Luo Chen sighed in his heart: It is worthy of Mierna, the deputy minister of the war department is not in vain, and he does have a deep understanding of these scheming things.

Then he looked deeply at the waiter, this kid praised Minna for being beautiful and smart, does that mean that he, who didn't see the intention of this glass wall, was naïve?


It's a little unpleasant.

After admiring the environment, Luo Chen asked the waiter for a private room, but got an answer that it was already full.

This made Luo Chen feel a little pity, but since there was no more, naturally there was no need to force it, and the three of them came to a small table near the glass in front of them.

"That's it, you can enjoy the sea up close. "

Luo Chen looked around and still chose this seat.

There are quite a lot of good seats in the restaurant, and if it weren't for the small size of the table in front of them, how could this good window seat be left for them?

Minna and Xiaoya have no opinion, although this table is not as good as other big tables, it is still okay for three or five people to eat together.

After ordering some special dishes recommended by the waiter, the three of them waited for the food to be served while enjoying the sea view.

Many Pokémon in the sea are gathered in the sea where the hotel is located, so that diners at the restaurant can see the beautiful scenery where many water-based Pokémon gather.

As for the reason why the Pokémon gathered here, Luo Chen quickly found out.

There is a lot of Pokémon food on the bottom of the sea, and there are people feeding small amounts of food on it, which is the key to attracting Pokémon to gather!

Luo Chen muttered: "They feed Pokémon food in the water, aren't they afraid of attracting some powerful and violent water-based Pokémon?

Xiao Ya pondered for a moment and then said: "It should be related to the ingredients, you see that the Pokémon here are all small water-based Pokémon, starfish, ink seahorses, horned goldfish, carp king, etc., there are no large Pokémon,

So these ingredients should be specifically designed to attract small water-type Pokémon, and those large Pokémon will not be attracted. "

Luo Chen asked in surprise, "Can Pokémon food be refined into types specifically for small Pokémon?"

Minna nodded: "Yes, Pokémon are the same as humans, each has its own taste, some like spicy food, some like sweeter, and most large Pokémon like heavier food, small Pokémon are the opposite."

And some ingredients only attract a certain type of Pokémon, as long as you add some ingredients to the food that specifically attract that type of Pokémon, you can attract the corresponding Pokémon to gather. "

After speaking, Minna pointed to a group of ink seahorses in the distance and said, "Look, are those groups of ink seahorses gathered together? and the starfish over there? The food they eat is specifically to attract the sea starfish and the sea horse.

Other foods fed should be similar, only attracting the corresponding Pokémon such as Horned Goldfish and Carp King, plus the food itself is light, and large Pokémon are not very interested in these, and the chance of being attracted is naturally very small.

Of course, there are no absolutes, even if it is a food that specifically attracts a certain Pokémon, there is a chance that it will attract other Pokémon, and trainers who like fishing should have a deep understanding of this.

The baits they use when fishing are all specially made, and they will use the corresponding bait if they want to catch any Pokémon, so as to increase the chances of catching Pokémon that they are satisfied with, but sometimes they will catch other Pokémon, and I used to have this experience when I was idle fishing. "

Luo Chen nodded, it seems that the world is still very complete in the study of Pokémon's preferences!

All of this must be thanks to Pokémon researchers.

When Xiao Ya heard Minna talk about fishing, she enthusiastically proposed, "Then let's go fishing later, shall we?

Minna laughed, "You're not going to catch Pokémon?"

Xiao Ya said: "Anyway, the Pokémon of the water system also have to be subdued, so it's better to take advantage of this opportunity to come to the coastal city to fish on the beach, if you can catch Shuijun and Gaioca, then your life will be perfect~"

Luo Chen pouted and teased: "I think the probability of catching your brother in the sea is higher than the probability of catching Shuijun and Gaioca~"

Xiao Ya suddenly glared at Luo Chen.

"What nonsense are you talking about? We are not a water system, so what are we doing in the water when we have nothing to do?"

Minna whispered to the two, "Be quiet, don't make a noise about what you say. "

Luo Chen nodded, and then asked Xiao Ya in a low voice, "Do you have the title of guardian of the water capital in your clan?"

Luo Chen remembers that in his previous life, Ladias and Ladios were the patron saints of the water capital of Odomare, and there was an independent movie about them.

And the name of the brother and sister in red and blue water also began from this.

Xiao Ya tilted his head and thought about it, then nodded and whispered: "There is such a name, it seems that in the far south, there is an island in the sea, where there is a city called the water capital, and our clan has a clan living there and guarding it, so it is called the guardian saint of the water capital." "

But then she said dissatisfiedly: "Although it is called the guardian saint of the water capital, it does not mean that we will live in the water!

Luo Chen didn't care about Xiao Ya's complaints, but just thought with some surprise.

Originally, I was just casually teasing, and I was also a little curious about whether there were any unique names for specific Pokémon in this world.

But I didn't expect to get a positive answer from Xiaoya!

There really is a water city in this world!

And there are also Latias and Ladios guarding there!

Mythical beasts guarding human cities?

Just like the Phoenix King and Lokia guarded the gold and silver capitals back then?

"Does the Water City still exist now?" Luo Chen was a little curious.

The gold and silver capital no longer exists, and I don't know what the current situation of this water capital is.

Xiao Ya shook his head: "I don't know, I haven't been there, and my brother hasn't been there, but I heard the elders in the family mention that city, saying that it is the most beautiful city in the world!

But I guess it should still be there, because the elders mentioned that city with a smile, indicating that it should be very peaceful, and if it has been destroyed, the elders will inevitably speak with remembrance and pity!"

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