Luo Chen looked back at Mengyin and asked, "How deep is the deepest part of this Daze?"

Mengyin shook his head and said, "I don't know, the water avoidance beast can dive to a maximum depth of more than 3,000 meters, but it still can't see the end." "

More than 3,000 meters and still can't see the end?

You're really the sea, aren't you?

Luo Chen looked at the rippling lake, and then looked back at the table, which was the two large bags of dry food prepared by the Sea Sacrifice for the two of them.

Some bad premonitions suddenly rose in his heart.

He asked Mengyin again, "How big is this cloud and mist Daze?"

Mengyin shook his head again: "This is not very clear, we have prepared enough dry food, and we have been swimming in one direction for five days and five nights on a water-sheltering beast and there is no end in sight..."

Luo Chen's face was a little broken.

Sure enough, it's a sea called Cloud and Mist...

Who got this ghost's name? Can't you just call it the sea of clouds?

No wonder the humans of the Blessed City call Lokia the god of the sea, not the god of the lake...

He stretched out his hand and pointed at it, and the water in Daze was taken up by the telekinesis, and Luo Chen tasted it.


Is it a freshwater sea?

The sea of this size should be full of sodium chloride, isn't it true that the sodium element in this world is not high?

Luo Chen pinched his eyebrows.

It's really hard to find Lokia in this vast expanse.

He returned to the tent and lay down on the cot beside him.

I've been here for more than a day, and I'm going to participate in the alliance's operation in just over a day, will I be able to find Lokia during this time?

As for finding the truth about the disaster in this world, you can only wait for the alliance to act, and then come back and continue to search.

Luo Chen thought for a moment and released Fei Ona.

After all, this little guy is the child of the prince of the sea, and he may have something to do if he is looking for someone in the sea.

Luo Chen told Fei Ona what had happened, and the little guy's eyes lit up.

Looking for Lokia?

Lokia actually lives in this great landscape?

He patted his chest.

"Fina!" (Leave it to me!)

After saying that, he jumped into the big ze.

He is not worried about being beaten by the other party after meeting Lokia, because Lokia has always been known as the god of the sea and loves the creatures in the sea.

And he is also very kind by nature, when he encounters a ship trapped by a storm, he will also disperse the storm and protect the ship from leaving smoothly.

So as long as he doesn't do things himself, he won't be beaten.

Yumeyin saw Fiona jumping into Daze, and asked curiously, "What was that just now?"

Luo Chen said: "His name is Fei Oni, he is a kind of Pokémon, a Pokémon belonging to the water system, and he can play a great role in this environment, no matter how deep the sea is, he can come and go freely, with his help, find Luo... Poseidon is a little more likely. "

After finishing speaking, Luo Chen looked at Mengyin and said, "By the way, can you show your special ability?"

Mengyin nodded, then closed her eyes, transmitting her own feelings and consciousness to Luo Chen's heart.

Luo Chen took a closer look.

The power of the dream sound waveguide cannot directly talk to him, but it can transmit the user's own feelings and thoughts to the other party's heart through the waveguide that everything has, and maybe when her waveguide power is stronger, she can also be telepathic.

And as far as Luo Chen knows, the power of the waveguide can also read his feelings and thoughts through the other party's waveguide, not only animals, but even plants can transmit this power.

Of course, the most important thing is that the power of the waveguide can not only communicate with everything, but also condense its own waveguide into a wave missile, unleashing this super skill!

Luo Chen is also most interested in this!

Although his superpower can attack by releasing telekinesis, he lacks the ability to use telekinesis, and can only rely solely on the effect of telekinesis itself to create barriers or telekinesis.

The telekinesis used in this way lacks aggression in itself, and there is a huge gap between it and the telekinesis moves released by the Pokémon.

The lethality is not a grade above at all.

The biggest role is to assist in combat, telepathic communication, and self-protection.

In order to improve the lethality of telekinesis, Luo Chen even imitated the legendary sword immortal, carrying a sword on his back, and then using telekinesis to attack with a sword.

But alas, he has never been able to find a sword that makes his heart flutter.

After all, if he wants to exert his lethality, what he needs is a sharpened blade, otherwise, it is better to attack or control the big rocks on the side of the road to smash people.

If one day, he can really find a sword that can cut through the thick scale armor of Pokémon, then he will really be able to transfer to become a sword immortal.

However, the power of the waveguide eliminates this worry.

As long as its own waveguide is strong enough and knows how to use it, it can naturally release a wave of missiles to attack.

The wave missile is not only a powerful killer move that condenses the power of a huge waveguide, but also has a GPS-like effect!

Even many Pokémon can't learn this trick.

Therefore, the power of the waveguide can be said to be a combination of support and attack!

The only thing that is inferior to superpower is that the power of the waveguide cannot create a defensive barrier to protect itself for a long time.

Only when attacked, the waveguide can be used to create a barrier to block the enemy's attack in a short time, which requires a fast reaction speed.

And you can't fly! That's the point!

Luo Chen used his telepathy to tell Mengyin that he also had special abilities.

Mengyin was obviously stunned.

Then he said, "Do you have the same ability as the priest?"

Luo Chen blinked, and asked in confusion, "What's the matter? The Sea Sacrifice also has the ability to communicate with others?"

Mengyin nodded, "Yes, he can also lift objects in the air through this ability." "

Luo Chen raised his eyebrows.

Sure enough, it's a superpower?

And it seems that the level is not low.

It's no wonder that superpowers are originally accumulated over time, and the Sea Sacrifice is at least eighty or ninety years old, plus there are no entertainment facilities in this world.

He estimated that there was nothing else to do every day except for cultivating mental power, and after so many years of accumulation, it was possible to reach the top.

He looked at Yumeyin and explained to her what this ability was called in Gaia.

Mengyin muttered to herself, "The power of the waveguide and superpowers?"

Luo Chen continued: "I won't repeat my superpowers, let me introduce you to the various abilities of the waveguide force. "

Subsequently, in addition to talking about the power of waveguides and the ability to communicate with all things by sensing the fluctuations of all things, he also deliberately focused on wave missiles.

This made Mengyin's eyes light up and her interest increased.

"Can you unleash a powerful ball of energy that will hit you?"

In that case, wouldn't he be able to fight monsters and protect the people?

As a saint and the next priest, this is her duty, so she cannot resist such temptation.

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