Since it is about the nobles of the corpse soul world, then here is a brief introduction to the background of Immortal Muxuan at this time.

As for Immortal Mu Xuan himself, in fact, he doesn’t know when the year he is in now, he just knows that the real beginning of the timing of the corpse soul world began with the establishment of the Quiet Spirit Court, that is to say, the real historical pioneer of the corpse soul world is Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku.

And during this period, although the corpse soul world was still “directly subordinate” to the “spirit king”, but the control of the corpse soul world was jointly ruled by four great nobles and six high nobles, and the central forty-six room had not yet been established at this time, so all the authority was almost in the hands of the four major nobles.

At this time, the noble hierarchy of the corpse soul realm was very tight, except for the four major nobles, the six high nobles, the ordinary nobles and the lower nobles below.

The so-called ordinary nobles are the nobles who have the hereditary system of nobility, but have no real power, and the lower nobles are generally the subordinate families of the large nobles and the high nobles, and such aristocratic circles have formed the power structure of the corpse soul world at this time.

And the four nobles at this time are almost the same as the five nobles in the original works of later generations, except for the “Tsunadei” family of the Grand Spirit Book Cloister of the Elder Chief, almost all others have changed.

The four major nobles here, except for the Tsunaya family, which actually has no real power, are the three major families, namely the Onizuka family, the log family, and the Yamada family, who occupy a huge majority of seats in the “elder council”, the core of power in the corpse soul world, and it can be said that they cover the sky with one hand in the corpse soul world.

The remaining six high-ranking nobles are the Immortal Mu family, the Sifeng Yuan family, the Shibo family, the Yamamoto family, the Kasumi Dalu family, and the Makihara family, a total of six, of which the Yamamoto family is the family of Old Man Yamamoto, and the patriarch at this time is Yamamoto Shigekoku, who has just been in his prime.

The other Kasumi Dalu family is an arms dealer in the corpse soul world, and they started by casting weapons, and the Sifeng family and the Shibo family do not need to be introduced at all, and the remaining Makihara family, as mentioned later, is directly related to someone in the original work.

And further down, there are countless ordinary nobles and lower nobles, I will not list them all here, anyway, they can’t touch the center of full strength, which can basically be said to be irrelevant.

At this time, the corpse and soul world seems to be harmonious, but the four nobles and the six high nobles (referred to as the six high nobles) are intrigued, and there are quite a lot of places where power is poured out, although the four major nobles are only three major nobles to put it bluntly, but the combined force of the three families also suppresses the six high nobles to death.

As for the reason, as mentioned earlier, the Yamamoto family of the six high nobles is a faction of the pro-three major families, and the remaining five nobles, the Immortal Mu family and the Four Maple Courtyard family are hawks, and the strength is also the strongest, Zhibo and the Four Maple Courtyard are on good terms, and they can also be regarded as a factional person, and the remaining Makihara family and the Kasumi Dalu family, because they are merchants, value more profit than power, so only three of the six nobles actually go head-to-head with the three major nobles.

Of course, such a secret war has been going on for hundreds of years, and although the three major nobles have the support of the Yamamoto family, they are not dominant in terms of overall strength, because although the Yamamoto family is close to the three major families, Yamamoto Shigekoku himself is friendly to high-ranking nobles such as Immortal Wood.

This made the Yamamoto family disagree, so Yamamoto had to not help each other, of course, the condition is that the Yamamoto family must not be mixed in, after all, Yamamoto alone is the strong man of the previous family, and the elders of the Yamamoto family are helpless.

The remaining three major families and the three high schools began to game, because the three high families are all practical parties, there are many strong people, and even some are the named disciples of Old Man Yamamoto, so that although the three noble forces are not as good as the three major nobles, but on the surface, the three major nobles still maintain restraint and do not easily use force, because although the power is great, but the force is not superior.

Among the three nobles, the strength of the Immortal Wood Family is the strongest, because at this time, the Immortal Wood Family has five veins in addition to the sect family, and the patriarch of each vein is at least a sixth-order upper rank or even a complete strength. This is a quasi-captain-level powerhouse in the future life, not to mention that there are several elders in each vein of the Immortal Wood Family, and the patriarch of the Zong Family is the head of the Immortal Wood Family, and it is also a seventh-order powerhouse, that is, a captain-level figure, you can imagine how strong the strength of the Immortal Wood Family is.

The remaining four maple courtyard families and the Zhibo family, the Zhibo family has a division, but there are only two veins, and the four maple courtyard families are not separated, all their branches live with the main vein, relatively speaking, they are slightly inferior to the Immortal Mu family in strength, but their family master is also a seventh-order powerhouse, and the other two branches of the Zhibo family are also strong people above the sixth order.

The combination of the three, that is, the three major nobles have to pay attention to such armed forces, not to mention that the four maple courtyard families are also in charge of various “artifacts” of the “heaven-given soldiers”, so the three nobles do not dare to easily raise the sword, and the three nobles are because the control of the joints in their hands is not enough, once the war starts, the three nobles can mobilize the “guards” (the later Liting team) to attack the three nobles, after all, the three nobles are the rulers of the corpse soul world at this time, and the six nobles are only helpers, Therefore, there is also a reason why the three nobles dare not make a move.

Speaking of which, when it comes to the Immortal Mu Xuan family, the Immortal Mu Xuan family is the worst of the five branches of the Immortal Mu family, and before the birth of Immortal Mu Xuan, there were only his father and an elder, that is, Immortal Mu Xuan’s uncle who supported the family.

When Immortal Mu Xuan was born (crossed), the powerful talent that slowly appeared made Immortal Mu Xuan his father Immortal Mucheng and the elder Immortal Mu Tobei happy, otherwise they would not have proposed to let Immortal Mu Xuan go to worship Yamamoto, after all, although the two of them are not talented and their strength is not strong, but it does not mean that they have no vision, they think that they can’t teach Immortal Mu Xuan, so they hope that Immortal Mu Xuan can find a best teacher.

It is worth mentioning here that because the branch where Immortal Mu Xuan is located has always been weak, so the shorter the years of popular life, the Tucheng branch at this time is also the branch where Immortal Mu Xuan is located, and the patriarch Immortal Wood City needs to manage the head of the sect family, Immortal Wood Red Lotus, called grandfather, and Immortal Mu Xuan is even more exaggerated and needs to call Immortal Wood Red Lotus as grandpa, although Immortal Wood Red Lotus has only been the head of the family for only a hundred years, but the branch of Immortal Wood Xuan is really low.

Of course, this world is not based on generation, but on strength, at this time, there is no existence of the Quiet Spirit Court, and the corpse soul world is even more naked from the zero law, the strong survive!

– To be continued

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