As time went by, the effect of the evil eye that stopped the world also disappeared.

Everyone in the conference room walked out.

The entire barrier was in pieces without the support of the magicians from the magic family.

The magicians were almost all dealt with by Vali.

Gurefia and Serafla walked out first.

Looking at the scene outside, they were slightly shocked.

Although time was frozen, everyone could feel that they were in a state of consciousness but unable to move.

"This Leviathan Katrea...."

Seraph showed an angry expression on her face and said with gritted teeth.

However, when they glanced at Xiye on the eaves. Their brows frowned slightly.

The powerful magic fluctuations, that loli, the loli who looked a little cute.

They would know her. As the demon king of the underworld and those who had contact with the old demon sect, they would not forget the little loli who made them afraid.

Infinite Dragon God! Orpheus!

Including other people who came from behind one after another.

Azazel said casually:"It seems that we have nothing to do outside! This Xiye solved the Infinite Dragon God alone...."

"ah....It really is.."Michael narrowed his eyes and smiled.

In his heart, he was extremely shocked. In his cognition, the strongest human was Cao Cao, the owner of the divine weapon created by the God of the Bible, the Holy Lance of Dusk....

From the beginning of the meeting, Sirzechs asked this human to sit with him. It seemed unreasonable....

Only these demon king-level figures knew the Infinite Dragon God. The others stood there and watched the battle between Sirzechs and Katrea.

Rias glanced at Ophis, feeling a little apprehensive. Although she couldn't judge the strength of the little girl by the magical fluctuations coming out of her, she noticed something strange in the eyes of Gurefia, the maid of their Gremory family.

"Ah~ Kitty, I think we are going to form an alliance. Look, your Xiye is holding the hand of a little girl..."

Himejima Akeno knew that it was definitely not easy, but in this case.

And with a bit of a grudge on Mao Mao's face.

A teasing was still a good choice.

Seeing that Mao Mao didn't answer, Himejima Akeno said without giving up:"Let's join forces and we will definitely take down Xiye Jun."

"don't want..."Mao Maojiang shook her head. She knew that if she agreed, she would have another enemy like Himejima Akeno.

Moreover, she was not just a girlfriend now.

There was a little secret between her and Xiye.....

Sona stopped beside Serafla and said calmly with a cold face:"Another opponent!"

The two people at the back, one old and one young

"Lord Odin, the little girl next to that human is a bit powerful, and her magic power is the same as that of the remnant of the underworld!"

Rosweisse, the Valkyrie, warned with a vigilant look on her face.

After all, Xiye is Sirzechs's guest, so how are these two people related?

And it's also next to Sirzechs's guest, which always feels weird.

"That's the Infinite Dragon God..."Odin showed a solemn look on his face.

He didn't expect that this human was actually related to the Infinite Dragon God.

However, when cooperating with the underworld.

Before being invited, he knew that the former remnants of the underworld formed an evil organization"Disaster Rebellion".

And the leader of the organization was the Infinite Dragon God Orpheus.

But this scene really surprised him as the main god of the Nordic countries!

In the middle of the battle.

Katrea was already covered with scars.

Knowing that the Infinite Dragon God had betrayed her organization, her eyes narrowed slightly.

The current situation is not good, and she is at the end of the road.

"Haha~ Sirzechs, you are indeed very strong, but if I die, I will not let you off easily!"

After saying that, Katrea's magic power suddenly expanded and concentrated on one point.

"Oh no, she's going to self-destruct!"

Azazel, who was originally leisurely watching the battle, quickly reminded Sirzechs.

Xiye, who was upstairs, also heard it and glanced at Katrea, the descendant of the former Leviathan.

Then he looked at Orpheus and said,"This woman is very bad, can you take back your power?..."

"This is fine!"

Orpheus stared at Katrea and said lightly

"Then take it back! She's going to blow herself up..."Xiye stared at Katrea, who was about to change shape. He said softly,"

You should have no objection to eating a free meal."...

"Um.."The little dragon nodded.

Then the magic power in his body changed.

The faint fluorescence in his eyes flashed on Katreia.

Katreia's body, which had expanded, suddenly shrank.

Then a purple Ouroboros emerged from her head.

Her body was like a balloon with a hole in it.

"What's going on?"

Katrea shrank back suddenly, her body seemed to be hollowed out, becoming shriveled and wrinkled. It was impossible for her to self-destruct.

The next second, when she saw the Ouroboros with infinite magic power, she realized that it was Orpheus who took back the power.


At this time, Sirzechs quickly condensed a destructive magic energy bomb in his hand and threw it at Katrea.

In an instant, a demon king-level strongman turned into a sea of blood!


Everyone took a deep breath.

Just now, Katrea wanted to self-destruct. If she succeeded, only a few old guys would survive.

The rest would die here.

Everyone's eyes followed the movement of the Ouroboros.

Until she came to the feet of the Infinite Dragon God Orpheus and turned into a ball of magic power and sank into her body.

Wally leaned against the wall and smiled slightly:"It seems that Xiye and this Infinite Dragon God are more than just acquaintances..."

Others were also surprised. This Xiye not only made Orpheus stop, but also made her stop.

Having an affair! ? ps: Please order it yourself! Please support the data! Thank you for the 2 12,000 yuan cards from Tianshaguxinglei for urging me to update! Thank you! Too arrogant QAQ

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