Luo Chen smiled and complained in his heart.

"I did only have one last Master Ball when I took the Frozen Bird, but I got another one after I took it!"

Although he didn't say it explicitly, the embarrassment that flashed on his face was still captured by Mirna!

After all, she is a high-ranking person, and what she is best at is observing words and feelings, Luo Chen's emotional fluctuations naturally did not escape her eyes!

She approached Luo Chen, her eyes revealing a questioning meaning, and she looked at him with a smile on her face.

"Honestly, do you still have a big box of those Poké Balls? Give me two to play with? I promise not to tell anyone!"

Luo Chen spread his hands.

"No, there's really only one left!"

There was no half-adulteration in this statement, so his expression was natural, and Mierna didn't find any clues.

"Then why didn't you subdue the Flame Bird or the Lightning Bird yesterday? The Flame Bird and the Yan Emperor's attributes conflicted, but the Lightning Bird is an electric attribute divine beast, you don't seem to have a powerful Pokémon with an electric attribute, right? Isn't it good to subdue a Lightning Bird?"

Luo Chen looked at Minna with a sincere face and said, "Do you believe me when I said that I got the Master Ball after I subdued the Frozen Bird yesterday?"

"Master Ball?" Mirna's eyes lit up and she said excitedly, "Is that the name of that Poke Ball?"

"Uh..." Luo Chen touched his nose helplessly, and said it casually...

He smiled wryly and nodded.

"Yes, it's called the Master Ball..."

"Master Ball," Minna murmured.

"Master?" she looked at Luo Chen and asked suspiciously, "Is the name of this Poké Ball taken from Pokémon Master?"

Luo Chen was slightly stunned, then nodded and said: "It should be, the Pokémon Master is the strongest among the trainers, and the Master Ball is also the highest level in the Poké Ball, so they are all named after the Master." "

"What is the probability of catching this Poké Ball, is it really 100%?"

Luo Chen was silent for a moment, then scratched his head.

"Well, it's 100%!"

Minna was also silent for a long time before she said, "What kind of civilization can make this kind of Poke Ball?"

Luo Chen smiled and said, "Back then, Pokémon came to Gaia because of a meteorite, so where did that meteorite come from?

And Deochisis is also a Pokémon from space, where is his hometown? Where is the hometown of Pokémon? This master ball is obtained from the secret realm, and that secret realm is a lost Pokémon civilization, and the level of civilization is higher than that of Gaia. "

Minna frowned and said, "That secret realm has been stable somewhere on Gaia now?"

Luo Chen smiled and didn't speak.

Minna lowered her head, she knew that Luo Chen would not say this kind of thing, and if it was her, she would not say it.

You must know that Luo Chen has hidden many secrets since the beginning of his travels, and he has been hiding them, for fear that others will know, so as to cause himself to be killed, even if he subdues the Divine Beast Yan Emperor, he has not been blinded by this huge power, and he is still careful.

If it weren't for God's presence in the temple to force him out, it is estimated that he would still be in a pimple of horns.

It is estimated that he will not take the initiative to show up if he does not accept a few first-level gods.

Such a person, as long as he does not encounter a necessary moment, will definitely rot his secrets in his heart.

She was silent for a long time before she said, "What if someone else finds that secret realm?"

Luo Chen shook his head: "Don't worry, no one will be able to find that secret realm." "

Hearing Luo Chen's words, Minna didn't ask any more.

As they rushed to Skywind City, Catherine outside the hunting area was also entangled.

It stands to reason that there is nothing to worry about about this kind of thing, the water otter is affected by the power of that stone, as long as there is a trace that may have a bad effect on him, Catherine will let him do a depth test.

But Ke Jingjing warned her.

What if those three people are Pokémon dealers? Your water otter qualifications are very high, right? Such a superb Pokémon, many people will be tempted!

That Tang Zhuxian also said that he didn't know how much time he had to check, didn't he mean that he just wanted you to hand over the otter to him for a while? What if he ran away after taking the otter?

And you said before, you took the otter to Zhaolei City for inspection, but you didn't check anything, but that person actually saw the name after holding it for a while?

Catherine hesitated and said, "But they are indeed superpowers, both of them understood the words of the water otter, it should be their superpower that senses the abnormality in the water otter's body, right?"

Fang Wu, who was behind Ke Jingjing, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said to Ke Jingjing: "I think you are too worried, those two people are real superpowers, and Tang Xuxian also has a quasi-god, no matter how high the qualification of this water otter is, can it be stronger than the double-headed tyrannosaurus?"

It is unlikely that they will fall in love with the otter, and they are not greedy when they look at the otter, at first they are attracted by his qualifications, and then they are curious about why he has not evolved. "

Ke Jingjing frowned and said: "But I still think that if there is really any problem with the water otter, it is better to send it to the elf center for examination, at least I don't have to worry about being remembered by the bad guys..."

Catherine smiled sweetly: "Thank you sister for your concern, but I still want to ask that person to help test the otters, and they went to the gym, I will let them check the otters in the gym later, I believe that even if they are really bad people, they don't dare to do anything in the gym." "

Ke Jingjing thought about it and felt that this would work.

The gyms in this world can be said to be more reassuring than the Public Security Bureau, and in the gyms, no one will dare to do bad things!

But after hesitating for a while, Ke Jingjing added.

"Catherine, do you want us to come with you?"

Zhou Shuai in the back also nodded and said: "I think it's better for us to follow together, if they are really bad people, with us following, I am not afraid that they will use strong ones!"

Catherine played a little ninety-nine in her heart.

She thinks that if Tang Xuxian's gang may be bad people, then this Ke Jingjing and the four people may also be bad people?

My dad used to tell me that the qualifications of water otters are rare in a century, and anyone will be tempted, not even champion trainers!

But I don't want to be seen at a glance today, so everyone around me who knows about it has to be on guard!

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