And with the actions of Luo Chen and the others, the man with glasses immediately said to his subordinates: "Everyone has left the Western Mountain Range!

After saying this, the man looked at the screen, searching for traces of ultra-rare Pokémon, and at the same time, he was also looking for a trainer with suspicious shapes.

After all, they need to guard against the Coalition and the sheriff.

Originally, they actually didn't take the local alliance and the sheriff into account, they had been hunted down by the alliance's trainers many times before, but it wasn't that they couldn't help it?

As long as they want to run, just a few Dao Gym trainers sent by a city and a few quasi-Heavenly Kings and Heavenly King-level powerhouses can't keep them at all!

But today is different, there are two more champions in this reserve!

And it seems that there are two very strong champions!

You must know that ordinary champion trainers can't get super high Pokémon, and if you can have a Pokémon of this level, you may be eligible to compete for the king of the country!

The most worrying thing for Xu Hui is that at this time, he is not sure whether these two champions are helpers invited by the local alliance!

But this is not really a big possibility, two champion-level trainers to catch a poaching gang of dozens of people?

It's a little too much to look down on them.

But one thing is for sure, if they get into a fight with the Coalition and the sheriffs, as long as the fight attracts the attention of those two champions, then they will definitely come to the aid of the Alliance!

Unless they're champion-level trainers of an outlaw organization...

But this probability is even lower to negligible.

Therefore, the glasses man is very worried in his heart, if the people of the alliance find them, or find the matrix, then this operation must be canceled, and everyone must evacuate!

Even the matrix didn't have time to be recovered, and the loss was very large!

Therefore, Xu Hui, the man with glasses, urged his subordinates to move faster.

And on Luo Chen's side, they came to the lake all the way, Luo Chen said to Xiao Yanunu: "Let your weak tench go down and see if there is any trace of the mini dragon, or the skin of the mini dragon,

As long as you find the molt, then you can be sure that there is a mini-dragon here!"

Xiao Ya nodded and released the school of weak tench.

At this time, the weak tench is still the same as after the merger, and it has not disintegrated.

This made Luo Chen a little curious, and he asked Mirna, "How will the weak tench disintegrate after merging? Is it always like this in this life?"

Minna smiled: "Naturally not, the trainer can directly order them to disintegrate, or they will also disintegrate if they are severely injured in battle." "

Luo Chen was immediately interested.

"Xiaoya, let them disintegrate and divide into separate forms to explore the lake, which is more efficient. "

Xiao Ya snapped his fingers, and the school of weak tenches instantly disintegrated into dozens of weak tenches, and these dozens of weak tenches dived into the water together, searching for traces of the mini dragon in the large lake of several hundred meters.

"This school of weak tench is quite interesting, dozens of Pokémon were subdued by a Poké Ball, and all of them were able to obey the instructions of the trainer, which is really terrifying. "

"That's right!" Luo Chen suddenly thought of a question, so he asked: "Is it true that the strength of the weak tench group is that the more weak tench fish that form a formation, the stronger the strength of this fish group?"

Minna nodded and said, "Yes, the strength of the fish is directly determined by the number of weak tench, and the more the number, the stronger the strength. "

Then she looked at Luo Chen and smiled meaningfully: "Do you want to say that if all the weak tench in the world gather together to form a unique huge school of fish, can the strength be comparable to that of the divine beast?"

"Uh..." Luo Chen touched his nose.

"Is my idea so easy to guess?"

"You're talking so much, can't you guess it?"

Minna continued: "Your problem was studied by scholars shortly after the characteristics of the weak tench were discovered, but unfortunately, the formation of the weak tench seems to have an upper limit, and once the number of fish is too large, it is impossible to maintain the appearance of the fish.

And the upper limit of this number cannot exceed three digits, that is, it can only be composed of a maximum of 99 weak tench fish, and at this time, the weak tench school even has a slightly better strength than the quasi-god!"

"Slightly better than the quasi-god? So strong? If Xiao Ya turns around and gets a few more weak tench, won't his strength increase greatly?"

Minna also looked at Xiao Ya, but she shook her head and said: "The idea is very good, but the actual operation is not good, wild Pokémon are wary of Pokémon that are subdued, and generally do not approach easily, even if the weak tench calls for its companions in the sea,

But when the other weak tench finds out that this is a weak tench that has been subdued by humans, they will watch from a distance and will not get close, not to mention that there are so many weak tench fish here, they will probably turn around and walk away when they see it. "

Luo Chen asked puzzledly: "How do wild Pokémon distinguish whether a Pokémon is wild or not?"

"The fluctuations on the Pokémon's body, you know the power of the waveguide, right? Everything in the world has a waveguide, and it is different, every Pokémon has a waveguide, and humans also have it, and the Pokémon that live with humans will naturally be infected with the human waveguide,

This is easy to tell, and the Poké Ball and the subdued Pokémon can emit a special frequency of fluctuations, and most adult Pokémon are able to sense these subtle differences. "

"And this kind of thing?"

This is the first time Luo Chen has heard this kind of statement, and there is actually a special fluctuation connection between Poké Balls and Pokémon.

It's no wonder that the Pokémon can automatically take back the Poké Ball when the Pokémon enters the NDE, this is the binding state!

Luo Chen looked at the calm surface of the lake, and asked Minna again: "Are there any other Pokémon that are similar to weak tench? "

Minna shook her head and said: "No, at the beginning, we found that both the iron dumbbell and the little magnetic monster can evolve through the aggregation of individuals, for example, two iron dumbbells can evolve into a metal monster after combination, and two metal monsters can evolve into a giant gold monster after combination,

It's the same with the little magnetic monster, the combination of three small magnetic monsters can evolve into a three-in-one magnetic monster, but after observation, an iron dumbbell can also evolve into a metal monster, and then it can also evolve smoothly into a giant gold monster, and a small magnetic monster can also directly evolve into a three-in-one magnetic monster,

The most important thing is that there is no difference in strength between those that evolve alone and those that evolve in combination, which can only be said to be the strange ability of Pokémon, but someone once experimented that as long as they have money, they can breed four iron dumbbells at the same time, and then let them carry the Immutable Stone,

Wait until the cultivation degree has risen to an extremely high level, and then let them combine and evolve, the strength of the giant gold monsters cultivated by that method far exceeds that of the same race!"

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