Dr. Gold and Silver?

Luo Chen was stunned, it turned out to be him?

Did he come into this world?

And helped these humans?

Then why didn't he record these things?

By the way, there are also different opinions about the whereabouts of Dr. Gold and Silver, and it seems that he did not die on Gaia, because no one has confirmed his death.

As the national champion of that era, it was absolutely impossible for him to die silently!

His death must be recorded by the state and the academy, so in his later years, Dr. Gold and Silver was no longer on Gaia at all, he came to this world, lived here, and died here!

Luo Chen looked at the Sea Sacrifice and said, "The founder of our academy is Dr. Jin Yin!"

When the priest of the sea heard this, he closed his eyes, and after a long time, he opened his eyes and said, "You come with me." "

With that, he stood up, leaned on crutches, and walked down the stairs, and Hone wanted to help, but the Sea Priest said to him, "You stay." "

Hone had to stand still.

Luo Chen followed, and took the initiative to help the old man, after all, he was a lot of age, and he even had a hard time walking, as a good young man who respected the old and loved the young, if he didn't help, Luo Chen couldn't help it.

The two-headed tyrannosaurus also twisted its body and followed.

Nothing to say all the way.

The two of them came to a library in the apse.

The sea priest said: "Here are the books and tablets recorded by the ancestors of the past generations with animal bones, most of which are trivial things that happened in some tribes, recording the deeds of the clansmen, and some telling the history of mankind. "

The sea priest led Luo Chen to the top floor, pointed to the bookcase on the far left, and said: "There is a delicate wooden box at the top of the bookcase, and there are three books in it, one is a brief architecture, one is the smelting method, and one is a record of some major events written by the ancestors, you can take it down and take a look." "

Luo Chen walked over, the bookcase was more than two meters high, and he couldn't reach the top layer, so he flew up with his telekinesis, and sure enough, he saw a delicate wooden box.

The bookcases and wooden boxes are very clean, and they should be cleaned by someone often.

Seeing Luo Chen flying out of thin air, the sacrifice of the sea narrowed his eyes, but he didn't say much.

Luo Chen fell to the ground and opened the box, which contained three paper books stacked on top of each other.

It's actually made of paper?

The other books around here are made of animal bones, where did they get this paper?

Luo Chen opened the top building briefly, the paper was silky to the touch, not ordinary, even in Kyushu now, not many people use this kind of paper to write books.

This special paper is specially used by the major forces to record major events, which is very easy to preserve, and the paper will not rot for thousands of years, and the handwriting will not be weak for thousands of years.

I think this was brought by Dr. Jin Yin.

Luo Chen casually flipped through the above two books, which only recorded the skills of construction and smelting, and there was nothing special.

He picked up the third book, which was the event book written by the ancestor of the human race of Daze.

After turning the page, the first page introduces the author's own name and identity.

His name is Shuisu, and he is the master of the General Mansion of Bichun City.

Luo Chen thought, maybe it was because he was the master of the General's Mansion that he wrote this book of events and recorded some things, which is called professional habits.

He continued to look through it, and it was written about some of the things they had encountered while they were on the run, such as wild beasts going mad, and their compatriots going crazy.

After reading many pages in a row, they all recorded similar things, and judging from the records, the events at that time happened silently and extremely quickly, and many people fell into madness without knowing it, and then some died, and some mutated in the madness, and their bodies became deformed.

But Mizusu didn't know why this happened, only guessed that it was some kind of plague or divine punishment.

Luo Chen's brows furrowed, this water house was obviously a person who had personally experienced the world-destroying event at that time, but he didn't know the reason for the incident, and he didn't even know why the creatures around him were crazy.

And from the records, he has seen normal people go crazy in front of him, some of them fall into a breakdown in a very short period of time, and some of them slowly fall into madness.

He even talked to people who were going crazy, but those who had fallen into madness didn't even know how they had changed, they didn't feel like they had changed, they all felt that what they were doing was normal.

For example, there was a man who had been muttering to himself that creatures should only have one eye, and after three days of talking to himself, he reached out and plucked out his left eye.

Mizujuku wanted to ask him why, but the man just crushed his left eye and said with a smile.

That's normal. ’

Then he would pick out someone's eyes, and then he would be beaten to death.

There are many examples like this recorded in the book, and the kind of person who goes crazy quickly cannot communicate, and in the words of Mizujuku, he becomes a beast.

But their behavior varies, some of them will start attacking others after going crazy, and some will stand still, their eyes hollow, as if they are dead, but they are still breathing, and some garbled words will pop out of their mouths from time to time.

And some will even gnaw on their own bodies.

The most terrifying thing is that some people will have strange mutations in their bodies in the process of becoming crazy.

Their forms will distort and eventually turn into monsters, with powerful attacks that will kill indiscriminately.

Many of the fleeing teams were killed by such mutants.

So after that, as long as someone goes crazy, they will be killed or abandoned by others.

But Shuisu didn't specify the specific circumstances of the mutation, so Luo Chen didn't know if those mutants had other parts of their bodies or some other changes.

He looked through it for a long time, and most of them were about this kind of thing, and he knew the second half of the book, and then he began to change.

It all started when the fugitives met a man named Dr. Gold and Silver.

This Doctor of Gold and Silver is very powerful, and he is accompanied by a giant bird with a body like flames, called the Flame Bird.

The bird slaughtered all the mutated beasts that attacked them, and then led them around in search of safety.

They've been roaming around, but with the protection of Dr. Gold and Silver, they no longer worry about being attacked by mutated beasts, but their people are still going crazy.

Dr. Jin Yin also studied with Mizujuku for a long time, but found nothing.

Mizujuku even wrote in the book that I was always worried about whether Dr. Gold and Silver would also go crazy, and his big bird, if that bird also went crazy, it would be over.

But fortunately, God has mercy, and this person and bird have not changed much until the end.

And Dr. Jin Yin also led us to find a safe place to live, called Cloud and Mist Daze.

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