Chapter 92 Cang Na: The Youngest...I should be able to adapt to it later~ (Subscribe)

The graceful woman in a beige kimono with gold patterns and lace was suspended in the air.

Looking down.

Her eyes were fixed on Asia.

However, Asia's wings had already risen.

The aura of the Seraph was still there.

The golden-haired girl suddenly took out the holy sword in her hand, held it in her hand, and looked down with hostility.

"Who are you!?"

This is the place where Rias and Sona always spend their holidays. They were a little surprised when someone suddenly broke in.

At this time, Xenova and Shido Irina narrowed their eyes and said in a low voice:"She is the former Joan of Arc!"

There is a record of this girl in the church.

"Jeanne!? Isn't that a subordinate of the strongest human, Cao Cao?..."

Cang Na put his hand on his chin and suddenly began to think

"You guys know me...."

Joan of Arc was also a little surprised. Although she was a former saint, she had long since left the church....

"But what surprised me was that people from your church and the Seraphim would actually be with the devil. It really refreshed my worldview...."

"..."The two girls in the church also looked a little unnatural.

It was indeed difficult for such a thing to happen.

The church's duty was to hunt down demons, so how could such a thing as living in harmony happen!

"Joan of Arc..."Xiye looked at the girl in front of him. Her strength was not very high, and she was also at the level of the highest-level demon.

But in the human world, she was indeed considered a strong person.

It's just that her luck was not good, and the people below were not easy to mess with.

However, according to Xiye's understanding of Jeanne d'Arc, this girl would not act rashly.

Especially when there were so many people around.

However, after Jeanne d'Arc's eyes scanned the field and fell on Xiye, her body trembled and said:"Xi...Ye...."

The girl's face was a little pale, that was the paleness of fear...

"oh...You know me!"

Xiye stood up at this moment. It was certain that Jeanne had never met him before.

How could she recognize him?

"...The human who defeated Kirkbol... Of course he knows you..."

Jeanne could hardly imagine the scene on the field, and the identities of some people at the moment were immediately clear.

Because she passed by Juwang Town and got the news that a new king appeared in Juwang Town!

A candidate for the"strongest human" appeared and defeated the fallen angel cadre Kirkbol.

And he also has a close relationship with Rias Gremory, the sister of the demon king of the underworld Lucifer.

Below, the devil with long red hair, but it must be Rias.

"That's bad enough...."Jeanne said a little frustrated.

She just wanted to bring this news back to Tokyo to Cao Cao.

She believed that Cao Cao would be very interested in this"strongest human".

However, the opposite happened. The news was not delivered, and she even entered their sight.

"Do you want to come down and play?..."

Xiye smiled and said to Jeanne

"....Better not.."Jeanne smiled and narrowed her eyes, wanting to run away.

Sheep walking into the tiger's mouth!

Will she be left with only a skeleton?

"Not coming?...Then you should have a word with Cao Cao...Said that sooner or later I would go find her.."

"I am very interested in his title of 'The Strongest Human'!"

Xiye was just trying to scare Jeanne, but said calmly

"Um....I'll help you convey it....Then can I go?...You guys continue..."

Seeing that Xiye's words were effective, the people below were not prepared to take action, so she took back the holy sword.

Then she quickly fled from here.

"Cao Cao....Xiyejun~Do you really want to go find him?..."Rias frowned and said with concern. Cao

Cao's name has a high reputation among the three major forces in the Bible.

That is his unique and most powerful god-killing weapon"Holy Spear of Dusk", which makes people fear him.

"Yes!" Xiye nodded.

"Xiyejun~Then pay attention to the God-killing Tool in his hand..."Cang Na quickly reminded

"Ala Ala~ Cang Na is the little one...I got into the show so quickly...."Himejima Akeno covered her mouth and said with a smile


Cang Na's face froze....Although I am very angry, I have to admit that she is a little girl now.

"...Hey..just kidding...Don't take it seriously.."Xiye quickly interrupted

"...."Cang Na's face froze. Could it be that Xiye was rejecting her?...It shouldn't appear on the queen's face, and she said in a complicated tone:"Xiye Jun~ I am serious..."

"I'll just do the small one...."

"...."Xiye's mouth twitched!

Including Zhenluo Chunji who was behind him, he was also surprised.

Since Xiye has given Cangna a step, then Cangna can just walk down through this step.

There is no need to fulfill this so-called small promise....

However, the president's approach is.....

"All right...I won't force you..."Xiye paused and said with a smile.

If I reject her now, where will Cangna's face be?

"Thank you!"

A blush appeared on Cang Na's face. Am I going to be the mistress now?...

Although a little uncomfortable....But believe that you will do it....

But Xiaomaojiang pouted and came to Xiye's side, hugging Xiye's arm.

The girl began to swear her sovereignty...

Rias suddenly thought of something and looked at Asia.

She said to Xiye,"Do you have a way to transform people into Seraphim?"...."

"Um.."Xiye did not hide anything. Since Asia's strength had been exposed, he had nothing to hide.

Moreover, after the three parties had their strengths, he was going to go to the underworld to investigate the situation and bring Himejima Juri back if possible.

Eventually, they would know

��...."It's actually true....The girls on the beach all stared at Xiye blankly, as if they were looking at a devil! ps: Five chapters today, guaranteed to be 10,000 words, there may be a big chapter, depending on the situation, please give me some data support! Do you like it everyday...

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