Luo Chen also smiled: "My name is Tang Xuxian, this is Mierna and Xiaoya, you Pachliz seems to be a girl?"

Xu Ru nodded and said, "Yes, it's a cute little princess, your Pachilitz is a boy, right?

Luo Chen shook his head and said, "No, I've always called him Pachiliz." "

He looked down at Pachiliz rubbing each other's cheeks with Bai Lu in a gesture of friendship, his face full of laughter.

It was the first time he had met another Pachlitz, and it was a female, and seeing them so happy, maybe the two little ones could have a little spark of love.

Bai Lu looked at Pachilitz with admiration in her eyes, and the Pachilitz in front of her was the most handsome and strongest Pachilitz she had ever seen in her life!

She believed that any female Pachlitz would fall in love with him when she saw it!

The two-headed tyrannosaurus looked at the two Pachlitz holding hands with confused faces, and the heart was indescribably sad.

I thought he would be reprimanded, but now it's good, I met a beautiful girl?


Dika and Xiaoshan glanced at each other, and then their heads crashed into the two Pachlitz!

With two thuds, Pachlitz and Bai Lu were all knocked to the ground, and the two-headed tyrannosaurus grinned.

Luo Chen slapped the double-headed tyrannosaurus fiercely and scolded, "What are you doing?

Xu Ru said with a smile: "The double-headed tyrannosaurus is a Pokémon with a vicious personality, and he has a very bad temper, so he should be very tired to get along with him, right?"

Luo Chen waved his hand and said, "Fortunately, this guy hasn't caused any big trouble except for loving to hang around." "

Xu Ru smiled and said, "Such a Pokémon will more or less cause a riot in this kind of public place, so it's better to take back the Poké Ball." "

Luo Chen smiled bitterly, if I could take him back to the Poké Ball, I would have accepted it a long time ago!

He said helplessly: "This guy can run out of the Poké Ball by himself, so it's useless to put it in..."


Xu Ru was stunned, she looked at the double-headed tyrannosaurus curiously, this guy is really interesting, amazing.

"In that case, it's better to restrain him, but don't let him hurt anyone. "

Luo Chen nodded.

And the two Patchlitz were looking at the two-headed tyrannosaurus with angry faces.

Xu Ru smiled: "Okay, Bai Lu, it's time for us to go." "


Bai Lu listened, her face was full of reluctance, she held Pacilitz's hand tightly, reluctant to part with him.

Xu Ru suddenly cried and laughed and said, "Okay~ We still have to patrol, we can't stay here all the time." "

Seeing Bai Lu's reluctant look, Xu Ru looked at Luo Chen helplessly and said, "Can you leave a contact information?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Bai Lu looked at Luo Chen expectantly, and Pachiliz also nodded to Luo Chen.

Seeing that Pachiliz agreed, Luo Chen naturally had no opinion, so he and Xu Ru left a phone call for each other.

"Are you going to take part in the hunting competition? If you do, you can go to the race site now, where the registration of the participants is already underway. Xu Ru said.

Luo Chen thanked her, picked up Pachlitz, and prepared to go to the registration location with Mina.

Bai Lu held Pachilitz's little hand tightly and reluctantly said goodbye to him.

"Chipa Chipa~"

Pachilitz comforted Bai Lu, telling her not to be reluctant, and that they would meet again.

Xu Ru also took Bai Lu into her arms and took her to start a new round of patrol.


Pachliz sighed as he lay in the crook of Luo Chen's arm.

Minna teased on the side: "What's the matter, is this?

"Chippa!" Pachliz retorted with a raised small fist.

Luo Chen smiled: "He just has never played with his own clan, and he has some regrets in his heart." "

"Chippa!" Pachlitz nodded.

Xiao Ya said: "Why don't you take in a Pachlitz anymore? Let them be a companion? I used to live with my brother, and if I was alone, I would indeed be lonely." "

Minna interjected: "Trainers are selective in accepting Pokémon, if each Pokémon they accept has to find a member of the same clan, then they can't accept a lot of them?

Today, Pachlitz just saw his fellow people and felt it, so it would be good to take it easy. "

"Chippa!" Pachliz nodded again, agreeing with Mirna's words.

He has a good relationship with Luo Chen's other Pokémon, so he doesn't feel lonely on weekdays, and today is just like what Minna said, just seeing his fellow clan again, he has some feelings in his heart.

And Bai Lu also expressed her love for him unabashedly.

This made Pachilitz's heart even more shaken.

The double-headed tyrannosaurus followed behind Luo Chen, constantly looking around, but did not move around indiscriminately.

Because the registration point was at the entrance to the hunting area in the mountains northwest of the city, Luo Chen and the others chose to take a tour bus and go with several trainers who were going to sign up for the competition.

Along the way, you can enjoy the scenery of Tenkaze City and the crowds of people participating in the festival.

In a villa on the outskirts of Tianfeng City, a teenage blonde girl wearing a denim jumpsuit and shorts left the house excitedly, waved vigorously to her father who was watching her on the balcony on the second floor, and said, "Dad, I'm going to sign up for the hunting competition!"

On the balcony on the second floor, a middle-aged man in his thirties and forties smiled and waved at her.

"Catherine, be careful all the way! otter, take care of Catherine!"

Catherine is followed by a Pokémon with a blue body, a white head and arms, a freckled black spot on its face, and a shell-shaped scallop on its belly.

It is the fifth-generation water system of the three families, the water otter, and the initial form of the great sword ghost of Mirna.

The otter reached out and patted the scallop shell on his abdomen with a resolute face.

"Rice wine rice wine!"

It means to let Dad relax, and he is solely responsible for Catherine's safety!

Catherine also said loudly: "Don't worry, there are water otters and big steel snakes to protect me, there is absolutely no problem!"

With that, Catherine got on her beloved bicycle, put the otter in the basket of the bicycle, and rode towards the wild hunting area.

Leaving the villa, Catherine excitedly said to the otter: "Otter, we must show our skills today! As long as we win the championship of the hunting competition, we can prove our strength, and my father will agree to let us go on a trip early!"

"Rice wine!"

The otter also raised his right hand excitedly, looking like he was going to do a big job!

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