“This new commissioner is terrifying!”

“The entire Extreme Cold Hell heard that more than half of them were killed, and none of the rebellious prisoners were alive.”

“It is said that this new director is drawn from the headquarters of the Navy, and with this kind of strength, it is worthy of being the highest combat power agency of the world government.”

“With this kind of strong person sitting in the town, the advancing city should be able to stabilize.”

Push outside the city.

One body after another was pushed out by the jailers and dumped into the sea.

At the mention of the new director, everyone’s faces couldn’t help but show awe.

After all, this director had suppressed the turmoil in the entire Advance City on the first day he came.

He also personally guarded the entrance to the sixth level of infinite hell.

The hell of the extreme cold hell is cold, let alone the director, even these low-level jailers don’t want to stay longer.

This newly appointed director is simply a model of leading the way, and he cannot be admired by others.

Several jailers talked and left.

Under the surface of the sea where the corpses were dumped, huge shadows emerged.

Several undead sea beasts that were shriveled and exuded the breath of death curled their tentacles, rolled up the corpses in the seawater, and dived into the deep sea.

Beneath the depths, a huge warship sinks in the silt deep beneath the seabed.

One by one, the undead wandered around the battleship, hunting the approaching sea beasts.

Looking at the dozens of corpses brought by the sea kings, on the bow of the ship, Bond had a slightly hideous smile on his face.

Expand it!

Legion of the Undead!


Advance the fifth level of the city, extremely cold hell.

Ron sat cross-legged at the mouth of the cold wind, allowing the cold wind like a knife to blow on him.

The extreme cold directly penetrates the clothes and skin, as if to freeze people from the bones.

The temperature in the extremely cold hell is very low, around minus tens of degrees all year round.

Even an admiral of the headquarters of the navy, if he stays in such a place for a long time, he will suffer severe frostbite.

The reason why Ron took the initiative to stay here is because of the extreme climate and weather here.

Surviving in this extremely harsh environment, his body would be eroded by a chill every second, as if a natural Devil Fruit ability was attacking him all the time.

His skin evolves ten times or a hundred times faster than the outside world.

Stay in this place for a month at most, and his skin should be able to reach its first evolution.

At that time, his physique and defense power can at least be doubled.

Ron seemed to be back at home, practicing as usual.

The temperature of the extremely cold hell is extremely low, and living in this environment, the physical energy consumption will be several times that of the outside world.

However, the training effect is naturally more effective than the outside world.

“What a labor!”

Exhaling a mouthful of white mist, the warm body gradually became cold as the sweat on the body was frozen.

Ron felt as if his body was stiff, and the excessive physical strength passed, making him need to consume twice his usual physical energy every time he swung the knife.

Just came in and said that after staying in this kind of place for a long time, the bones and blood seemed to be frozen.

If you can play half of the strength, it is not bad.

“However, this is the workout effect.”

Ron recovered his strength and continued his tireless cultivation.

When will he be able to completely adapt to this climate, not be disturbed by the extreme cold hell, and exert his full combat power.

He is estimated to have reached the combat power of the brigadier general level.

After cultivating, Ron came to the entrance of the sixth floor of Advance City.

“Infinite hell.”

A pitch-black entrance, like a beast, opened his fangs and huge mouth.

Waiting for the prey to come to the door.

Ron craned his chin and showed a hint of interest.

He really wanted to see what was being held here.


Stepping on the steps, he slowly walked into the sixth floor.

“Warden Ron!”

The chief warden, who was guarding the criminals on the sixth floor, quickly got up and shouted.

Ron waved his hand.

“There’s no movement inside, is it?”


The warden shook his head.

“Infinite Hell only delivers food and water every three to seven days, barely keeping these criminals alive, and the criminals inside have no energy to move at all.”

Ron smacked his tongue, but fortunately, the life force of the people in the pirate world is quite tenacious, and they can’t die after three or five days of starvation.

Otherwise, I’m afraid that the sixth layer of infinite hell would have been empty long ago.

No wonder the pirates outside are afraid when they mention advancing into the city.

