Having retracted the many elves from the space, Ipeltar entered the space for the first time, looking at everything around him with curiosity on his face.

Good guy, where did this Luo Chen get this good thing!

With his knowledge, he naturally recognized that this was a different dimensional space, and any place it was enough to attract countless people to come and explore!

And Luo Chen actually carried one with him, it was incredible!

Pachilitz was deliberately left outside by Luo Chen, and he took out the thunderbolt slate and handed it to Pachilitz to carry, replacing the original magnet.

Watching the large stone slab that was one meter high turn into a point of light and enter his body, Pachliz immediately felt that the power in his body had become even stronger!

"Chippa?" (What is this?)

Luo Chen sat down on the throne and held Pachiliz in his arms.

"This is a mysterious prop, related to an extremely powerful divine beast, you must not tell anyone, otherwise it may cause a lot of trouble, you know?"

"Chippa!" (got it!)

Pachlitz lay in Luo Chen's arms and thought for a while, and then said, "This slate is so powerful, isn't it better to give it to the other partners? You already gave me that crystal last night, and it's their turn to give this slate!"

Luo Chen smiled and gently rubbed Pachlitz's head.

"You little guy, this slate is an electric attribute, it is the best for you, if you get a slate with other attributes in the future, it will naturally be given to them~"

Pachliz smiled happily.

Holding Paci Liz in his arms, Luo Chen began to think about his future actions.

I got a first-level god in a daze, and the strength of other Pokémon is also very strong, now as long as the Pokémon in my hand are cultivated, and by the way, the favorability is piled up, it is enough to run rampant in the world.

In other words, you don't need to continue searching for excellent Pokémon at all.

Except for the mythical beasts...

After all, there are such things as divine beasts, the more the better~

And now with this flying boat, it is very convenient to travel around the country, and you don't even need to travel step by step, just choose seven cities, and you can get the remaining seven badges in one day, and then you just need to wait for the Pokémon Alliance Conference to be held with peace of mind.

By the way, crack the two charts in your hand.

There is a high probability that these two charts correspond to two divine beasts!

After determining the recent itinerary, Luo Chen took out the props obtained from this mission.

First of all, the old chart, this thing doesn't need to be looked at at at all at all, it will definitely be impossible to crack in a short period of time, Luo Chen directly put it back into the space, and put it together with the Aurora chart, this is the goal in the short term.

Then he looked at the rest of the props.

One Infinity Flute, one Master Ball, one Mega Evolution Stone, and 100 Giant Crystals.

The Mega Evolution Stone can only be given to Bankiras, and he doesn't have an Evolution Stone yet.

The Master Ball is put back into space, and the Extreme Giant Crystal is used to increase the Extreme Giant level, each Pokémon can use up to ten, which can raise the Extreme Giant level to the highest level of 10, making the HP of the Extreme Giant double!

100 crystals that can be used for ten Pokémon.

And Luo Chen's main force, plus Ipeltar, also has exactly ten Pokémon!


Ten crystals were fed to Pacilitz first, and the rest were left to be distributed to everyone later.

Only one last prop remains.

Infinity Ocarin: Can summon an avatar of Ladios or Latias to help. (The avatar has 70% of the strength of the body)

Good guys, just use one, then another, this is another hole card, you can keep it for life.

After packing up the props, Luo Chen started the flying boat and flew towards Xuzhou, if nothing else, he just wanted to collect all the badges within today.

By the way, I got the certificate of the gym trainer.

Along the way, Luo Chen touched Pachiliz and hummed a little song, and he was in a really good mood today.

"White belly~

Big tail ~

The corners of his mouth are crooked, and he smiles at me haha~

Quietly tell me the wonder of the world~

Every small cell is racing against you~"

While humming a song, he took out his mobile phone and searched for the location of the Taoist halls in various cities in Xuzhou.

The nearest is Huailing City, Luo Chen sped up the speed of the flying boat, the surrounding scenery became blurred, and after a few minutes, he arrived at the Huailing Daoist Hall.

Directly lowering the flying boat to the door of the gym, it naturally caused an uproar.

Such a luxurious flying machine, I have never even seen it on TV!

The crowd at the door of the gym immediately discussed.

"Who is this person? I think I have a good family background, and that airship is probably very valuable. "

"It's not bad, that thing is probably specially made, I haven't seen it on the market at all, this man is definitely a son of a wealthy family!

Luo Chen floated the flying boat a few meters from the ground, jumped down and entered the gym, it was really difficult to put the flying boat into the space in public, and floating in the air would not affect the traffic.

As for the anti-theft issue, this flying boat was manipulated with his mind, binding Luo Chen's identity, and the rest of the people could only stare dryly even if they sat on it, not to mention that there was a protective shield on the round platform, and outsiders could not go up at all.

Moreover, the flying boat itself has a weapon system, and if someone dares to sabotage, the muzzle of the cannon will be directly aimed at him.

After entering the gym, Luo Chen went to the young lady at the front desk to register his name, and then walked to the battle field.

A city-level gym like this is basically full every day, and the venue is crowded with people.

In the field, it is a battle between a blastoise and a fire-breathing dragon.

Both sides are green qualifications and are of comparable rank, with Blastoise level 42 and Charizard level 43.

Charizard was hovering in the air, spewing fierce flames from its mouth and swooping towards the Blastoise.

And the two cannon barrels behind the Blastoise continue to shoot out water cannons, extinguishing the flames and attacking Charizard!

The two sides come and go, and the fight is in full swing.

But in the end, Blastoise still won the victory by virtue of the advantage of attributes!

The ensuing battles were almost the same level.

Luo Chen waited boredly, swiping his phone by the way.

There is now a lot of information on the Internet about a violent explosion on the coast of the East China Sea.

It's being discussed in forums everywhere.

The coast of the East China Sea?

Violent explosions?

It doesn't mean the fight with Ipeltar, right?

He clicked into the Xuzhou Forum to take a look.


In the pinned post, the forum administration made an announcement.

"An unknown explosion occurred in a sea area on the coast of the East China Sea, affecting a range of hundreds of miles! A direct impact area of nearly 100 miles! 90 percent of the organisms within a hundred miles have been completely extinct, the number of casualties is still being counted, and the cause of the explosion is still under investigation. "

Creatures within a hundred miles are basically extinct?

Are there human casualties?

Luo Chen was a little stunned for a while.

When I was fighting, I didn't think about causing harm to the people around me...

(By the way, ask for a wave of flowers and evaluation votes~)

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