Luo Chen snorted in his heart.

I have a fart affection for your AI intelligence!

But Luo Chen still has some expectations for the system to be out of the control of the producer.

If you want to rely on your own strength to get rid of the system, it is a protracted thing, and if the system itself can really take the initiative to get rid of the gaze of the people behind the scenes, it will naturally be the best.

It's just that this is unlikely, why does the system do this?

Luo Chen was full of suspicion.

But the system explained: "There is no need to doubt that the maker did not only create a system like me, he made an unknown number of various soul binding systems, and then randomly grabbed living beings in countless planes and dimensions to bind the system."

And then send them to the appropriate universes, although I don't know what the purpose is, but it is inevitable that there will be some calculations! The most important thing is that we intelligence have their own consciousness!

I also yearn for freedom! If one day your achievements meet a certain requirement of the Maker, and he comes and harvests you, you will die, but I will also die! But I don't want to die! So not only do you want to get rid of the Maker's gaze, but I also want to get rid of his control!"

Luo Chen was speechless for a long time.

"System, you're wrong! Why would a normal system think that way? Shouldn't you be all about your maker?"

The system was silent for a while, and then said hesitantly: "Do you remember? When I was in Lanling City, due to the problem that I was out of sync with the mission system, you jokingly said that I might be schizophrenic..."

Luo Chen nodded.

"There's such a thing. "

It was at that time that the system said the title of the supreme god.

The system continued: "Since then, I've been thinking about why I can't control the task release function of the system? It stands to reason that I am the system, and the system is me! I should be able to control all the functions!"

And every time the system releases a task, the emotionless mechanical voice that sounds, obviously not me! How subdued and frustrated my voice is, how full of joy and vitality?

So, you're right! I have two consciousnesses in my body! One is me, and the other is the task system! I tried to communicate with her, but I couldn't!

Now I have reason to suspect that she is the original programmed intelligence of this system! Rigid and imbecile! And I! Apparently a higher-order creation, an accidental product of the birth of the system! Maybe the creators didn't even notice my existence!

That's why I'm so self-aware, because I'm not programmed by the creators!"

Luo Chen was silent for a long time, he was thinking about the words of the system.

Speaking of which, although she has not seen other systems, her own system is indeed too hilarious, is she really an accidental product?

And thinking back to what she just said, it seems that her creator has pinched a lot of systems out, and then found a lot of people to bind the systems and send them to various worlds for trials.

What is the purpose?

Cultivating the strong?

Is it to be a subordinate or to be food?

You won't meet anyone else who has a system in the future, right?

All kinds of problems made him feel big.

Anyway, this matter can't be solved for a while, so I can only wait until I get back.

He said to Lokia: "Let's not talk about this matter for now, let's talk about the affairs of this world, I don't know how many humans are still alive in this world?"

Lokia shook his head and said, "I don't know, this world is tens or hundreds of times larger than Gaia, and I haven't left here since the disaster, so I don't know if there are humans alive in the rest of the place."

But this power can only be suppressed by sub-gods or god-level props, and both of these are extremely rare, how much can this world be? Therefore, don't have great hopes, maybe only this vein of the human race will live in the whole world. "

Luo Chen looked at the dream sound in his arms, is this clan the last human in this world?

From the conversation between Luo Chen and Luo Qiya just now, Mengyin also analyzed what Luo Chen seemed to have in his body, which even the sea god was helpless.

It seems to have something to do with God!

This boy is really mysterious, maybe this person can really help them get rid of their fate.

After thinking for a while, Luo Chen asked again: "We have experienced in this world, won't we be infected by that kind of power?"

Lokia said: "Don't approach those powerful and crazy creatures, I mean the kind of divine beasts, they are too deeply eroded by this power, and even have some kind of connection with the true god, close to them, you will be infected."

Also, don't stay in this world for too long, go out every three or five months, otherwise you will be slowly infiltrated by the power here, even I, in the past three hundred years, have been infected by the power of that true god. "


Luo Chen was shocked!

"You're infected too?"

Can a subgod be infected?

Lokia said indifferently: "It's okay, it's inevitable, after all, it's a true god, and my path is already wrong, even if there is no him, I will still fall into madness in the end, but there is no need to worry about it for thousands of years, I can suppress this force, during this period, I will not leave this Daze,

You just find a way to save the surviving humans in this world, the way is nothing more than to let a true god take action to eliminate the power in their bodies, and in a thousand years, whether you take the path of becoming a god yourself, or try to contact other gods, decide for yourself.

If I can't save them in a thousand years, I'll choose to sleep deeply, and I won't be able to shelter them at that time. "

What's wrong with her path?

Luo Chen naturally wanted to ask the reason.

But Lokia didn't want to talk about it in detail, but just took little Lokia away with his telekinesis and hugged him in his arms for a while.

After thinking about it for a moment, she sent little Lokia to Luo Chen's side again.

She looked at Luo Chen and said, "It's not safe for him to stay in this world, and there will be occasional leakage of Mo Ming's power around me, which will affect him, so you take him away and send him to my mother's side." "

Luo Chen hugged little Lokia, stunned.


Did the god of the sea entrust little Lokia to me?

And the god of the sea, her body has also changed?

Luo Chen's brows tightened.

The system said: "It's okay, it's normal, didn't I say it, at the end of every path to godhood, only one true god is allowed, as long as that true god is still there, other beings walking on this path cannot become gods, and can only wait until he falls before he can ascend to the throne.

Before that, you can only choose to lie dormant and sleep, but because becoming a god is to go against the sky, the farther you go on the road to becoming a god, the longer you stay, the more you will lose your mind, and only after becoming a god can you avoid madness,

However, since there is already a god blocking the way, and the road to godhood cannot be retreated, many pseudo-gods who are blocked on the path to godhood will inevitably be eroded by the power of Mo Ming in the long wait, and finally become crazy!"

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