This place is said to be a cell, but in fact it is more like a execution ground.

The people who are sent here live every day in a state where life is better than death, not to mention resistance, even living is a problem at all.

Every day is either fleeing or spending time in fear.

Compared to the scorching hell and the extremely cold hell, the life of infinite hell is already very good.

At least there is no need for tortured dead to come alive.

Of course, it is estimated that it is not that the world government does not want to, but the strength of the people imprisoned here is too terrifying.

Ordinary punishment is of no use to them at all, and maybe it will give them the opportunity to escape.

Kill and don’t want to kill, sleepy and can’t be trapped.

I can only still be hungry here, hungry and exhausted, and have no energy to resist, so I will naturally obediently obey.

“Open the sixth floor, I’ll go down and take a look.”

Ron said lightly.

The chief caretaker respectfully took out the key and opened the entrance gate on the sixth floor.

This is the most heavily guarded and important place to advance the city, and it is definitely not so easy for others to enter.

However, Ron is naturally different.

He is the interim director of the city, which is said to be temporary, but until the new director takes office, he is no different from the director.

The entire advance city is his final say.

In the dark corridor, there was a faint light.

The silence can be clearly heard even when a needle falls on the ground.

On both sides of the corridor, there are separate prisons, and prisoners are spaced apart.

The walls are connected with thick shackles, trapping those who are physically skilled and domineering, and those with Devil Fruit abilities will give an additional pair of Hailou stone shackles.

Monster jailers patrol the corridors, with phone bugs in every corner and dead corner watching.

The entire sixth floor, every corner is under the watchful eye of the jailer.

This is the Infinite Hell, the most heavily guarded place in the Advance City.

Several of the monster jailers who were patrolling turned a blind eye to Ron who walked in, even with some fawning and awe.

Ron was slightly stunned, and looked down at the pitch-black uniform on his body, which was the exclusive uniform of the Director of Advance City.

It is equivalent to the exclusive cloak of the admiral of the Navy headquarters.

Very iconic stuff.

These monster jailers with low intelligence probably recognize people through their clothes.

“Hey, little ghost, this is not the place for you.”

“Look at this uniform, push into the city for a new warden?”

“Why, the previous warden retired.”

“Retired? I’m afraid it’s almost the same if he died at sea. ”

Inside the prison, the prisoners who were shackled looked at Ron with malice on their faces.

Before they were captured in the Advance City, they were all overlords on the rampant side of the sea, and even if they were locked up in the Advance City, they could not change their defiant nature.

“Teach this kid a lesson!”

An unbridled voice sounded, and immediately after, a strong and domineering force like a king’s landing, staring at the momentum of the world surged wildly.

The momentum rolled like a wave, and the rolling tide stirred up dust on the ground and blew Ron’s hair.

For a while, the whole world was rendered dark purple.

The other prisoners who were detained let go of the domineering look and gloated to watch a good show.

They wanted to see if the new warden was qualified to manage them.

“Overlord color domineering? That’s it? ”

Feeling the pair of prying eyes around him, Ron raised his eyebrows and grinned.

The breath on his body rose a little, like an awakened beast rushing forward, fierce with tyranny.

A steady stream of overlord-colored domineering energy filled the entire sixth layer.

But Ron stood in place, like an indelible reef.

No matter how the other party’s overlord-colored domineering impact was, he did not waver in the slightest.

Even, that ferocious aura was like a sharp knife that destroyed and decayed, piercing deeply into the opponent’s overlord-colored realm.

Cut off the powerful aura field, and constantly extended forward, wanting to intimidate this overlord-colored domineering master in turn.

“Interesting! I also want to try this kid’s jin two! ”

Another voice sounded, and a domineering aura that was no less overlord surged forward.

Although they are locked up here, the world government does not have the ability to suppress the overlord domineering.

Chains can only bind their bodies, but they cannot bind their will.

(It’s really strange, that is, the timeline thirty years ago, why many people say that Lieutenant Tsuru is an old woman, did the heroine choose a fertilized egg that had not yet been born.) )

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