart pounding.

At an inopportune moment, the system's voice rang out.

"Ding! The system issues a task: Untie the knot in the heart of the kitten in Tacheng and let it use the power of the cat!"

"Mission Reward: One of the Seven Deadly Sins in the Royal Library,"Astir's Manuscript" Magical Book Magic Progress +5%..."

After listening, Xiye also thought secretly that this is indeed a problem that needs to be treated seriously.

Xiye glanced around and fixed his eyes on Xiaomaojiang. He smiled and said,"Xiaomaojiang, let's go to my room.""


The kitten in Tacheng blinked its golden pupils, and the redness on its face became more and more red......

The girl's heart is getting more and more confused....But she subconsciously followed Xiye and came to Xiye's room.

When Xiaomaojiang came to the room, she locked the door directly.

This also made Tacheng Xiaomao's heart beat fast, and she was so nervous that she didn't know what to do.

Why did she lock the door?....

In her cognition, this would happen only when a boy said something to a girl.

Although the two had been dating for a while and had just confessed their love, it was so soon......Isn't this a bit too fast?.....

And they are still young.....

However, Minister Rias and Asia....Student Union Cangna...Now there are two more maids, Xenovia and Shido Irina....Should I agree?...

This is an opportunity to take the lead.....

For a moment, Tacheng Kitten was confused. As she thought about the matter more, her face became redder and redder.

At this time, Xiye put his hand on Tacheng Kitten's head.


This sudden contact also made the kitten in Tacheng let out a cry like a wail, and its body trembled.


Xiye was stunned.

He often touched Xiaomaojiang like this, and both sides had developed a habit. Why was the reaction so strong this time?

Could it be that he was thinking about H?

Because Tacheng Xiaomao had his back to Xiye, Xiye did not see Xiaomaojiang's cute and attractive expression.

"Kitty, can you tell me about your past?..."

After a pause, Xiye went straight to the point.

"my past....?"

Tacheng Kitten was stunned, and came back to her senses from her fantasy. She turned around and stared at Xiye, who was serious.

It was obvious that Xiye was serious.

It turned out that she had misunderstood.....Xiyejun has never considered any aspect of this....

For a moment, Tacheng Kitten's pretty face turned red again. He felt very embarrassed and wanted to run away immediately.

However, when he thought of Xiye wanting to know about his past, Tacheng Kitten calmed down and was a little at a loss.

"If you don't want to talk, forget it...."

Seeing the reaction of Tacheng Kitten, Xiye said helplessly,"

Am I being too hasty?".....

"No, if Xiye-jun wants to know, I can tell you."

Tacheng Kitten grabbed Xiye's thugs, raised her head, and her golden eyes sparkled with a moving luster.

The things that had been buried in her heart, with emotions of fear, resentment, relief, and tension, emerged on her face.

Next, Xiye and Kitten-chan sat next to each other on the bed.

Tacheng Kitten rested her head on Xiye's shoulder and talked about her past with complexity.

That was the story of her and her sister Heige.

He and his sister Heige originally belonged to a powerful race-cat Xiao, whose real name was Baiyin. After the death of his parents, he depended on his sister Heige for life, and was adopted by the branch family of the Regeta family, the 34th of the 72 Pillars of the Superior Demon.

However, because his sister Heige's power expanded rapidly after becoming a follower of the Superior Demon, that day, after killing her master in front of her eyes, she escaped and became a lost demon.

And Tacheng Baiyin was also���The demon high-ranking officials thought she was as dangerous as her sister and planned to execute her.

However, she received a guarantee from the demon lord Sirzechs Lucifer and was handed over to his sister Rias Gremory for supervision and care.

For this reason, she was reincarnated into Rias's dependent castle. Under the pressure of others' words about her, she did not want to use the power of the cat, so she kept the power of the cat and her name Baiyin sealed in her body.

Later, she was also called Tower City Kitten by Rias.

"Kitty, you may not know enough, but it is not true."

Xiye looked at the Tacheng kitten with a face full of sadness and resentment, as well as fear of the past. He held it in his arms with heartache and said in a gentle voice:


Xiaomaojiang was stunned, and looked up at Xiye in confusion.

"Your sister didn't mean to degenerate, but the family was secretly conducting human experiments to take away the special abilities of your cat Xiao. It was just that your sister Heige accidentally discovered this."

"That's why I killed this gang. I was wanted by the Zhujia Rigeta family as a lost demon. In order to prevent you from being implicated, I didn't take you with me and ran away alone."


Kitty was stunned

"Xiyejun....How do you know these things?.."The kitten in Tacheng purses his lips, his expression changes constantly, and he can't calm down

"...."Xiye didn't know how to explain it. He was a person with a God's perspective, but thinking about Heige's last appearance, he told a white lie.

"Your sister told me. Remember when Hei Ge was with me, she was determined to marry me as her brother-in-law, so she told me about your situation."


After a moment of silence, Xiaomaojiang finally nodded with her golden eyes flashing.

"Well..I believe"

"But did my sister really say that?..."

Tacheng Kitten responded shyly when she stood in front of Xiye and her sister Heige.

Her face was burning.

Seeing Tacheng Kitten say this, Xiye couldn't help but hug her tightly and caress her pretty face.


This kind of affection made the kitten in Tacheng feel a little uncomfortable. She twisted her body and her face turned red.

"Kitty, although your sister is definitely wrong, she has often come to you over the years and wanted to take you away. In fact, she is afraid that you will be persecuted by the people in the underworld. You have to understand her. When you meet in the future, you can have a good talk....How is it?"

Xiye said again


Tacheng Kitten's eyes flickered, and she nodded in approval.

Knowing the truth, her resentment and hostility towards her sister had almost disappeared.

With Xiye's words, her knot in her heart was also untied.

The misunderstandings could be discussed in a good way when the time comes.

In fact, Xiye said this because he hoped that when Heige next door turned back to his true form, he would understand his painstaking efforts and"not be ungrateful" to kill him.....

"Xiaomao, don't try to limit the power of the cat. In fact, she won't let you go berserk. It depends on how you use it." Then, Xiye added

"Um...Xiyejun...I'll listen to you.."

At this time, the little silver-white cat ears on the top of the cat sauce popped out. ps: Please order all the orders! Please give me some free data! Below is the picture of the cat sauce!

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