Tang Yixian pointed to the man in the suit with gold wire glasses and said, "This is He Qingxi, one of my few friends in the imperial capital. "

Then he pointed to the man in casual clothes behind him and said, "This is Zhao Ming, the sister-in-law of the head of the Zhao family in the imperial capital, and the big family in the imperial capital. "

Luo Chen bowed slightly to the two of them to show friendship.

Then he looked at Tang Yixian and said, "You were beaten?"

Tang Yixian said with some embarrassment: "You participated in this party yesterday, but you met a strong opponent and lost, so I thought of you and asked you to find a venue." "

Luo Chen nodded knowingly.

Then he asked, "What are the rules of this game?"

Tang Yat-sen said: "Volunteer to play, after this fight, you can play, if the winner on the opposite side is willing to fight with you, he will continue, if he is unwilling, he will be replaced, before the fight, you can take some props or other valuable things as a bet."

After judging the value of the bet, the other party will also take the equivalent as a bet, and if there is no object of similar value, it can also use the alliance coin.

If you really can't take it out, it's okay, the game will go on as usual, but here are all children of the family, basically there will be no situation where you can't take out the bet, and even if you don't want to, in order not to make everyone laugh, you will still take it out, unless you don't want to play this one.

But 100,000 yuan is the deposit, and both sides must each take out 100,000 yuan to start the game, and all the bets go to the winner, in addition, bets will be made outside the court. "

After saying that, he pointed to a large table not far away, and there were two men sitting at the table, one in a white suit and the other in a black suit.

"The place of bets is there, the man in white is the place where the two players bet, the man in black is the off-court bet, and the off-court bet is also 100,000 each time, the two sides win or lose, and the winner shares the bet equally.

The game is 3 vs. 3, best-of-3 system. "

Luo Chen said curiously: "Doesn't the owner of this manor and the organizer of the party charge venue fees and dividends?"

He Qingxi said: "The owner of this manor is from a wealthy family in the imperial capital, this is where he has a vacation and play, and he doesn't care about the cost of repairing the site." "

Well, rich people are atmospheric.

Luo Chen looked at the battle on the field, this battle was nearing the end, the arrogant pheasant gained the upper hand by virtue of the advantage of flying, although the long-haired dog dodged several attacks of the arrogant pheasant with the help of the protruding rock, but after all, it was difficult to escape the defeat.

Luo Chen walked to the long table, and after the arrogant pheasant won, he signed up for the next one, took out the alliance bank card, and swiped 100,000 yuan as the base money.

After teaching the money, he thought about it for a while, and took out a big box, which was the box containing 16 three-in-one magnetic monsters, and he took out the poke ball at the top, which was a three-in-one magnetic monster with purple qualifications.

"This is a three-in-one magnetic monster with purple qualifications, with a market price of about 200,000, which is also used as a bet. "

The man in white took the Poke Ball, then asked a beautiful maid in the back to take it, put it on a large instrument to test it, and after confirming the qualification, he recorded it.

The man asked, "Name?"

"Tang Zhuxian. "

"Okay, an extra bet worth 200,000, who wants to fight?"

A handsome man with long and angry hair next to him asked Luo Chen, "Which family are you from?"

Tang Yixian immediately walked over and said, "Tang family!

The man nodded, Tang Yixian he still knew, he had fought here a few times yesterday, he asked again, "What level of trainer is he?"

Tang Yixian waved his hand directly: "You will know this problem when you get on the field! Tell you in advance, if you are too scared to play, then you won't have to make any money?"

The man smiled.

"It's crazy, okay, I'll pick it up!"

He didn't take out an equivalent item, but directly swiped 300,000.

This man's name is Sun Huan.

Then he made an off-the-counter bet and pressed 100,000 for himself, Luo Chen naturally followed and pressed himself 100,000, the purpose of his coming was to make money, why not make more money?

The Tang brothers also followed and pressed Luo Chen to win.

The rest of the people also pressed some of them, but there were not many people, after all, Luo Chen had just arrived, and he didn't know much about his strength, so it was not easy to judge, so he didn't press this game.

As soon as the two of them got on the field and had just taken their feet at the trainer's position, the field changed, the whole field sank, the rocky field was replaced, and a new field of grass rose up.

Luo Chen sighed in his heart, it turned out to be this kind of fully automatic replaceable site?

Sure enough, it's rich.

This kind of arena contains several of the most conventional fields, rocks, rivers, grasslands, land, sand, and ice.

Substitutions can be made at random, or substitutions can be specified, and their matches are selected random substitutions.

When the venue is ready.

A long-haired beauty in a miniskirt blows her whistle to signal the start of the game.

But it's worth mentioning that there are no protective shields around the venue!

That kind of thing can only be made by the Alliance, not only is it ridiculously expensive, but it also has to go through cumbersome procedures if you want to buy it, so the vast majority of private combat arenas are unshielded.

Therefore, when the players are in the game, they should pay attention to the control of the moves, otherwise it is easy to accidentally injure the audience, and the surrounding crowd is also scattered, probably to avoid the skills of accidentally shooting at them...

Luo Chen also understood at this time why they would let their Pokémon follow them when they watched the battle, not for anything else, mainly to be bodyguards~

A high-level ball appeared out of thin air in Luo Chen's hand, which made most of the people present move slightly.

The words advanced storage props flashed through their minds.

In order to prevent players from choosing a more advantageous Pokémon to fight against each other based on the opponent's Pokémon attributes, the game stipulates that both sides must release Pokémon together in the first round, but the Pokémon after that are up to you, but you can only play up to three, and you can replace each other halfway.

The match ends with two Pokémon on one side losing combat or abstaining.

When Sun Huan also chooses a Pokémon, the two sides throw Poké Balls together.

Luo Chen chose the giant pincer mantis, while Sun Huan chose the lizard king.

Seeing the appearance of the giant pincer mantis, Sun Huan frowned.

He chose the Lizard King because in the grass field, the power of the grass skill will be enhanced by 30%, he originally thought that Luo Chen would also choose the grass type, but he didn't expect it to be a giant pincer mantis of the insect and steel double system!

The insect system is double restrained against the grass system!

On the other hand, the resistance of the Giant Pincer Mantis is quite good, and it has four times the resistance to grass-based skills!

Even with a 30% increase in the power of the Green Grass Field, the Lizard King's attack will not cause him any damage!

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