Over here.

Outside the conference room.

A woman in a purple evening gown and red-rimmed glasses was looking down from high above.

Next to her, two men in full body coverings dressed in magician costumes were standing and saying respectfully:

"Lady Katrea...We are ready to attack at any time."

"oh...Then let the game begin!"

The woman called Katrea waved her hand.

The two men in magician costumes disappeared. Below

, in the meeting room.

Rias and others were also there. Himejima Akeno lowered her head.

Behind the fallen angel governor Azazel, a man with a full beard and a short flat head squinted at Himejima Akeno......

Wally next to him pushed him:"Hey, I'm going to worship Qiu....What are you looking at that little girl for?...I'm warning you, that woman is not to be trifled with....."

After saying that, Wally passed by Xiye's body.

At this moment, the little saint in Xiye's mind said:"Michael looks the same."

"That old guy...The atmosphere of this hospital is similar to yours...."The girl said calmly

"He was the first Seraph I created....He is indeed quite old...."The girl muttered several

"Didn't you feel that some of the auras around here suddenly disappeared?..."Ilia rested her chin on her hand and said in confusion.

She is the owner of the"Ilias's Fragment" magic book, which is an auxiliary type. She is more sensitive to the surrounding magic than the girl Sora.

She can also analyze and remove large barriers and attacks.

"Don't say it's true....It seems that the people present here are not the highest point in this world....There are people who want to disrupt their meeting...."Sora curled her lips. She loved fighting the most.

"Iris, analyze the surrounding magic barrier, because there will be a battle soon."

Xiye spoke to the small circle of three girls.

"ah....Owner..."Okay!" Elijah immediately stood up and said.

Xiye had already sensed the changes around him:"It seems someone is coming..."

Everyone at the scene heard Xiye's words and stopped arguing.


Sirzechs's face was slightly moved, and the dangerous aura immediately made him frown.

Xiye was not wrong, someone was coming.

The demon subordinates that he had arranged outside had lost their aura, and what was left was a group of unfamiliar auras.

"Xiye...It seems...someone really wants to deal with us.."

Everyone had heavy eyes.

Katrea in the sky, holding a staff in her hand, and the surrounding sky was lifted up by a group of magicians.

The huge barrier cut off the connection between here and the outside.

Gurefia walked forward and said coldly in front of Sirzechs:"Lord Sirzechs, I'll go out and take a look first."

"Um..."Sirzechs said calmly.

Gurefia is one of the top demon kings in the underworld, so it is indeed a good decision to let her go out and take a look.

But soon, Gurefia came back with a solemn look on her face. She knew the person outside the door.

She was also a subordinate of Lucifer Rizevim of the old demon sect. How could she not recognize this descendant of Leviathan!

It was the descendant of Leviathan: Katrea....

"Subordinates of the Old Demon Clan...Katrea, descendant of Leviathan! And there are a large number of magicians supporting the barrier."

"oh...They are the same people who escaped from the underworld...."Azazel's face was also solemn.

Because he was not sure whether the terrifying guy: Lucifer Rizevim was there. His ability had a perfect suppression on his own artifact.

I believe that no one who owns a divine artifact or a divine destroyer would want to meet him....

"She's the only one..."Sirzechs stood up and asked

"She's the only one I've seen so far"

"oh..."Sirzechs nodded.

Then he looked at Xiye and said,"You may not know this Katrea....She is a descendant of the former Leviathan, so she must have been sent by the former Lucifer Rizevim."

"Seraphlu, you and Gurefia go and have a fight with her."

"good...This woman actually dared to come back..."Seraph's thin body jumped down from the chair and looked out the door.

Xiye frowned because he could sense the aura of the artifact.、

『The evil eye that stops the world can freeze the time of objects within the sight.

At this moment, Xiye's magic power suddenly surged.

Entering the state of a magician

"Connect to the 'lazy' library!"

‘Number of Secret Techniques! '

You can only use it once a day to penetrate the space-time rift and escape from this space.

At the same time,

Katrea outside had a smug smile on her face.

She held a little kid in her right hand and lifted him up with her magic.

『The evil eye that stops the world!

The little kid seemed to have lost all his strength.

This spell was directly launched into the barrier through the magician's magic circle.

The whole world suddenly stopped.

However, Katrea and her magicians were not affected by the power of this artifact.

In the conference room, Xiye suddenly disappeared.

And then reappeared in the same place. Next to him,

Sirzechs stared at Xiye with shocked eyes.

Except for Vali and Sirzechs, everyone on the field fell into a forbidden state.

"I just said it...Xiye is not simple..."Wally leaned against the wall and suddenly raised his head.

He looked at the two people who were getting along peacefully.

One of them was Xiye, whom he had always been afraid of.

"Stop the evil eye of the world...."Sirzechs fell into deep thought

""Let's go out and take a look first!" Vali suddenly said.

The three of them walked outside.

When they got outside, Katrea also came into the barrier through the magic circle.

Everyone's eyes met.

"Sirzechs, I didn't expect this thing would be useless to you...."

"oh...Valli...You are also"

‘It's just that you, a human, are like this! '

Katerea looked at Xiye, who was still able to move freely, with an unbelievable look on her face. ps: Please subscribe! Please support with data! Thanks to Zuixinhua for urging me to update the 12,000 words. You don't treat the author as a human being QAQ~ The following is a picture of Rossweisse..

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