Luo Chen looked at Idawass in surprise, this old brother was very excited, and he was not ashamed to say such a boastful thing?

It's easy to ruin other people's good opinion of yourself, right?

Xiao Ya on the side knocked on the door of his head.

Xindao: Oops, there are some psychological hints, which makes this person lose his mind, and now it is so easy to pull hatred when he speaks, but don't panic! This can also make Minna and Luo Chen stand on the same front, jointly targeting this man, and their feelings are also good!

The anger in Minna's eyes was almost uncontrollable!

But Luo Chen pulled her and switched places with himself, and Adawas saw this and wanted to walk to Milna's side, but Luo Chen grabbed her.

"This big brother, you can say that judging people by their appearance is so high-sounding, you are the first one I have ever seen, you are such a pick-up, a woman will hate you, right?"

Idawath looked at Luo Chen and sneered: "I'm just stating a fact, you are indeed not qualified to be a friend of this beautiful woman. "

Luo Chen smiled: "Don't talk about friends, it is possible for her to become my child's mother in the future, you just stare at it on the side~"

Minna's face turned red, and she didn't look away, not daring to look at this side again.

Xiao Ya was excited in his heart, and sure enough, he still had to find someone to assist in order to promote their relationship!

Doesn't this just say what is in her heart? Milna must be very happy when she hears it, right?

But when Adawas heard this, he was quite unhappy.

"Boy, don't talk nonsense, how can such a beautiful young lady be able to look at... Oh!"

Before he could finish his sentence, he curled up his legs and covered his crotch with a ghostly scream.

It turned out that Luo Chen saw that this kid was disrespectful, so he used his mental power to give him a social care.

Seeing Idawath bending over there and trembling, the people around him were stunned.

One girl asked her mother, "Mom, what's wrong with that uncle?"

A young man next to him sneered: "What else can it be?" I was so excited to see the beautiful woman, I pulled the egg~"

The girl wondered, "What are the eggs?"

Her mother quickly covered her mouth, and then glared at the young man viciously.

"Tui! pervert!"

Spit on the young man, she picked up the girl and left the place of right and wrong.

The people around him all looked at Idawas with strange expressions, and they didn't understand what was wrong with him, wasn't he okay just now?

Luo Chen hunched his waist, leaned in front of Idahuas, and said kindly, "Big brother, what is this?"

When the pain eased a little, Idawas raised his head and looked at Luo Chen, and just wanted to open his mouth to speak, Luo Chen attacked with another wave of telekinesis!


Idawas let out another groan of pain.

He cursed in his heart.

Damn, what the hell is going on?

After doing this twice, I won't be able to get tough again in my life!

He glanced at Luo Chen in front of him and found that he was looking at him meaningfully.

He had some realization in his heart.

Isn't he the devil?

Is it a superpower-based Pokémon?

He glanced left and right, but found no suspicious Pokémon figure.

He looked at Luo Chen's face and met his deep, somewhat playful eyes.

Damn, this guy can't be a superpower, right?

Thinking of this, he looked at Minna with a little regret, and said with difficulty: "Beautiful, lady, I will definitely come back!"

After speaking, he twisted and walked towards the outside of the store.

After Adahuas walked out, Xiao Ya's voice sounded in Luo Chen's heart.

"What indescribable things have you done to him?"

Luo Chen smiled in his heart and replied, "It's nothing, it's just that he hammered his little brother a few times with his mental power." "


Xiao Ya was stunned for a few seconds, then recalled Idawas's posture, and immediately knew which part Luo Chen said about the little brother!

She took a few sips, but then felt that it seemed like the best way to deal with men.

Well...... You have to write it down, and if you meet such a person in the future, you can use this method to teach him a lesson!

Soon after, it was finally Mirna's turn for the team, she discussed with Luo Chen and Xiao Ya, and bought a total of 10 green onion pork buns, three cups of milk from a warm big milk jar, 5 baked shrimp balls, and three egg tarts.

Minna settled the account, but Luo Chen was not polite to her, one hundred and ten yuan, whoever settles it is the same.

Luo Chen took two green onion pork buns, which is the signature of this shop, and then took a glass of hot milk.

Minna took three steamed buns, a glass of milk, two shrimp balls, and an egg tart, and the rest went to Xiaoya.

Xiao Ya is a Pokémon after all, the body is huge, and the amount of food is naturally amazing, even if it is transformed into a human, this point has not changed.

The three of them carried buns and milk, and their eyes scanned the seats in the store, trying to find an empty seat, but all they could see were dense figures, and the three of them looked at each other, so they could only walk out of the store and find a place to deal with it outside.

In addition to the shop, the three of them walked to a flower bed not far away, spread a blanket on the edge of the flower bed, and sat down here to start tasting the delicious breakfast in their hands.

Luo Chen looked at the green onion pork bun in his hand, and said expectantly: "I don't know if the taste of this steamed bun that the old man highly recommends will disappoint me, I hope he is not a trust~"

Minna smiled: "Don't worry, the green onion of the green onion duck, the egg of the happy egg, and the milk of the big milk jar, these three can be said to be the most popular ingredients taken from Pokémon, they are all extremely delicious, and this bun will definitely not disappoint us." "

Luo Chen said curiously: "I have drunk the milk of the big milk jar, but I haven't tasted the remaining two, have you eaten them all?"

Minna nodded and smiled, "I've eaten them all, it's very delicious! "

As she spoke, she took the lead in picking up a bun herself, and took a gentle bite, the soft bun skin was torn open, revealing the thick soup inside, and an enticing fragrance came out with the heat.

Luo Chen took a breath, his appetite suddenly increased, and he also picked up the bun and took a big bite.

The hot and rich soup, the delicious and tender meat filling and the soft and glutinous bun skin entered his mouth together, and it frantically stimulated his taste buds.


Luo Chen kept nodding his head in approval while eating.

After taking one bite, he gave a thumbs up and exclaimed: "It's really delicious! The fragrance of green onions and the tenderness of the meat are perfectly combined! It's wonderful!"

Minna also smiled and sighed.

But after eating a few bites, Xiao Ya commented: "That's it, this pork lowers the grade of this bun, if you use the meat of the green onion duck with his green onion, it will be a must-have in the world!"

(Some of the audits are really bullish, and I don't want to complain anymore.) )

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