After absorbing the information from Luo Chen, the pharaoh looked at Luo Chen with a strange expression, this human knows a little too much.

He is not a fool, he knows that the things about the gods are definitely top secret, and Luo Chen can actually say the titles and even real names of these gods like a few treasures, which makes people think a little about it.

But in order not to make a joke for himself, he did not continue to ask, but was going to ask Stia if they knew these gods after they returned, if the human world now knew the titles of these gods, then he could only blame himself for being lonely.

The three 'divine beasts' in front of him had gradually moved away, Luo Chen glanced back at the right, which was the direction of the three-shaped pyramid, his sensing power had already sensed the figure of Stia, and this group of duelists had come to the edge of the giant pyramid.

He turned back to Pharaoh and said, "Stya and the others have come, so let's go and meet them first, explain the situation, and then do anything else." "

The two of them came to the front of the pyramid together, at this time Stia and Diao Junren had already joined together, everyone was talking about the earth-shattering roar that came before, and at this time, the battlefield of the two gods and flame emperors was also constantly roaring, they were very concerned about this unknown battle.

What's more, the scene is full of corpses, these monster corpses are easy to associate with some bad things, plus when she came, Sistia had already roughly said about the situation here, and then Diao Junren also said that the monsters here tried to release the demon god, and the power of the demon god had penetrated into the outside world, and he also used the blood of the monster after death to arrange a huge summoning ceremony, wanting to summon himself.

After Diao Junren's explanation, everyone immediately felt that the roar just now was the roar of the demon god.

Someone said with resignation: "Could it be that the sealed demon god has already come out?" Listening to the roar that shook the nine heavens before, the eight achievements are the demon gods, and listening to the momentum and the range of vibration, at least it is also a super high-level super monster! The strength is unfathomable, and it is definitely not something we can compete with! Why don't we go? "

The rest of the people are also related, after all, they can't even help super-level monsters, and in the face of super-high-level monsters, they are cannon fodder, and an aftermath can shock them all!

So everyone has the idea of retreating, although resources are fought out with their lives, and if you want to become stronger, you have to work hard, but it is based on the coexistence of risks and benefits, if there is a danger of death and no life, normal people will choose to retreat.

Resources are precious, and life is even more valuable!

Therefore, after Luo Chen and Pharaoh came, everyone immediately gathered around and asked questions, wanting to confirm the situation here.

Luo Chen said bluntly: "There is a little problem here, Xiangbi Siya and Diao Junren have explained some to you, these monsters were summoned by the demon god, trying to break the seal enchantment to release the demon god, after we rushed to kill them, the demon god used the blood of these monsters to start a sacrifice ceremony, trying to summon himself, but the first two summons were destroyed by us, although the last two summons were successful, but did not summon the body of the demon god, but only descended on the incarnation of two gods, Now we are entangled with our trump card, and I want you to come here just to watch the monsters on all sides of the pyramid and save them from launching the summoning ritual again! "

Someone immediately asked, "Demon God incarnation?" What strength? "

Luo Chen glanced at him, and then said in a deep voice: "Two are super high-level, in terms of strength, one is the super high-level super peak, and the other is between the high-level and the top, my ace monster is fighting with the incarnation of the super high-level peak, and the other is entangled by Reggie Rock and Sphinx, it will not cause any impact on this side." "

Then he glanced around the crowd and said, "I know that you are worried that the demon god will threaten your life, but as far as the current situation is concerned, everything is under our control, the two god incarnations are not too threatening, and the power that the demon god body can penetrate at present is extremely some, because he himself is a Yan clan, so he can only call out some Yan monsters to gather here, and he can't carry out a direct attack, so there is no need to take care of him;

And Layla has also contacted the super powerhouses in her clan, and soon the elves will bring many super monsters to support, and there will be many famous super duelists among the human race to come here, maybe everyone will be able to see Muto Games and Seahorse Seto by then, so as long as everyone guards the four sides of the pyramid and does not let the monsters break the seal and carry out the summoning ceremony, it is enough, and it doesn't need to last too long, at most a few quarters of an hour reinforcements will arrive! "

Everyone was stunned when they listened.

The two super-high-level demon god incarnations were actually blocked by Luo Chen and the pharaoh?

It's a little unbelievable, and Luo Chen's words obviously reveal a piece of information, he himself seems to have a super-high-level super-rank peak monster?

Twelve-star super pinnacle!

That's the pinnacle of combat power that is enough to stand at the top of the world!

Who is this Luo Chen?

There are only a few human beings in the entire world with this kind of strength, how come they have never heard of the name Luo Chen...

A twelve-star super-rank pinnacle ace monster, plus that super-strength Reggie Lock, and a bunch of top-level, pinnacle monsters, this strength is definitely someone who competes for the title of the strongest duelist 'Duel King'.

How can it be obscure, no one knows its name?

Moreover, Luo Chen also deliberately emphasized that the elven clan has set off here with a large number of super-level powerhouses, among which there may even be Muto Game and Seahorse Seren, the two most powerful super-level duelists in the world at present!

These two men competing for the throne of the 'Duel King' are definitely the idols of most people in the world, and they are also the targets pursued by all the duelists, but on weekdays, these two are difficult to see, Muto Games is elusive, and I don't know where to haunt all day long, and Seahorse Seto shrinks into research and development in Haima Group every day, except for the employees of Haima Group, the rest of the people basically can't see him.

Now that there is a chance to meet them, it is natural that the duelists have a burst of anticipation.

This is also the reason why Luo Chen deliberately said these two names, that is, he wanted to use the psychology of chasing stars to keep everyone, otherwise under the fear of the demon god, maybe this group of people would slip away...

Now is the time for them to be manned, and they must not be allowed to leave.

Throwing some bait to lure them is the best option.

Everyone was obviously hooked by this bait, and Luo Chen had already said that there was not much danger here, which made them even more excited!

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