
This was the thought that flashed through the minds of Su Man and the nine students.

Su Man asked the people of the Divine Blessed City to stay here, after all, they would be in danger of going crazy if they left Osawa for too long, and then she led the students to the direction where the meteorite fell.

When the ten people approached, they saw a golden spaceship diagonally inserted into a huge crater, and the inside of the huge crater was charred black.

Yutai Xinhiko opened his mouth and shouted incredulously, "This is a spaceship!"

Ye Yixin and others were also shocked.

Kui Siyi muttered, "We're not going to meet aliens, are we?"

Qingying nodded: "It's still an alien from another world!"

But when several people approached with their respective Pokémon, they saw Luo Chen, who was lying together and fell into a coma, and his Pokémon, and the ten of them were stunned.

Then his face changed!

What's going on?

Didn't Luo Chen just leave?

This spaceship is his?

Where did he get such a spaceship?

Several people asked the Pokémon to pull out the flying boat and transport it to the flat ground beyond the giant pit.

But then everyone became worried, because they couldn't open the shield!

If the protective shield can't be opened, they won't be able to confirm the safety of Luo Chen and the others, and they won't be able to treat them in time.

There was a sense of powerlessness in the crowd.

Suman looked up at the sky and fell into deep thought.

When the rest of the people saw Su Man's appearance, they also reacted quickly, Luo Chen fell from the sky.

So he just went to the sky? to try to cross the hurricane zone?

Ye Yixin said in a deep voice: "It seems that it failed to break into the hurricane area and fell down!"

The rest of the group also nodded.

But Suman shook his head and said, "No, he should have passed through the hurricane zone!"

A few people were puzzled, and Li Shi asked, "Why do you say that? Didn't he fall?"

Su Man said: "We have already said that the hurricane area can't even rush up to the super high quasi-gods, only the divine beasts can try!"

Knowing this news, Luo Chen still drove this spaceship into the sky, which means that this spaceship should have a divine beast-level defense!

So the possibility of him passing through the hurricane zone is very high! And even if he fails to pass through the hurricane zone, he shouldn't fall down, even if the spaceship gets out of control, with the strength of Luo Chen and his Pokémon, it can still be done by abandoning ship and escaping.

But now they're fainting en masse, and there's only one explanation for that, which is that they had fainted before the ship fell!

The nine students glanced at each other, what Mentor Su Man said was reasonable, even if the flying boat couldn't pass through the hurricane area, Luo Chen and they wouldn't fall with the flying boat, right?

The only explanation is that before the flying boat fell, Luo Chen and they had lost their ability to move!

Su Man continued: "It seems that there should be extremely dangerous things above the hurricane area! With the protection of the rock god pillar Regilok, Luo Chen and they are still powerless to resist!"

Then the crowd looked at the dim canopy again, and this time, there was some fear in their eyes!

Even Luo Chen, who was carrying Reggie Lock, couldn't pass through the canopy, what was beyond the canopy?

When everyone came to their senses, they were about to carry the ship to the Divine Blessed City, but Suman stopped them.

I only heard Su Man say: "Don't go to the Divine Blessed City, Luo Chen went to find the human beings in the West, but he was shot down by an unknown existence as soon as he went out, which will cause unnecessary panic in the Divine Blessed City,

Ye Yixin, you go to Daze and talk to the people in the Divine Blessed City, just say that a meteorite has fallen here, nothing serious, let them not worry, and at the same time tell them that we will not go back for the time being, and we will stay outside to practice!"

Ye Yixin agreed, released a Muk eagle, rode on, and flew to Daze in the air.

After finding the person who had just come with them to explore, Ye Yixin said what Su Man had explained.

But the people of the Divine Blessed City were all stunned.


Looking at everyone's confused eyes, Ye Yixin was also slightly puzzled, hadn't they seen a meteorite?

I've always seen meteor showers, right?

But considering that they have been living in Osawa all along, it is estimated that even if they have seen a meteor shower, they don't know what it is.

So he explained, saying that it was a kind of stone that had fallen out of the universe.

"The universe, why do stones fall from the sky?"

Seeing their increasingly confused eyes, Ye Yixin's head grew for a while.

Then he said: "Anyway, it's a normal thing, it's not worth making a fuss, okay, that's it, I'll go first!"

With that, he fled and left the place, leaving only the Blessed People with question marks on their heads.

On the way back, Ye Yixin suddenly had an unstoppable thought in his heart.

Could it be that the people of the City of God Blessed don't know about meteorites, could it be because there have never been meteorites in this world?

With doubts in his heart, Ye Yixin returned to the side of the flying boat again.

"I've told them all. "

Su Man nodded and said to everyone: "We will temporarily camp here and wait for Luo Chen to get acquainted." "

At the same time, she also began to consider whether to send Luo Chen back to Gaia, but seeing the size of the flying boat, she dispelled this idea.

The space gate is so big, with the size of this spaceship, it is absolutely impossible to pass through!

And they can't open the protective shield, so there is no other way than to wait for Luo Chen to familiarize himself.

After a few hours, little Lokia gradually regained her strength and was the first to come to her senses.

When he saw Su Man and the others around him, he hurriedly and anxiously slapped the protective shield, wanting them to let him out.

Fortunately, the protective shield is not soundproof, Su Man told him that he couldn't open the protective shield, and little Lokia had no choice but to lie aside and wait for Luo Chen and them to wake up.

Soon after, Reggie Rock also woke up, and did not seem to be affected too much, he first looked around in confusion, then looked at Luo Chen, and then stood quietly next to him motionless.

As a rock structure with only a small amount of intelligence, the impact of the mental impact caused by the huge eyeball just now on him was only a few hours, and now he has completely forgotten all about it.

Luo Chen and the two-headed tyrannosaurus were still unconscious, and they were constantly dreaming.

In Luo Chen's mind, the system fell into a temporary system paralysis and could not function.

Luo Chen's consciousness fell into an illusion, and he saw an incomparably huge star, a planet full of weirdness and chaos!

Above that star, there lived countless crazy monsters of all kinds, deformed, twisted, and powerful!

Time in the fantasy world is flying fast, and in the blink of an eye, thousands of years have passed.

But those monsters are still as crazy, but their bodies are more deformed, and their strength is stronger.

They seem to have endless life, but they also have eternal disorder and madness!

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