It didn't take long for the figure of Deochisis to appear first, followed by Luo Chen and the Divine Beasts.

Minna breathed a sigh of relief.

And Luo Chen was full of fiery eyes and looked at the black fiery statue that was dozens of meters long hovering in the distance.

It's really a sitting!

For the first time in my life, I've seen a real Liekong sit!

Luo Chen's heart couldn't stop being excited!

At the same time, the information of the Liekong sat also appeared in front of Luo Chen's eyes.

Lie empty seat (color): LV99

Attributes: Dragon, flying

Rarity: Legendary Pokémon, Glitter (extremely rare)

Trait: Airlock (When the Pokémon is present, any effects caused by weather will be negated.) )

Skills: Tornado, Ghost Face, Primordial Power, Bite Shatter, Air Slash, Sleep, God Speed, Dragon Wave, Flying, Loud Voice, Reverse Scale, Destroying Light, Dragon Claw, Tile Splitting, Flame Jet, True Qi Bomb, Energy Ball, Shadow Claw, Ultimate Impact, Stand-in, Surfing, Waterfall Climbing, Water Tail, Clear Fog, Dragon Meteor, Finishing Touch, Dragon Wave, Iron Tail, Tailwind...

Carry item: Dragon Reverse Scale (Dragon Attribute Pokémon Double Attack Increase by 100%)

Intimacy: 0

After reading the information of Lie Kong's sitting, Luo Chen was silent for a long time.

The top level of the 99th level is sitting in the sky, and the Dragon Reverse Scale he carries is simply a world of difference from the Dragon Reverse Scale he got before.

"System, why is the Dragon Reverse Scale he carries a 100% increase in double attack, while the Dragon Reverse Scale I got last time is a 50% increase in attack, isn't that too much difference?"

The system explained: "The Dragon's Reverse Scale is the scale armor of the Dragon Pokémon that contains all the power, and it will only fall off in death, and there is a probability that it will be knocked down in battle, and the stronger the strength of that Dragon Pokémon, the stronger the power contained in his Dragon Reverse Scale."

The dragon reverse scale carried by this Lie Empty Seat should be the dragon reverse scale dropped by a super high-ranking dragon beast, which is why it will increase such a terrifying attribute.

In addition, this Lie's own reverse scale must be of the same level, and Leshiram's reverse scale should also be of the same level, or it may be slightly worse. "

Luo Chen slandered in his heart.

I always feel like the system is hinting at something...

He looked at Lie Kong, not hiding the slightest desire to subdue him.

"System, judge his strength, can we defeat him?

The system said bluntly: "No, just like Leshiram said, don't say it's yourself, even if you add this bunch of divine beasts of the alliance, you can't defeat this Lie Empty Seat, you will only bring about your own destruction!"

Luo Chen was a little unconvinced: "He is so strong, only level 99, not even full level, although the level of that three-headed divine bird cannot be determined, but the strength is definitely above the Liekong Seat, right? Even he was suppressed by these divine beasts, can the Liekong Seat be stronger than him?"

The system was silent for a moment, and then said: "You continue to take a look at the skills of Lie Kong Sitting, one by one, don't skip..."


Luo Chen was a little puzzled, skills?

Is there anything special about the skill of Lie Kong Sitting?

He opened the skill bar of the Lie Kong Sitting again, and looked at each of his skills seriously.

"Divine speed, destroying rays, dragon claws, dragon meteors, finishing touches, dragon waves...


This Flame Void Seat has learned to put the finishing touches, so wouldn't he be able to perform Mega Evolution?"

The system laughed.

"It seems that your eyes and head are quite good~

This Liekong Sit has already learned to put the finishing touches, and all the Liekong Sits can perform Mega without the need for Evolution Stones after learning to put the finishing touches, and he is naturally no exception.

Leshiram obviously knew about this Lie Empty Sitting, so he said that you can't beat him with one piece!"

Luo Chen opened his mouth, completely dispelling the idea of subduing this shining statue of the empty seat.

Mega Lie Empty Sitting is a super divine beast that is serious!

And it is also one of the strongest of the super divine beasts.

A three-god bird that has not completely transformed into a super divine beast let a group of divine beasts fight for a long time, a real super divine beast, so don't you beat their group?

Can't be provoked, can't be provoked.

And in the smoke and dust below, the Trinity Divine Bird let out a few wails after being fatally injured, and its sanity was completely restored.

But he was already dying and half-dead.

Emperor Yan descended into the pit and looked at the combined three divine birds in front of him, although these three were not the three divine birds he knew, but they were also old rivals.

They are deeply familiar with each other's races, and at this time he naturally wants to say goodbye.

The three gods tried to lift their three heads, but they fell weakly.

Emperor Yan walked up to them and said, "Do you have any last words? If I see your people and Lokia in the future, I can bring them a message." "

The flame bird looked at the frozen bird and lightning bird on the left and right, and only spit out a sentence after a while.

"I think we can salvage it..."

Emperor Yan shook his head, and his long mane shook with it, which was very powerful and handsome.

He said lightly: "No, I don't think you are saved, wait for death." "

Frozen Bird looked at him and said, "You want to fall into the well?"

Emperor Yan slowly walked to their bodies, raised his left forelimb and stepped on top of their bodies, and crushed them down with all his might.

The Three Divine Birds suddenly let out a muffled snort of pain.

The lightning bird scolded: "Emperor Yan, you bastard! You have the ability to fight alone! If it weren't for the large number of you, we would definitely kill you!"

"Hehe~" Emperor Yan sneered a few times, and his feet were a little harder.

"Are you still hard-mouthed when you are dying? For the sake of your three clans and our three clans fighting for hundreds of years, I will give you another chance to say your last words~"

The three gods scolded one after another.

Luo Chen, Lie Kongzao, Lai Shiram and other divine beasts in the sky were stunned.

Deochisis said with a strange face: "That Yan Emperor has a very dark belly..."

Latias also nodded again and again: "It looks very majestic and handsome, but I didn't expect it to be a guy with a bad stomach." "

Then she glanced at Luo Chen and muttered, "Well... Or maybe you were taught bad by someone. "

Luo Chen's face darkened.

That's what he looked like when Lao Tzu met him, okay?

He shook his head helplessly and sighed, seeing that Emperor Yan was stepping on the fusion body of the three divine birds again and again, he hurriedly flew over.

A great opportunity, subduing him, won't he have a half-step super divine beast?

Then provide him with some bloodline improvement props, and a super divine beast will be born?

He came to Emperor Yan's side and coughed lightly.

"Ahem, Emperor Yan, don't step on it, leave this guy to me!"

Emperor Yan turned his head to look at him: "You want to subdue these three strange birds?"

Luo Chen nodded.

"He's very strong, and if he can take it, that's the best. "

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