The flying boat moved forward at an extremely fast speed, several times faster than the speed at which Zhilie bit the land shark and the Yan Emperor.

And that's just the beginning!

If you sail at full speed, you can walk around Middle-earth Kyushu in minutes!

But even at the current speed, it only took less than ten minutes to fly over the island that Shen Cang said.

Luo Chen lowered the height of the flying boat, and the whole view of the island came into view.

As Shen Cang said, the island has been damaged beyond recognition by the storm, and the entire island is dilapidated, without grass, and full of deep ravines and ravines.

When the boat descends less than 100 meters above the island, you can even see that there are still strong air currents swirling around the island.

Emperor Yan said with certainty: "This place has definitely been attacked by divine beasts! And the strength is very strong! far above me!"

Luo Chen took a deep breath.

Is it really a first-class god?

You've come to the right place!

"Can you escort me to the island? I want to find out if there are any clues left by divine beasts on this island, and a powerful first-level god to attack this island is definitely a plan, the minerals on this island should be more precious than the Shen family imagined!"

Emperor Yan nodded and said, "Naturally, there is no problem, the airflow here has little effect on me." "

So Luo Chen rode on Emperor Yan and jumped to the island, Fei Ona also flew down, and the rest of the elves were all waiting on the flying boat.

As soon as he landed, a raging fire erupted from Emperor Yan's body, protecting the surrounding space.

Fiona landed on Luo Chen's shoulder.

One man and two elves began to search the island.

Soon after, at the edge of a ravine, Luo Chen found a broken statue.

He jumped off the ground and walked over to take a closer look, and the statue came to life.

"There are even statues here? The miners of the Shen family are really leisurely, and they even have the heart to play with sculptures while mining. "

Luo Chen patted the dust on his hand that had been stained from the statue.

Go to the edge of the ditch and look down.

It was pitch black beneath the ravine.

Emperor Yan walked over and spewed a flame inside, illuminating the situation in the ditch.

I saw that there was a deep pond of water at the bottom of the ditch, and many large and small stones were exposed to the water.

Through the water, you can vaguely see that the bottom of the water is covered with all kinds of broken statues, both human and Pokémon.

Luo Chen raised his eyebrows.

"So many, did the Shen family come to mine, or did they come to open a sculpture field?"

Luo Chen casually pushed the statue next to him into the ditch.

There was a big splash.

Then he took Emperor Yan to other places, but found many stone statues one after another.

At the same time, some cracked bizarre stones were found around a boulder.

Luo Chen walked over and picked up a piece at his feet.

Fiona leaned in and sniffed.

"There's a great power left on this stone!"

Luo Chen frowned.

The crack in this stone is not like it was bombarded by a skill, but more like a dry crack caused by the stone itself being sucked by a force!

This should be the kind of ore that the Shen family said.

In other words, the divine beast that came here was to suck the power of these ores?

"Emperor Yan, can you find out if there is any intact ore under the island?"

"I'll give it a try. "

After speaking, Emperor Yan closed his eyes, and his mental power infiltrated into the ground.

Hundreds of meters underground, all the ore I perceived had dried up and cracked, and it was not intact, but I sensed a vague breath, which had been drifting underground, and I couldn't confirm the exact direction of the breath!

Emperor Yan frowned, and while continuing to explore, he warned Luo Chen.

"Be careful, there seems to be something alive underground..."

Something alive?

Luo Chen was shocked!

Could it be that the first-level god hasn't left yet?

Gradually, Emperor Yan's spiritual perception also reached its limit, but he still hadn't found the exact location of that breath.

Reluctantly, he began to close his eyes and meditate.

When the elemental power rose, Emperor Yan's telekinesis went deeper again.

It didn't take long for the fluctuations of that aura to begin to show obvious traces, and Emperor Yan hurriedly probed his telekinesis.

Soon, he sensed a dense patch of intact ore!

At the same time, he also sensed an extremely vicious aura emanating from the heavy ore!

The power of those ores was being pulled by the breath, towards the center.

There's something inside that sucks the power of these ores!

It seemed to be stimulated by Emperor Yan's telekinesis, and that breath suddenly became active and began to spread outward!

Emperor Yan opened his eyes instantly.

The Pokémon below, wake up!

He directly swept Luo Chen and Fei Ona up with his telekinesis and flew to the flying boat.

"Be careful, what's down there, wake up!"

As Emperor Yan's words sounded, a terrifying aura spread out from under the island!

Luo Chen and the others immediately felt a little uncomfortable.

Then, a wave of consciousness poked out from under the island and swept towards the flying boat.

Emperor Yan's eyes lit up.

Is this a dark aura?

He has a bad heart and provokes the guy he shouldn't mess with!

He used meditation again, raising his strength by several levels.

Under the island, a spiritual fluctuation came from a word.

"Emperor Yan, for the sake of King Feng, I don't care about you, leave here. "

Emperor Yan frowned, he turned his head to look at Luo Chen, and said, "I think let's go, the one below... It's very strong, and it's not very good-tempered..."

Luo Chen couldn't help but wonder: "Who is that down there?"

Emperor Yan said in a deep voice, "God of Destruction, Ipeltar!"


God Y?

Luo Chen was overjoyed, he was indeed a first-level god!

I originally thought that I would find the clues of the divine beast here at most, but I didn't expect to see the divine beast itself directly!

Luo Chen's eyes were hot!

"Why are you leaving? Aren't we here just for him? I actually saw it, and if I don't try to subdue it, I'm not a trainer in vain?"

There was a sneer from the island.

"Hehehe~ Human, you actually want to subdue me?"

Luo Chen didn't say much, and directly let the Pokémon collectively start to strengthen, and by the way, Bankilas was also released, he was the only third combat force in Luo Chen's team after Emperor Yan and Fei Ona!

Emperor Yan sighed.

"I don't know where you got your confidence, I can't beat this guy..."

Fei Ona on the side looked nervous, this is going to do with a first-level god?

It's only been less than two days since he followed Luo Chen, and he's going to fight with Ipeltar?

It's exciting!

While Luo Chen was preparing for battle, the system released a mission.

"Mission: The god of destruction, Ipeltal, wantonly kills innocent creatures, petrified countless creatures over the years, asks the host to defeat them as punishment, and rewards the old charts for completing the task, and if it is successfully subdued, it will be rewarded with an additional Infinity Flute, a Master Ball, a Mega Evolution Stone, and 100 Extremely Giant Crystals. "

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