It's just that Luo Chen doesn't know how to use the Z move at this time.

He had the impression that with Z moves, trainers had to dance the corresponding dance steps to resonate with Z Pure Crystals and Pokémon, otherwise they would not be able to launch Z moves.

Moreover, the Z move consumes the trainer's body very much, and it can only be used once in a battle, and then you must rest for at least ten minutes to let your physical strength fully recover, otherwise you will overdraw your body and cause great damage!

After Luo Chen left the warehouse, he took back Emperor Yan, and then went to Mierna, he wanted to ask about the situation of Z moves, and the corresponding dance step teaching.

There must be a dance teaching in the alliance, but I don't know what the price is, and he doesn't have much money on him now...

Also, the dance steps of the Z move seem to be a little awkward, in the regular competition, the venue of more than 100,000 people, in the live broadcast of millions of people, if you dance for the purpose of using the Z move...

Tsk, just thinking about it made Luo Chen feel a little cold.

He's been in this world for so long, and he's never seen anyone use the Z move, and he doesn't know if the dance moves in this world are the same as the ones he knows.

When she arrived at Minna's office, the blonde woman was dusting the handle.

"Luo Chen, why are you back?"

For Luo Chen's second arrival, Mi Anna was a little surprised, she originally thought that Luo Chen would return to the Gold and Silver Academy after getting the Z Pure Crystal.

Luo Chen said: "There is something I want to ask you, I don't know if you are free." "

Minna put down the rag and said, "What is the matter?"

As she spoke, she walked to the sink and turned on the faucet to clean her dusty hands.

Luo Chen walked to the sofa and said hello to Xiao Ya, who had turned into a little girl and was drinking tea.

Then he said to Mirna, "I want to ask about the Z move." "

"Z move?"

Minna wiped her hands with a clean towel and sat down on the sofa opposite Luo Chen.

"Do you want to learn the steps of the Z move?"

Just now, Luo Chen went to the warehouse to get three Z pure crystals, and she didn't see Luo Chen's hand with the Z bracelet, so she guessed that he was the first time he came into contact with Z moves.

At this time, I came to find myself, it must be to learn the Z move.

Sure enough, Luo Chen nodded and said, "Yes, I already have the Z bracelet and the Z pure crystal with the three attributes of electricity, fire, and dragon, so I have to learn these three corresponding dance steps." "

Minna smiled: "I will also use the Z move, but because this skill will cause a considerable burden on trainers and Pokémon, except for the decisive moment of the game or field battle, I usually don't use it, and I use it very rarely."

In terms of dance steps, there is only one dance step in total, which can establish a resonance relationship with the Z pure crystal in the bracelet, and then connect to the Pokémon and release the Z move together, if you want to learn, I can teach you. "

Only one?

Luo Chen was slightly stunned, and then breathed a sigh of relief, one is better, one is faster, and learning one is enough to be ashamed, if there are eighteen kinds, wouldn't you be embarrassed to be embarrassed after learning?

Luo Chen nodded.

"Okay, then I'll trouble you. "

After speaking, he took out the Z bracelet and inlaid the Z pure crystal of the electric attribute into the gap in the center of the bracelet.

The bracelet glows with a faint golden sheen, but it soon fades into restraint.

Minna also took out a Z-bracelet and put it on her right wrist.

The bracelet is inlaid with a Z pure crystal that emits an aqua blue light.

Luo Chen's heart said: Is it a water-attribute Z pure crystal? Do you want to use a water-attribute Z move?

He remembered that Mierna had a level 88 color qualification of the Great Sword Ghost, and it seemed that this time he was going to let the Great Sword Ghost demonstrate the Z move.

What is the Z move of the water attribute?

The names of the Z moves are very long, and Luo Chen can't remember most of them, only knowing that the exclusive Z move of the dream is the origin supernova explosion, and the Z move of the dragon attribute is the ultimate dragon shaking the world.

I don't remember the rest.

Minna said to Luo Chen, "Let's go to the league's training grounds. "

Luo Chen nodded and walked out with Mi Erna, Xiao Ya also put down the teacup and followed.

She was also curious about what the Z move was like.

Walking to the battle field of that attribute, Luo Chen quipped: "The speed at which your alliance repairs the site is very fast, and it has been repaired so quickly." "

This training ground was the same place where Minna and Ladias fought the other day.

Coming to the place where he was sad again, Latias was already quite unhappy in his heart, and when he heard Luo Chen's teasing, he felt even more unhappy in his heart, so he snorted coldly and didn't look over.

Minna glared at Luo Chen.

"Don't open any pot and mention it. "

Luo Chen smiled and took the lead in entering the battle arena, and Minna followed, and after the two activated the protective shield, Minerna threw a high-level ball and released the big sword ghost.

Luo Chen made Pachiliz on his shoulder jump next to the Great Sword Ghost.

Minna walked up to Luo Chen and said to him, "The dance steps are very simple, there are only three steps in total, the first step is to spread your legs slightly apart, raise your hands flat, and put your left hand on the back of your right hand. "

Minna said as she demonstrated to Luo Chen.

Luo Chen also hurriedly followed to learn her movements, separated her feet, raised her two hands in front of her, closed her five fingers, and put her left hand on top of her right hand.

"The second step is to fold your hands together in front of your chest, put your thumbs together, and place your right hand on top of your left hand. Minna continued.

Luo Chen also followed suit to change his movements.

"In the third step, move the right hand to the right, the forearm points upward, and at the same time, the left hand is pressed in the shape of a sword finger on the Z bracelet on the Z bracelet at the wrist of the right hand.

In this process, you need to feel the power on the Z bracelet with your heart, as well as the breath of the Pokémon that needs to release the Z move, connect it with the Pokémon breath, connect the trainer, the Z bracelet, and the Pokémon together, and you can release the Z move with the corresponding attributes. "

Luo Chen repeated the action and said in surprise: "It's that simple, I thought this dance step would be embarrassing." "

Minna smiled: "After all, it is a starting move to release moves with Pokémon, so naturally it will not be a real dance, but just use this action to adjust your own breath to reach the same frequency as Pokémon."

If the Pokémon and the trainer perform this action together, the speed of release will be much faster, otherwise it may take several seconds to adjust the breath, and if the enemy takes advantage of this opportunity to attack, the Z move will not have time to be released. "

Let the Pokémon do this action together?

Luo Chen was stunned, didn't he still have to teach Pokémon to learn this dance step?

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