Chapter 100: Memories of Haruji Yuria [Subscription! 】。

Left Liu Chen and Kazami Kazuhime’s home.

Haruji returns from Ria and Kiara to the building of the Heroes Guild.

Kiara drove the exclusive car of the Hero Association, and while waiting at a traffic light, she said the words that she had not spoken when she was at Liu Chen’s house just now.

“The invitation failed, and even a good thing like becoming an S-class hero would be refused.”

After all, I don’t know how many people want to have the title of S-class hero.

“If it was him, it would not be surprising that he would decline the invitation.”

Haruji Yuria said with a smile.

“Sister Chunsi, are you familiar with Liu Chen?”

A look of doubt flashed across Kiara’s face.

From the very beginning of knowing Liu Chen’s existence, she felt that her superior’s attitude towards Liu Chen was very unusual. However, just after meeting Liu Chen, the former obviously did not know his boss.

“It should be said that I have met once before.”

“Only seen once?”

The puzzlement in Kiara’s eyes deepened.


Although it was only a brief encounter of 21, it left an extremely deep impression on Haruji Yuria. That sentence at the beginning also made her unforgettable for a long time.

With his arm on the window frame, through the window, he can see the scene of the street outside the window when night is falling. The crystal eyes reflected the things that flashed quickly as the car started again.

But Haruji Yuria’s thoughts have already returned to the day when he met Liu Chen a few years ago. One.

A few years ago.

At that time, Haruji Yuria was not a high position as it is today.

A few years ago, she was only a data officer in the Disaster Department of the Heroes Association.

The job is to process the data of a series of local earthquakes, energy reactions and so on when a disaster occurs. In the Hero Association, there are many such data record organizers.

Although when disaster occurs, it will be busy.

However, since the number of such staff is relatively sufficient, there will still be normal holidays to rest. On a day off.

Haruji Yuria, who has no work assignment, plans to go shopping in the shopping street.

“It’s a great day.”

Leaving the house, Haruji Yuria raised her head slightly, her white slender hands covering the harsh light.

Looking at the clear sky, the mood that was not good due to work gradually dissipated. Today, instead of wearing the clothes she usually wears to work in the association, she changes into the dress of a normal woman. The upper body is lavender-colored lining and white cardigan, and the lower body is a black hip-wrapping skirt.

Swan-like slender neck, as always, wearing that crystal pendant.

With a beautiful face and a graceful and colorful body, walking on the street attracts the attention of many men. In large shopping malls, there is a wide variety of items.

Necklaces of beautiful jewelry, or gorgeous and striking outfits. It’s all you need.

Yuria Haruji now works as a data recorder for the Heroes Association, and her work is to sit in front of a computer on weekdays. Similar to a clerical job like a programmer, there is not much exercise at the end of the day.

In this way, athletic ability and physical strength will decrease.

However, although it is not that naughty and active personality, it does not belong to the kind of tomboy who likes to fight. But Haruji Yuria has been in good physical condition since childhood.

When she was eight years old, she punched down her childhood sweetheart, who was also the child of the then king.

Since coming out in the morning, he hardly stopped to rest, and Haruji Yuria walked around until after one o’clock in the afternoon, and he began to feel a little hungry. Women will have inexplicable blessings for things like shopping. However, at this time, Haruji Yuria is more like a vent on top of hidden accumulated emotions.

Recording the damage and losses of each disaster hit a city naturally includes the number of casualties in the disaster.

It’s not just numbers, so it doesn’t create a real feeling.

Only when you really do this will you feel the cruelty under the disaster.

It’s normal to accumulate negative emotions. And.

Because of casualties, losses, etc., some people may understand the hero association that maintains social stability. But through the disaster, and the death of family members or relatives in the disaster.

People who are out of control will inevitably question and abuse the Hero Association. Lash out why heroes can’t arrive sooner?

Did all the money they paid go away? Aren’t heroes supposed to protect them?

Words like that.

There are many people who used to work in all aspects of the Hero Association, all because they could not withstand these voices, plus witnessed many tragedies and so on.

So he left his position in the Hero Guild and went to a new job. At this time, Haruji Yuria fell into this pressure.

Today, I say that I came out shopping for holidays and rest.

But the main thing is to relax your mood and vent the negative emotions accumulated in your heart. Otherwise, it may affect the subsequent work.

I walked the streets all morning, and even a little after lunchtime.

Although I didn’t buy a few items, I did forget about the troubles caused by work for a while.

“Before I knew it, it was already one o’clock in the afternoon.”

Haruji Yuria carried the two bags of clothes in her hand and looked at the time. She walked out of the mall.

The bustling commercial street is naturally more than just a shopping mall.

383 shops such as restaurants and restaurants, as well as snack shops, also have a dedicated area in this commercial street. Not long after, Haruji Yuria found a restaurant with a very exquisite façade, pushed the door and walked into it.

There are not too many customers in the store, only a few tables of diners are eating.

Probably because you have almost missed your normal lunchtime.

However, after Haruji Yuria saw the prices of the dishes on the menu, she roughly understood the reason why there were not many customers at this restaurant. Because the price of these dishes is a little expensive in the eyes of her, a person with a fixed and not low income.


Judging from the food that the waiter next to her had just brought her, the price may be a little high, but the quality and taste will not be much worse.

Moreover, the environment of this shop is quite good. The store is clean and tidy, and the atmosphere is also good.

It is suitable for people like her who come out to relax and want to eat quietly. At this point, Haruji Yuria did not get up and leave, but decided to eat here.

However, just as she was thinking about it, she was about to ask the waiter to order food. The sound of gobbling up food sounded at the adjacent table…..

ps: The picture is Kiara [The author’s style should be somewhat understood by everyone, and this girl naturally does not plan to let it go, by the way… Customize it, ask for it! Ask for everything! ].

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