Chapter 108: Kaoru was scared away by Liu Chen! 【Subscription requested! 】。


In front of Liu Chen was the dessert brought by the waiter. A new jelly, a yam taro cake.

Liu Chen took a bite of the delicate and smooth jelly, and Yi Bingjin looked at Liu Chen with anticipation. This feeling is similar to “preaching” like light novels.

When preaching, wait for a comment that is recognized and liked.



Hearing Liu Chen’s response, Yi Bingjin showed a happy smile.

“Sure enough, Achen and I are the same type of people.”

“If it’s about sweetness.”

Liu Chen didn’t mind Yi Bingjin’s sudden change of title. The girl in front of her likes sweets very much.

This can be seen from the previous words and the reaction at this time.

In fact, for Liu Chen, after he got rid of those traffickers, every meal he ate was delicious. Although there are also certain factors that are divorced from the dark life.

But more than not, there is nothing more unpalatable than the dregs given by traffickers. Therefore, as long as it is not worse than the bad food at that time, Liu Chen does not hate it.

And if the taste is better, then whether it is sweets or other dishes, Liu Chen will have a certain degree of favorability. As far as sweets are concerned, it is okay to say that they are the same type of people as girls.

“I think we have other places like sweets besides sweets.”

Yi Bingjin looked at Liu Chen and blinked.

“.. Which places? ”

“Hmm… I’m a little confused about this. ”

Yi Bingjin thought for a while, and then shook his head. The first time she saw Liu Chen, she felt that Liu Chen had something similar to her.

But if she had to be specific, she couldn’t say it.

By discovering that Liu Chen and himself have “same-like” preferences, Yi Bingjin and Liu Chen’s words have become more.

From time to time, I say, “This is delicious.”

“Must try this”

“Let’s have sweets next time” or something like that

“Ha, so full.”

Eating the last piece of cake on the table, the pink-haired girl with a sweet tooth made a satisfied sound. This is the sixth piece of cake that Yi Bingjin has eaten.

Of course, the girl eats more than that.

There are also double-skin milk cups on the table, as well as new jelly small bowls, which are also eaten by Yi Bing. Liu Chen just added a blueberry double-skin milk and mango mousse under the recommendation of Yi Bingjin later. After eating, the two went to the front desk to settle the bill.

After that, one person carried a pocket and left the dessert shop where people were still entering. It is worth mentioning here that the two of them did not pay separately.

Instead, Yibing paid for their table.

Even Liu Chen wanted to bring Kazami Kazuhime and Yamada Goblin back the new jelly and several other good-tasting pastries. It was also paid for by Yibing.

In the words of Yi Bingjin, next time we will eat dessert together, and then Achen will treat you. The money for desserts is not very much, especially in Liu Chen’s eyes.

And for Liu Chen, there is no situation where paying by a girl will be embarrassing and so on. Even if it’s not been long since I met.

At this point, he did not refuse, and directly accepted Yi Bingjin’s invitation calmly. Liu Chen, who left the dessert shop, walked side by side with Yi Bingjin.

Yi Bingjin looked at Liu Chen: “Is Achen still in school?” ”


“You must be tired at school.”

“Why do you say that…”

Liu Chen didn’t know that this pink-haired soft girl saw it, and he didn’t feel that way. On the contrary, life at school was quite easy for him.

“You see, Achen’s expression has always been gloomy, and he has never smiled, it must be because he is tired from doing a lot of homework.”

Saying that, Yi Bingjin nodded in confidence.


Liu Chen was speechless for a while.

His expression has nothing to do with homework.

“Guess if I’m in school or already working?”

Yi Bingjin asked with a grin.

“It’s already working.”

“Huh? Why would you know? ”

Yi Bing’s eyes widened a little, very surprised.

In fact, from these few sentences just now, it can almost be concluded that Yi Bingjin is not in school. But…….

Liu Chen’s gaze swept at the sleeve of the girl’s forearm carrying the pineapple bag.

“Achen, help me get it, I’ll be back soon.”

Yi Bingjin suddenly said and handed the pocket full of pineapple bags in his hand to Liu Chen.

Then, turn around and head towards the side of the suspended light rail railway in front of you, running away at a speed that ordinary people cannot reach. Finally, he disappeared into Liu Chen’s field of vision.


The suspended light rail railway is supported by many stone pillars several meters above the ground. Below the railway, there is a small clearing that is a little dark.

Here, two male species with scarlet eyes are facing each other. One of them is a bald head.

He looked angry, with blood on the corners of his mouth, and two wounds on his body that stained his clothes red. The other species, on the other hand, wore a mask to cover its face, and its whole body was intact.

“Damn it! They kept biting me. ”

The injured bald head gasped and gritted his teeth and said.

“You’d better be knowledgeable, it’s your pleasure to organize and recruit you.”

The masked Kaoru said in a proud tone.

“Hey, Lao Tzu is an A-class species, he doesn’t want to join any organization, and he is not a human being, so he is engaged in groups of people.”

The bald man spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm.

“And I’ve heard of you guys that joining is bound by the organization, and you can’t hunt freely and can’t move freely.”

