"Done with the challenge?"

Several people were stunned.

Zhou Shuai said with a skeptical expression: "How could it be? This line is so long, how did you report your name?"

Luo Chen was about to explain, but Xiao Ya took out the Tianfeng badge from his pocket and held it up to several people with a proud face.

"Dangdangdang~Look, the Heavenly Wind Badge~"

When a few people saw the Tianfeng badge, they naturally believed Luo Chen's words.

After all, this badge can't be faked.

Ke Jingjing muttered, "Didn't there be so many people queuing up when you came?

Luo Chen smiled slightly and didn't explain much.

He looked at Catherine and asked, "How's it going?"

Catherine nodded solemnly and said, "Well, I've thought about it!"

As he spoke, he lifted the otter up.

"Please help me check on the condition of the otter!"

"Rice wine!" The water otter also shook his hands, he had always been worried about his body, and now he finally met someone who could help him, and he definitely couldn't miss it!

Luo Chen took the otter over and hugged it in his arms, and Pacilitz on his shoulder immediately greeted the otter.

"Chipa Chipa~"

"Rice wine rice wine ~"

The two Pokémon exchanged pleasantly.

Luo Chen said to Catherine: "There are a lot of people here, let's go to the back of the hall." "

Catherine thought about it, as long as she didn't leave the gym, she didn't have to worry about Tang Xuxian snatching the otter away, and it was okay to check the otter in a quieter place in the back.

And when she just came in, she saw many trainers taking pictures around the gym, presumably there are also many trainers in the corridor behind the gym, so don't worry about anything.

After Catherine agreed, the group walked out of the hall and walked down the right aisle towards the rear.

Walking in the corridor, there are many trainers coming and going to take pictures, some are taking pictures of the gym, and some are taking pictures of the seascape.

The sea breeze gently brushed the faces of the people, and the sound of the waves crashing on the foundation below the gym was indeed worth remembering.

Looking into the distance, there are several cruise ships and fishing boats sailing on the magnificent sea, and there are also many tourists driving speedboats on the sea.

I also remembered the happy life I had in swimsuits with Su Yan and Lin Xin on the Isle of Engraving...

Thinking about it, he instinctively glanced back at Mirna, with her proud devil figure, he didn't know what it was like to wear a swimsuit.

Immediately, he shook his head vigorously to shake out this shameful thought, and at the same time he was thinking about whether to notify Lin Xin and them to come to the celebration here, anyway, he had the teleportation mark left by Lin Xin, and he could get here in seconds.

When this thought flashed through his mind, his hand immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Lin Xin's number.

On the other end of the phone, in the dressing room of a gorgeous contest being held in the center of Pingyang, Lin Xin connected to the mobile phone and said in surprise: "Luo Chen, why do you have time to call? Are you free today? I am participating in the gorgeous contest in Pingyang City, do you want to come and see?"

Luo Chen hadn't sent out an invitation yet, but Lin Xin had invited Luo Chen to participate in the gorgeous competition over there.

Luo Chen was stunned for a few seconds and said, "Are you participating in the Gorgeous Competition?"

Lin Xin's crisp voice came: "Yes, it's going to be played soon! Where are you?"

Luo Chen said helplessly: "I'm in Tianfeng City, Penglai Island, on the coast of the East China Sea, a carnival is being held here, there is a hunting competition today, and the festival will officially start tomorrow, originally I wanted to invite you to come over with Su Yan and Mingjing to participate, but I didn't expect you to participate in the gorgeous competition over there." "

Lin Xin also said with some regret: "That's it, that's a pity, I can't get out of it today and tomorrow, as long as I pass today's qualifiers, I will participate in the second review tomorrow, and I have to practice hard all day today..."

Luo Chen smiled: "It's okay, there is still a chance to play together, you have to work hard during the competition, and strive to win again!"

"Well, you should also do your best in the hunting tournament and try to win the first prize!"

After the two blessed each other, Luo Chen asked, "Mingjing and Su Yan are still with you now, right?"

Lin Xin, who was on the other side, obviously lowered his voice and said: "Sister Yan is today's judge~ Mingjing has been busy with the affairs of the base recently, and she can't get out." "

Luo Chen couldn't help but smile and quipped: "Su Yan is the judge, then isn't your victory nine out of ten?"

Lin Xin snorted and said righteously: "What nonsense, I don't need Sister Yan to go through the back door, I will definitely be able to win with my own strength!"

At this time, Luo Chen heard the sound of the radio on the opposite side.

"The competition is about to start, so please go to the preparation room and wait. "

Lin Xin hurriedly said: "The competition has started, I'm going over to prepare!"

Luo Chen said: "Okay, I wish you a victory!"


The two hung up the phone, and Luo Chen sighed faintly.

It's a coincidence, it just so happens that both groups of people have something to do, otherwise this opportunity can get together for a short time.

Another thing that Luo Chen cares about is Mingjing, this big brother is really concerned about the construction of the base.

The sticky dragon that he was going to give to him yesterday was given to his wife because he was angry for a while, and now he has to find something else to reward this diligent infrastructure worker.

In the future, I will have to bother him to recruit people in order to expand the organization, but now I have to coax him.

Now there are only four people in their organization, and it turns out that Ming Jing is the only one who is busy with the organization, and if the inaction of the other three makes Ming Jing feel unoptimistic about the future of this organization, it will be a little bad.

Therefore, we must firmly grasp Mingjing's heart, make him feel that the future of this organization is very impressive, and make him feel that it is worth sweating and bleeding for the organization!

Then he will die for the organization!

Then they will work wholeheartedly and hard to engage in construction and personnel.

But what is to treat him?

If he could catch a divine beast and give it to him, it would naturally be the best, but now not to mention the divine beast, he can't even get a superfluous quasi-god, so it's a bit of a headache.

While he was thinking about this, Minna was thinking in her heart, Luo Chen was just calling a female coordinator trainer?

The names Su Yan and Ming Jing are also mentioned.

She had read all of Luo Chen's information, so she knew who the person on the other end of the phone was at the first time.

Coordination trainer Lin Xin, that Luo Chen's original partner!

She is also a beautiful and intelligent girl who has unique insights and outstanding talents in cultivating Pokémon.

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