Tang Yat-sen and the people around him were all stunned when they heard it.

Especially Tang Yat-sen.

Okay, you're Tang Sheng! What you kid said in the previous paragraph is the same as the truth, which made me a little ashamed and annoyed, and it turned out to be a 180 big turn.

Really a cow pie!

My Tang family's generation is really talented!

Different from the jokes of the juniors, the adults of the Tang family have quite a headache.

A descendant of his own family!

has become the owner of the divine beast, and the alliance leader is an acquaintance, and the world's peak powerhouse in the future is proper!

Just cut off the relationship with his family.

And if you don't do it, you will come to the door to make trouble, which is really painful.

Tang Ji, the head of the Tang family, slapped the table heavily.

"Who drove Tang Qiaohui away back then!

The people below all looked weird, and they started to talk about it.

"How did you know her son would be so bullish?"

"And it seems that she took the initiative to leave the Tang family for love, and no one forced her at all!"

"People call it elopement, and they fly away for love!

"Although it is also our Tang family who looks down on Luo Xiao Yuan, a scholar who is obsessed with Pokémon research wants to marry the descendants of our Yuzhou family, and he is still a contemporary pearl with extraordinary talent and strength.

No family would agree!

Can't blame us at all!"

"Besides, the head of the family, you seem to be against them being together at the beginning, right?"

Tang Ji's face was full of annoyance.

"Forget it, let's not mention the previous things, let's find a way to remedy it, what about Tang Qiaohui's parents? Let them get in touch with Tang Qiaohui and find a way to let Luo Chen feel the belated love of our Tang family!"

Everyone hurriedly said yes!

This method may work, it was Tang Qiaohui who wanted to leave by herself, and it wasn't forced by their Tang family, so you have no reason to blame us, right?

Everyone dispersed and began a plan to win over Luo Chen.

It can be seen from the performance of the elders of the Tang family that Tang Yixian wants to escape from the battle, and Tang Sheng wants to leave with him, which is not their own problem, but the education problem of the entire Tang family.

This whole family, starting from the head of the family, is all a little self-indulgent and free-spirited.


Luo Chen looked at the many posts.

Now I'm a real name for myself.

A boy with a divine beast!

I don't know if any illegal organizations will come to me for trouble, from the hands of these organizations, I first obtained the Yan Emperor, then Bankiras, and now that pile of treasures.

These organizations are simply a direct train to make a fortune on their own!

As long as you have a relationship with them, you will definitely be able to gain something!

After looking at it for a while, Luo Chen put away his phone.

They have crossed the entire North Sea and entered the Arctic continent.

Ahead is the Xibo region of the Arctic Continent.

According to Emperor Yan, there is a Reggie Ace sleeping in this area.

As the name suggests, the Arctic continent is the northernmost continent in the world, with very low temperatures in most areas, and snow falls 12 months out of 10 months a year.

Luo Chen took out a down jacket from the space that had been prepared first, in this kind of weather, if he didn't add a layer of clothes, it was estimated that he would freeze into the Ice God Pillar before he found the Ice God Pillar...

For the Three Divine Pillars, Luo Chen was still a little curious.

He asked Emperor Yan, "I remember you said before that the Three Divine Pillars are guardians created by the Divine Pillar King Rejichkas in order for someone to protect his sleep, so he should not have the ability to have children, right?"

Emperor Yan lay on the round platform of the Pache and said to Luo Chen: "Every time Rejichkas wants to sleep, he will create the Three Divine Pillars to guard, but every time he wakes up, he doesn't care about the Three Divine Pillars at all, and he leaves alone, which leads to the presence of the Three Divine Pillars all over the world. "

Luo Chen smacked his tongue secretly.

Dare Regichkas to be able to create second-level gods in batches?

Then if he creates a Divine Pillar Army, won't he be invincible in the world?

Luo Chen expressed his doubts.

But Emperor Yan chuckled.

"That's why I said, God is fair, open a door for you, and will close another window for you.

Regichas has a creative ability that is only inferior to Arceus, and can create second-level gods, although he can't create too many at once, but over time, this will be an extremely terrifying number, and he can also fully control the three god pillars.

Unlike Arceus, after creating the Origin Three Dragons, he couldn't even control himself, and the Three Dragons didn't care about him at all, fighting with each other all day long, and finally all of them were exiled by Arceus.

But Regicqas had a fatal flaw, he was extremely sleepy! He slept for at least 99 years and 11 months in a hundred years!

From this, it can be seen that he will only create the Three Divine Pillars once in a hundred years on average, and Regičkas is only a thousand years old, and the Three Divine Pillars are only 30 at most. "

30 Three Pillars?

Or that's it?

That's more than the two of you, King Feng and Lokia, plus one, right?

"Is there only one Reggichcas?"

Emperor Yan shook his head: "I don't know, that guy is very mysterious, basically doesn't have contact with other divine beasts, and even the boss knows very little about him." "

Ah, a typical dead house.

All my life is either sleeping, or on the way to sleep, and occasionally when I wake up, I pinch a few figures to play.

Luo Chen shook his head slightly.

What an enviable life~

It didn't take long for him to come to the place that Emperor Yan said.

A huge iceberg towers in front of you, about 7,000 meters high.

Emperor Yan stood up, and the flames on his body became more violent, dispersing the cold air around him.

What a nostalgic place.

One of his own homelands back then, as long as he came to the Arctic Continent, he would come to settle here.

But unexpectedly, one day, that damn Reggie Ace actually came here, occupied his homeland, and froze the volcano of the year into an iceberg!

I didn't have a high level at the beginning, and I couldn't beat that guy, so I had to leave this comfortable home.

Now I'm back with two helpers!

Ipeltar and your good brother Reggie Lock!

This time, I see that you are still arrogant or not!

Luo Chen put away the Patch and stepped onto the iceberg.

"What is the strength of that Reggias?"

Emperor Yan said: "Anyway, it's stronger than me back then, and I don't know how much stronger it is." "

He stepped on the ice under his feet and said, "Do you see this iceberg? It was a volcano back then, and then it was transformed into an iceberg by that statue of Regias, you can think about his strength." "

Turning a volcano into an iceberg?

He looked at Emperor Yan.

"Can you turn an iceberg into a volcano?"

Emperor Yan pondered for a moment.

"Yes, yes, but it depends on the scale, take the iceberg at my foot as an example, it will take at least a year for me to turn it back into a volcano! But it only took half a month for that Reggie to turn it into an iceberg, of course, it has something to do with the climate of the Arctic continent.

Here, the ice attribute element is extremely rich, and the ice attribute Pokémon will naturally receive a huge enhancement, just like the water type Pokémon in the sea. "

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