“Lao Tzu can’t do it!”

“In that case, then don’t blame me.”

The masked Kaoru’s eyes flashed with red light, and he directly moved his hand.


The bald species collided twice with the masked Kaoru, and fell into the downwind in the blink of an eye.

His strength is A-level, and through his previous hands, he estimates that this masked species should be A+ level. The strength is much stronger than him!

“You bastard, you actually listen to that shit bronze tree like this, I think you have become the dog of those guys!”

Punched back several steps by the masked kaoru, the bald kaoru’s expression became more and more annoyed, and he roared loudly. These words immediately stimulated the mask species from the bronze tree.

Mask Kaoru’s eyes were cold, and his hands became even more ruthless. Since this ignorant species refused the invitation of the bronze tree.

Well, just bring the latter back to the organization alive. As for whether it is missing arms or legs, the upper echelons will not blame!

The Mask Seed punches the bald Kaoru in the face, ready to continue the attack. Suddenly, he seemed to sense something.

Jumping away from the bald Kaoru, he looked into the shadow of a stone pillar.

“Who’s there!”

“Eh… Are my hiding skills really that bad? ”

Yi Bingjin, who had a bandage on one arm and a short knife in the other, walked out of the shadows. She had a troubled look on her pretty cheeks.

The mask’s gaze fell on the short knife that Yi Bingjin was holding.

“White dove…”

That short knife was not an ordinary short knife bought in an ordinary store.

The Mask Kaoru can sense that it is Kuink made of Kaoru Hebao! Not only the mask species, but also the bald Kaoru species also guessed the identity of Yi Bingjin.

“Hey, White Pigeon is our common enemy, let’s deal with her together!”



The bald Kaoru shouted to the Mask Kaoru.

The white pigeon, the search officer, whose job is to eliminate the species.

In this way, it is not much of a problem to say that they are common enemies.

It’s just that what the bald Kaoru thought in his heart was to take the opportunity to escape when the bronze tree’s mask Kaoru and Yibing were entangled. Whether it was the Mask breed that injured him being destroyed by the White Dove, or the White Dove being killed by the Mask Breed.

Which of these two parties dies is what he wants to see.

Of course, the best outcome is that two people die together.

Mask glanced at the latter with disdain, and he saw what the latter was thinking. But I didn’t care.

The female white pigeon on the opposite side was wounded, and one arm was still splinted and bandaged. He didn’t think he couldn’t solve a search officer in such a state.

Thinking so much, a Tail Hyuk spread out from behind him, ready to solve Yi Bingjin first, and then clean up this restless kind.

But as soon as Tail Hyuk emerged from under the clothes behind his back, he suddenly stopped.

Looking at the figure behind Yi Bingjin who was slowly walking towards this side, carrying two pockets.

As if he had seen some terrifying existence, his muscles were tense and his hair stood upside down. His eyes widened, filled with horror.

Snap! Snap!

Footsteps sounded behind themselves, and Yi Bingjin looked at the person.

“Achen? What are you doing here? ”

Then, she blocked Liu Chen behind her, slightly sideways her delicate cheeks, and showed a soft smile to Liu Chen.

“Actually, I’m a search officer, a superior search officer!”

“Although there are two species of Kaoru, I will protect Achen.”

If it were usual, the mask would definitely say with disdain

“A wounded man, it is difficult to protect himself, and he dares to speak out”

。 Immediately start to get started.

It’s just that at this time, the mask species didn’t have the slightest idea of continuing to fight. A major change recently carried out by Fangcun Aite among the bronze trees.

The species inside the bronze tree became more vivid in their memories of the existence above the prohibition. And the most profound is undoubtedly the main lord “Liu Chen” who made Fangcun Aite make such an action.

The strong “gecko” in the original organization


Why did the “shemale” suddenly disappear because he encountered Liu Chen! And why the upper echelons suddenly made such a big move within the organization was also because of Liu Chen!

It can be said that the species in the bronze tree today may not be able to react immediately when they see the existence of other prohibitions.

But seeing Liu Chen and Kazemi Yiji, who is closely related to Liu Chen, he will definitely react instantly! And at this time, this mask from the bronze tree is like this!

He was originally also a member of the bronze tree who was not very stable, but after this incident, he suddenly lowered his profile. Even predation is reduced as much as possible, and as few heads are shown as possible.

It was only under the dispatch of the task of collecting the species in this area that he came out of the organization again.

“I, I have no malice!”

“Misunderstanding! It’s all a misunderstanding! ”

The mask slowly stepped back, cold sweat on his back and face under the mask. He swallowed his saliva and shouted at Liu Chen in the rear of Yi Bing.

Then, regardless of the bald head’s confused expression and Yi Bing’s bewildered gaze, he turned his head and fled. The posture of fleeing in embarrassment seemed to grow two legs again.

“Huh? Why did you run away all of a sudden? ”

Yi Bingjin followed the line of sight of the fleeing mask to Liu Chen,

“Could it be that Achen looks too terrible?”


ps: The picture is Yi Bingjin [Custom! Please! Ask for everything

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