Minna looked at him curiously.


But Luo Chen didn't hear her words, he was shocked by Mewtwo's appearance.

I didn't expect that the genetic Pokémon created by the Secret Hidden Society turned out to be Mewtwo!

Luo Chen scolded himself secretly.

It should have been thought of a long time ago, the Secret Society has been conducting genetic experiments, and Mewtwo was originally the product of genetic experiments!

And there has never been a record of Mewtwo in this world, and now it seems that there was no Mewtwo in this world before!

But to Luo Chen's surprise, Mewtwo's genes originated from dreams, where did Miyin get the dream genes?

They can't make Mewtwo out of thin air, can they?

At the same time, the voice of the system was heard.

"Host, I think you better take your chick out of here, Mewtwo's destructive power is the strongest among all Pokémon, and there are no obvious shortcomings, fighting with him, except for the Super Divine Beast, no one can resist his attack!

And even if it is a super divine beast, its strength may not be stronger than him, and it is unlikely that he will defeat him!"

Luo Chen's gaze swept over the Lie Sky Seat.

"Mega Flame Sky Sitting shouldn't be weaker than Mewtwo, right?"

The system said: "The rest of the attributes are naturally far superior to Mewtwo, but in terms of destructive power alone, it is still not comparable to Mewtwo, Mewtwo is the only Pokémon among all Pokémon with explosive star combat power, except for Arceus, no one can say that they can win him!"

It's just that the restraint device he wears suppresses his strength to the lowest level, if that restraint is broken, then there is absolutely no one in this world who is his opponent, and he can easily destroy the world!"

Luo Chen was silent.

I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

He put Minna around him, then retracted Reggielock.

Then he said to Mirona, "Do you have any Pokémon that can teleport, and send Reggie Ace and Regis Chiru back to the Alliance." "

Minna was puzzled.

"Why? Leshiram, they still need support. "

Luo Chen shook his head and said: "There is no need to support, that Pokémon is almost invincible, we can't beat him, a Lie Kong sitting next to him can Mega Evolve, but even if he is willing to make a move, he may not be the opponent of that Pokémon!"

There is no need for this battle to continue, and there is a restraint device with him, which can suppress the vast majority of the Pokémon's power, so that he cannot cause too much harm, but if Leshiram blows up that restraint, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Minna opened her red lips, and for a moment she didn't know what to say.

That Pokémon is that powerful?

There is also Lie Kong Sitting, how does Luo Chen know that he can Mega Evolution?

And the Mega Flame Sky Seat is a real super divine beast!

And it's the strongest super divine beast!

Can't even beat that genetic Pokémon?

How is that possible?

And the Liekong Sitting in the sky also cast a gaze at Luo Chen, and he danced his huge dragon body and flew towards this side.

"Boy, how do you know I'm going to be able to Mega Evolve? And say I'm not the Pokémon's opponent? Are you underestimating me?

Except for Arceus, the creator god, there is no such beast as my opponent!

I am the strongest divine beast in the world!"

Luo Chen smiled wryly.

This guy can hear me from so far away?

Are you a tailwind?

He explained helplessly: "Leshiram said that these divine beasts of ours together can't beat you, so it is not difficult to judge that you will evolve in Mega, and only after Mega evolution can you crush us divine beasts."

As for your strength, you used to be the strongest in the world, but now it's not, that newly-born Pokémon is the most terrifying of all Pokémon destructive power!"

When Liekong sat down to hear this, two cold glints flashed in his eyes.

But Luo Chen continued to take care of himself: "I know very well that among the divine beasts in the world, there are not many divine beasts that can advance again, and there are only a handful of first-level gods who can become super divine beasts by advancing again!"

Among them, the strongest are your ancient three gods, Liekong Za, Grouda and Gaioca, but the strength of the latecomers is inferior to you, so you Liekong Za clan has been the strongest vein in the world since ancient times!

Except Arceus, there is absolutely no one who can shake your position.

But everything in the world is constantly changing, and there is no need to discuss how it was before, and how it will be the most important thing in the future!

The newly-born Pokémon is also a first-level god, if I expected it to be true, he was bred with the genes of the Pokémon ancestor, Dream, and his strength is even stronger than Dream!

He was born a first-class god! And he is the strongest first-level god! The power of his bloodline, which is blue and better than blue, is not inferior to your clan!

It can be said that he is the only divine beast in the world that can be equal to your Liekong Sitting clan in terms of bloodline!

But because he was a divine beast created for battle, his destructive power was specially enhanced, but compared to his destructive power, no divine beast in the world could compare to him!

So from now on, you Liekong Sitting Clan will no longer be the strongest divine beast!"

Lie Kong sat and looked at Luo Chen with cold eyes.

But Luo Chen was not afraid, he still had more information that he hadn't said, such as Mewtwo can actually carry out Mega evolution, and there are also two Mega forms, but that Mewtwo does not have an evolution stone, so there is no need to say it.

In addition, there is still a question mark over whether Liekong sat in the past whether it was the strongest divine beast, Luo Chen had seen Cang Xiang and Zang Marant's illustrated book in this world, that is to say, the Wuji Tai who was not right with them definitely existed!

And the Infinite Giant Infinite Tide Jedi is the divine beast with the highest bloodline!

If it weren't for the system saying that only Mewtwo has the power of exploding stars, then the title of the strongest must belong to the Infinite Tide!

Besides, he said that the fundamental purpose of these things was to allow Liekong to sit in battle, let him entangle Mewtwo, and then he would be able to withdraw from the battlefield.

It wouldn't be beautiful if Mewtwo was blown too horrible and sitting.

As for whether Liekong will finally shatter Mewtwo's restraints and allow him to fully unleash his power, that's nothing to worry about.

The person who is most reluctant to let Mewtwo's restraint shatter on this battlefield must be the boss of the Secret Society!

Once Liekong Sits Mega evolves, the person who manipulated Mewtwo will definitely take Mewtwo back to prevent him from breaking the restraint and thus breaking out of his control!

Take 10,000 steps back and say, even if Mewtwo's power is completely released, it doesn't matter, since he has been born, it will be a matter of time before he breaks free from the restraints.

When the time comes, if he really blows up Gaia, he will take his relatives and friends to other universes...

And he didn't believe Arceus would watch that happen.

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