Gene Pokémon in Room One?

Has it been confirmed that it is a first-class god?

Minna looked Luo Chen up and down a few times.

Puzzled, he said: "Why are you so lucky? You actually investigated these things of the Secret Society so clearly, even Lei Gong told you these very secret things." "

Luo Chen shrugged his shoulders and said, "Who knows, maybe I am the chosen one." "

Then he said: "Don't worry about these things for now, it's better for you to stay away, so that the Pokémon below will kill you when it comes out, and then I will go up to help Leshiram deal with the Three Divine Birds, and I can't take care of you." "

Many of the champions next to him frowned.

Why does that sound so unpleasant?

Take care of us?

Do we need you to take care of it?


But Minna didn't think of this, she just looked at Luo Chen in confusion and said, "Without the protection of Emperor Yan, what are you going up to do?"

It's better for us to evacuate here together, just now I have told the alliance leader about the situation here, he means to let us all leave, and then send two divine beasts over, and join forces to kill the emperor and the three-headed divine bird, and leave the rest alone. "

In spite of?

Luo Chen immediately understood the idea of the alliance, the alliance had already obtained a lot of things this time, and they had found a lot of the enhancement props and some genetic research materials.

If you ask them to study it, they will certainly be able to achieve significant results.

And the three-headed divine bird is indeed a threat, so the alliance wants to kill him.

But he was unwilling to collide with other first-level god combat power of the Secret Society.

This idea of gradual cannibalization is good, but it will have great drawbacks.

You don't want to fight with other first-level gods of the Hidden Society, so what about the Hidden Society?

Mi Yin will suffer such a big loss, what if he can't swallow this breath and takes the initiative to go to the alliance to find trouble?

But these are the grievances between the Secret Society, as long as you don't come to me for trouble, everything else is easy to say.

He looked at Minna and said, "You don't have to worry about this, I have my own way to intervene in their battles, you evacuate by yourself, and I will go up to fight!"

But then he thought of something, released the natural bird, and said, "In this way, I will leave a teleportation mark here for you, and if something happens that I can't control, I will teleport directly to you." "

Minna nodded, thought for a moment, and let Luo Chen leave a mark on her ring.

At the same time, he said: "I won't go too far, I'll observe the subsequent movements of the Secret Society around here, and let me know if you need anything." "

Luo Chen agreed, took out a walkie-talkie and handed it to Minna as a contact information later, and then flew towards the Three Divine Pillars.

Just like Minna said, without Emperor Yan, if she rashly went to the sky to meddle in the battle of the divine beast, it would be a joke of her own life.

So he is ready to take the three god pillars to the sky with him!

And it's not a matter for the three of them to shoot like this on the ground, after all, the power of the skill has been reduced a lot from a thousand feet in the air, so it's best to get close to it!

The method of going up is more direct, Luo Chen's current mental power is easy enough to play with tens of thousands of catties of boulders in turn, and the three divine pillars are added together, and it is not more than 1,500 catties.

So it's not difficult to go to heaven with the three god pillars at all.

And it can also use the body of the three god pillars as a shield to block the impact of the battle.

These brothers are all first-class big meat shields, in terms of attack power, they may not be ranked among the divine beasts, but in terms of defensive power, there are few first-level gods who are stronger than them, but their physique is not as good as that of first-level gods, to put it bluntly, the blood vessels are a little thinner, otherwise the first-level gods will not be able to deal with them for a while.

With them to protect themselves, there will be no injuries at all.

And this brother has defensive enhancement skills, Reggie Lock's physical defense is extremely high, and he also has an iron wall that can increase physical defense by three times!

Absolute physical output nemesis!

And Reggie Ace is just the opposite, his physical defense is average, but the elemental defense is extremely high, and this instant amnesia can strengthen the elemental defense, which is the top meat shield of the special attack type.

Regis Chirou's double defense is the same, both are relatively high, but without the super high single defense of Reggie Rock and Regias, he is relatively average and has no shortcomings.

Moreover, he has two defense enhancement skills, Iron Wall and Instant Amnesia, and his comprehensive resistance to attacks is the highest among the three god pillars!

The perfect meat shield!

That's why Regis Chiru is also known as having an invulnerable King Kong indestructible body!

Luo Chen first asked the three divine pillars to stack all their strengthening skills.

Regias and Regis Chiru did not resist Luo Chen's command.

When they came, Nangong Xingyuan asked them to cooperate with the action here, and their brother Reggie Rock was also Luo Chen's Pokémon, and they were all a family, so they all honestly began to strengthen.

When the reinforcement was completed, Luo Chen released his telekinesis and easily held up the three divine pillars, distributing the three of them in a triangle around him, so that he could defend against attacks from all directions.

Moreover, the three god pillars are all nearly two meters tall, and they can completely protect Luo Chen without any impact.

After taking back the Poké Ball, Luo Chen only took Pachiliz with him, held up the Three Divine Pillars and flew into the air.

For the protective shield of the Three Gods Pillar beside him, Luo Chen became more and more satisfied the more he looked at it.

If you can think of using the Three God Pillars as a shield and a mobile turret in the world, you are the only one, right?

On the ruins of the Secret Society, Minna and many champions watched Luo Chen fly into the sky with the Three Divine Pillars, all of them looking sluggish.

"This is the method Luo Chen said?" Minna was also deeply helpless.

Being able to hold the three god pillars flying, this level of superpower is really enviable.

And this method is also excellent, the output of the three god pillars is also very high after being strengthened, and the power of the skill can be greatly enhanced after getting closer, plus their bodies are very hard, which can effectively resist the impact of battle.

Luo Chen only needs to use them as cannon barrels and shields.

He comes to move, and the three god pillars come to output and defend.

This way of fighting is breathtaking.

After coming to her senses, Minna and the others rode away from here on flying mounts, but stayed within a distance where they could see the Hidden Society, so that they could see what was going on there.

And at such a distance, even if the Pokémon Luo Chen said came out, they would have time to use teleportation to leave.

No panic at all.

Luo Chen quickly flew to the fluctuation range where he could feel the battle of the divine beast.

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