Ke Gu said in a deep voice: "Inject all the high-level Pokémon in the base, as well as all the quasi-gods and super-high Pokémon in the research room, with destruction genes,

Let them out, disrupt the alliance's formation, delay time with reinforcements, and then inject the fifth test product with the Yandi factor in advance!"

The surrounding Secrets will look at each other from a high level.

One of them said unwillingly: "If you inject it now, there is a high probability that it will get out of control, and years of hard work will be in vain!"

Ke Gu glanced at him and said coldly: "He's out of control, let's make another one in the future, don't let him make a move, do we want to let other test items come out?"

The man opened his mouth, gritted his teeth, and said, "No. 6 has stabilized a lot, it's better to let her..."

An old man on the other side of the man interrupted him and said, "The research process of No. 6 is very smooth, and if she comes out now, her previous efforts will be wasted, on the other hand, No. 5, the experiment has dragged on for so many years, and he is already on the verge of collapse."

Even if he doesn't let him come out, he won't be able to last long, it's a matter of time before he gets out of control, it's better to let him exert his residual heat, don't you have the judgment to make it more important?"

The conference room fell silent.

Ke Gu glanced at it and said: "Just do as I say, and there are many divine beasts on the other side, and there are first-level gods, if the fifth can't stop it, you can only let the 2~4th go out, you can prepare in advance, and transfer the three of them to the energy amplifier first, and save the time when the time comes." "

No. 2~4?

Those three are one of the strongest hole cards of the Secret Society, and once they are transformed by the energy amplifier, it will be difficult to restore their original appearance, which will have an irreparable loss to the research plan after the Secret Society!

But now, their own lives are the most important, if they can't stop the alliance's attack, how can they have any future research.

So the people all said yes, and gave orders to the parts.

In a laboratory full of precision instruments, a wizened old man, after receiving an order from above, released a dark purple gas in the various test chambers where the super Pokémon were held.

After absorbing these gases, these Pokémon quickly become berserk and become even more powerful!

Then the old man released all these Pokémon out of the base and let them go outside to wreak havoc!

After doing all this, he and his assistant went to the lowest level of the laboratory.

There are six very large rooms in a circle.

Outside the room, the numbers 1~6 are written.

The old man entered room No. 5 with his assistant and opened the door, which was a large research room with a space of several hundred meters.

In the center of the research room was a nutrition cabin, in which was a naked man, strong and muscular.

He was extremely handsome and mighty, with hip-length hair fluttering around with the flow of nutrients in the cabin, an oxygen mask covering his mouth and nose, and dense wiring connecting his body.

These lines, in turn, connect the numerous instruments around the chamber.

The old man walked in front of the nutrition cabin, looked at the indicators displayed on the screen of the extravehicular instrument, and sighed slightly.

"Alas, this is one of the greatest works of this century, but it's a pity that Emperor Yan's blood has waited so many years to get it, so he missed the best time to fuse,

Now my consciousness is very messy, and my body is on the verge of collapse, and I can't live long. "

On the screen of the instrument, the word 'Emperor' is written, and among the indicators, except for the consciousness column, which is very weak, the rest such as elements and strength are extremely strong.

The physique column is a bit special, and it looks like it's almost full, but the word danger flashes next to it.

The old man's assistant also sighed: "The genetic fusion experiment between the Three Holy Beasts and humans is only one step away from succeeding, if the alliance is half a month late, the emperor's body can barely recover to the extent that it can perfectly accommodate the Yan Emperor factor."

Even if it will still get out of control at that time, we can get the most accurate test data, which will have a major effect on our future experiments! Unfortunately, the alliance came too suddenly. "

The old man snorted.

"It's all the boss, they're so wasteful, they let the alliance find out the whereabouts of the headquarters so quickly, and they didn't know that the other party was coming to the door until they were thrown on the head by a missile,

I don't know what those people are eating, but I guess they all know that they sleep on a woman's belly!"

The assistant sighed helplessly: "The alliance has satellites that can monitor the earth, but we don't, and it is indeed difficult to find the whereabouts of the other party." "

The old man snorted coldly a few more times, and did not dwell on the topic again.

He walked over to a large piece of equipment near the nutrition pod, opened the storage cabinet next to it, and pulled out a small glass bottle containing a fiery red liquid.

It was the Yandi factor produced by mixing the Yandi blood with the gene fusion drug.

Emperor Yan's blood and the human body are repulsive, if it is directly injected into the human body, it will produce serious rejection, which cannot be absorbed smoothly, and its domineering power will also destroy the structure of the human body.

Cause fatal results.

This genetic fusion potion is the product of the Mystic Society's countless experiments with Pokémon and human blood.

And it's an enhanced version after the Divine Beast Blood Fusion Test.

It can smoothly fuse the genes of the divine beast with the genes of humans, and it can also ensure the power of the original divine beast to the greatest extent.

It's just that according to the different genes of each divine beast, this fusion elixir has to be adjusted to a certain extent.

The old man opened the entrance of the equipment and put all the Yandi factors inside.

Then start the instrument.

The Yan Emperor Factor flowed down the tiny pipe to the nutrition chamber and injected into the Emperor's body.

At the same time, the assistant also activated another instrument next to him.

It was a device that transmitted a strengthening potion, which could quickly spread the Flame Emperor Factor injected into the Emperor's body into every cell of the Emperor's body, strengthening the Emperor's body.

Let him gain basically the same power as Emperor Yan!

Emperor Yan's flame power flowed all over the emperor's body, causing his body to quickly turn red, and he convulsed a few times in pain, but soon, a cold aura suppressed this flame power.

The two forces touched and fused with each other, and soon after, another bolt of lightning poured out of the man's body.

The three forces blend with each other and are finally absorbed by the cells of the body.

On the display on the nutrition cabin, the man's various data soared in an instant!

The old man smiled excitedly: "The fusion is very successful! The power of the three divine beasts of Emperor Yan, Water Monarch, and Lei Gong has been perfectly absorbed by the Emperor! Another super gene warrior comparable to a first-class god has been born!"

But the danger indication on the monitor also flashed even faster.

This indicates that the subject is on the verge of losing control.

The assistant hurriedly reminded the old man to put the emperor's nutrition cabin out, and he ran away in the laboratory.

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