Luo Chen followed the two of them to the mountain, and they were idle all the way.

One of them is Charlotte Bud and the other is Charlotte Hall.

The trees on the mountain are very tall and covered with snow and ice, and the scenery is extremely beautiful.

There are some Pokémon walking by from time to time, basically all of them are ice-type, but the level and qualifications are average.

And there are many places where there are collapses, there are many faults and ice caves.

It seems that what these two men said is true, there has indeed been an avalanche on the mountain, which has caused many dangers to the top of the mountain.

But Luo Chen can fly, and these don't really have much impact on him.

The three of them went up the mountain, avoiding some collapsed places, and after walking for a while, at the mouth of a cave, Luo Chen saw two Pokémon that interested him.

The six tails of the ice system!

She has snow-white fluff, her limbs and tail with a faint blue, and her sapphire-like eyes, which are very cute.

The Six Tails were originally fire-type Pokémon, but there are some cold regions that have ice-type Six Tails, and the strength of the two is the same, but the appearance and attributes have changed.

Traits and skills also vary.

The two six-tails in front are both level 23, one is a blue qualification and the other is a green qualification.

Charlotte Hall was also surprised: "Ice six tails are very rare, even on this iceberg. "

He took out a Poke Ball and released a level 53 blue qualification long-haired pig, apparently trying to subdue the Six-Tails.

Charlotte Bud looked at Luo Chen.

"Are you interested in subduing the Six-Tails?"

Luo Chen shook his head.

Ice Six Tails is indeed very interested, but the level and qualifications are too low, the blue qualification is not bad, but seeing the two people around him with fiery eyes, he will not take advantage of others.

This Charlotte family is really obsessed with ice-type Pokémon.

Seeing that Luo Chen didn't have the idea of subduing the six tails, Bard also released a level 51 blue ice ghost protector.

The two stepped forward, wanting to start a battle with the two Ice Six-Tails.

But the two Ice Six-Tails were very timid, and when they saw the two approaching, they immediately ran towards the cave.

The two ran to the mouth of the cave, a little hesitant.

Luo Chen walked over and asked, "Why don't you catch up?"

Charlotte Hall frowned and said: "There are many high-level Pokémon hidden in this kind of cave on the mountain, and it will be dangerous to enter it rashly, and we will generally avoid this kind of place when encountered. "

High-level Pokémon?

Luo Chen looked inside the cave.

Maybe you'll come across a good Pokémon?

He said to the two of them, "Why don't we go in and have a look?" Maybe there will be very rare ice-type Pokémon inside, such as the Ice Nine-Tails!"

The two looked at each other, a little hesitant.

Luo Chen took out the Poké Ball and released the Fierce Biting Land Shark.

"You follow me, even if there is a powerful Pokémon in this, it will not be my opponent. "

The two of them were shocked when they saw Luo Chen release a fierce bite land shark.

This young man actually has a quasi-god?

Luo Chen took the lead in walking towards the cave.

The two thought about it and followed.

The cave was full of icicles, and there were two small rows of footprints on the snow on the ground, which were left by the two six-tails just now.

Following the footprints all the way inward, after passing through two forks, an empty space appeared.

The surrounding ice crystals emit a faint glow, illuminating the cave.

More than a dozen ice six-tails hugged each other and played.

The five Ice Nine-Tails lay around and watched the Ice Six-Tails.

The arrival of the three Luo Chen naturally attracted their attention.

The five Ice Nine-Tails stood up in unison and jumped forward to stand guard, while the Ice Six-Tails stopped fighting and hid behind the Ice Nine-Tails.

The Ice Nine-Tails, who was the leader, looked at the three of them, and their eyes were fixed on the body of the fierce bite land shark.

A feminine voice sounded in the hearts of the three at the same time.

"Human, I don't want to be your enemy, get out of here!"


This Ice Nine-Tails is actually telepathic?

It seems that her use of telekinesis should have reached the realm of perfection!

Luo Chen glanced at the five ice nine-tails in front of him.

The tallest one at the front, level 87, purple qualification.

The last four are all in their fifties, with varying qualifications, but the one on the far left, level 56, is a golden qualification!

Seeing Luo Chen looking at himself again, the nine-tailed one glared at him very humanely.

At the same time, a male voice sounded in Luo Chen's heart.

"Haven't you ever seen such a handsome Pokémon as me?"

Yo, you can also be telepathic?

Luo Chen was overjoyed.

With excellent qualifications and strong telekinesis, this Ice Nine-Tails makes him very tempted.

He looked at the 87-level nine-tails at the head, and said, "I'm a trainer, I want to challenge you, if I win, let me take that nine-tails!"

After speaking, he pointed to the ice nine-tails with the highest qualifications on the left.

The other Ice Nine-Tails all looked unkind.

The Nine-Tails said, "Why should I agree to your request?"

Luo Chen smiled: "If I can win against you, even if you don't agree, I can take him away, and even take all of you away, if you agree, I'll only take him away, isn't it fair?"

Ice Nine-Tails' eyes showed a fierce light.

"Can you break up other people's families by virtue of strength? Do you still call this fairness?"

Luo Chen shook his head and smiled.

It is true that this is sure to hurt the Ice Nine-Tails family, but as a trainer, if you look forward and backward when you accept Pokémon, and be considerate of each other's relatives and friends, then simply don't be a trainer and go home to farm.

When he first subdued the Flying Mantis and Emperor Yan, they were reluctant to follow him, but after the influence of their love, aren't they happy now?

Luo Chen looked at the nine-tails he liked.

"If you stay here, you will never be able to appreciate the vastness and variety of the world, and there will be a steady stream of other trainers who will challenge you. "

The nine-tails said, "We have been attacked by humans before, but with our mother, they have all been repulsed, and you are no exception!

Luo Chen said: "Then if I defeat your mother, will you go with me? As long as you are willing to follow me, I will make you stronger and surpass your mother!"

Nine-Tails don't look around, obviously not thinking that Luo Chen can win.

Luo Chen smiled, didn't say anything more, let's see the real chapter under my hands, when I win you, I can't help you if you don't leave.

The Fierce Bite Land Shark was restrained by the ice system four times, and the opponent's level was far greater than him, and the hope of victory was slim.

Let's use other Pokémon.

He weighed it out and released Bankiras.

Bankiras's huge body almost filled the cave, and coupled with that hideous appearance, the group of Ice Six-tails behind him trembled with fright, and the Ice Nine-Tails were also shocked.

Hall and Bard's pupils shrank even more.

This Luo Chen is by no means an idle person!

Was it a coincidence that he came to this iceberg?

Could it be that he came specifically for the Ice God?

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