When Su Yan heard the three words of the secret hidden meeting, his eyes were also fixed.

This is one of the lawless organizations wanted by the Alliance, and it is so flamboyant in front of me, the King of the Alliance?

Emperor Yan even looked at them with an idiotic look on his face.

It's true that everyone in the world wants to capture the Divine Beast, but don't you weigh your own strength?

Even a few of you rotten onions, dare to say that you want to arrest me?

Was it that he was so excited to see Bendi that his brain burned out?

A few men in black took out Poké Balls from their waists, looking like they really wanted to do it!

Luo Chen looked curious.

Isn't the normal process of following us and then shaking people at headquarters?

What does this mean by rushing straight up?

Could it be that each of you has a divine beast in your arms?

Emperor Yan saw that these people really wanted to do something to themselves, and his eyes sank.

Originally, Emperor Yan's temperament was very arrogant, and he had met many trainers who were fortunate enough to see him in the wild over the years, and without exception, all of them challenged him, but all of them were defeated by himself.

And after defeating them, Emperor Yan didn't make a ruthless move, he just turned around and left, and in the process of fighting, Emperor Yan wouldn't even use too much strength, he just didn't want to hurt people.

Including the last time he met Luo Chen in the Langya Mountain Range, it was the same, he challenged himself, and then was defeated by himself, in that battle, Emperor Yan did not use all his strength.

However, since that time when he was attacked by the people who came to the temple and caused him to be subdued by Luo Chen, Emperor Yan began to reflect on it, if he was cruel to human beings and had a fierce reputation like Darkrai and Ipeltar, would human beings turn around and run away when they saw him?

If I had burned all those who tried to challenge me, I wouldn't have ended up where I am today...

Therefore, the current Emperor Yan doesn't have much affection for human beings, especially these people from illegal organizations, who don't talk about morality at all, and directly sneak attack and target Jia group beating!

I hate it!

If you can kill them, you must not be merciful!

Thinking of this, Emperor Yan directly shot a jet of flame.

Before the elves could be released, they were burned to ashes!

The corners of Luo Chen's mouth twitched.

That's it?

With this kind of strength, you still dare to pretend to be forced in front of the divine beast?

I can't even hold up a single photo...

Rummaged through the ashes and took all the Poké Balls.

"These people from the Secret Society feel that their brains are a little unbright, and the few people I met in Ruoshuiju last time at least know how to sneak attack, but these few people actually rushed up with a roar, they were really drunk. "

After taking back Emperor Yan, Luo Chen and the three of them walked back.

On the way, Luo Chen asked Su Yan, "How much do you know about the Secret Society?"

Su Yan shook his head: "I don't know much, after all, I rarely interfere in the affairs of the alliance, and I haven't asked much about some of the alliance's copywriting, if you want to know, I can call it out and take a look." "

Luo Chen nodded.

The Alliance definitely has an in-depth understanding of these organizations.

And according to Luo Chen's current contact, these organizations all have one thing in common, that is, they like to capture rare Pokémon, especially have a soft spot for divine beasts, even if they sacrifice a lot of manpower and material resources, they have to carry out the capture plan of divine beasts.

And almost all of them are rare Pokémon in my hands, flashes, quasi-gods, divine beasts, I have everything they want.

So they will definitely keep an eye on themselves, and it is estimated that they will often deal with these organizations in the future, and it will not hurt to know more about them now.

And just now those people mentioned the trial.

Experiments with mythical beasts?

I really dare to think about it.

Fortunately, most of the people in these organizations do not have very good IQs, otherwise it would be very tricky.

But this is no wonder that the top management of the organization is careless in recruiting people, after all, who will join these messy organizations with an online IQ, and they are chased and beaten every day like a rat crossing the street.

People who can be fooled by the organization can estimate their IQ like that.

People like Jiang Linfan who have some real skills must also be high-level personnel of various organizations.

Most of the members at the bottom are some parallel trades.

The trio returned to the Magnificent and sailed towards the Tower of Engravings.

Along the way, every fish can catch a divine beast, and there is no one.

But the rest of the trip didn't cause any more incidents.

On the way, the alliance called once and asked Su Yan about Fei Ona.

Su Yan naturally prevaricated with half-truths, and only said that Mafina appeared and took Fei Ona away.

After all, many people saw the dark clouds at that time, and the people of the alliance were not stupid, and they could easily deduce that it was the movement of the divine beast.

Su Yan couldn't hide it even if he wanted to, so he might as well say it directly, but he didn't say a word about Luo Chen's subduing Fei Ona.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, the Gorgeous sailed smoothly into the docks of the Engraved Island.

The island is famous for the Tower of Marking, so it is called the Island of Marking.

The island is huge, and there is a small city with a population of more than 100,000.

The docks are gorgeously decorated to welcome a large number of trainers to the tournament here.

And there were quite a few people gathered around the docks, and as soon as a ship docked, they swarmed up, with leaflets in their hands, all promoting their business.

The corners of Luo Chen's mouth twitched slightly.

This scene is familiar!

It's like an innkeeper who pulled people at the gate of the station in his previous life!

It's also difficult for these islanders, there will be a large number of people entering the island three or five days a year, if you don't take this opportunity to make a profit, you can only go out to sea to fish for a living...

But after Luo Chen and the others got off the boat, this group of people did not come around.

Luo Chen looked back at the Gorgeous, and knew the reason, how could the people who came down from this kind of luxury cruise ship go with them?

Most of the people on this ship have already made their itineraries, and their accommodation on the island is a high-end hotel.

Luo Chen didn't prepare anything, so he followed along.

He looked back at Lin Xin: "Where do we live, there should be an elf center here, right?"

Before Lin Xin could speak, Su Yan said, "I have already booked a room for Lin Xin, if you want to live in the elf center, you can live by yourself." "

Luo Chen has a black line.

Is Lin Xin your teammate or my teammate?

Why do you look at her so closely?

Are you her mother?

Lin Xin said in time: "Why don't you live with us too?" Sister Su said that the seaside hotel here is very good, so let's live together, and if there is anything, we can take care of each other. "

Su Yan didn't say anything more, and Luo Chen naturally had no opinion.

A beachfront hotel?

Is it the kind that has an open-air pool?

glanced back at the figures of Su Yan and Lin Xin.

Although Lin Xin is also convex and backward, after all, he is still young and his scale has yet to be developed.

But Su Yan, that's simple, mature and sexy, round and plump.

Tsk, if you put on a bikini...

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