Chapter 63: The strongest swordsman in a thousand years! It’s all ashes!.

Among the graduates of the previous class of naval cadets.

Today, all 128 people have been promoted to colonels, 10 of whom have even been promoted to the rank of brigadier general. Three of the most outstanding have been promoted to the rank of Major General of the Ministry.

In particular, that Kuzan has the qualifications to become a senior admiral of the navy headquarters. Such astonishing results have never been seen in previous decades. Although I don’t know if it’s a special case, it’s at least worth looking forward to.

“I’m going to teach students again!”

Ron crossed his hands at his waist, his eyes playful.

I don’t know where this batch of unlucky eggs came from, and whether there were guys he knew in it. In any case, he is personally quite welcome.

I just hope that these guys don’t cry too badly, after all, his teaching style is not something that ordinary people can adapt to.

“Welcome to Hell, lads.”

The undead warship sailed away from the middle of the New World towards the Red Earth Continent. A few days later, Ron arrived at Navy headquarters.

He and Tsuru had just married and went on an urgent mission to hunt down Roger. Now that I haven’t seen it for a long time, it is naturally inevitable to fight.

The sword will eventually come into play.

Staring at a crane with a black eye, he was rare late the next day, and when he came back, he couldn’t help but complain that there was still a week before the trainees of the teaching camp arrived.

Ron naturally took advantage of this free time to think of ways to unlock more tricks and make up for all the year. Leisurely days pass in a hurry.

A week later, under repeated urging from Empty, Ron set off for Trial Island. The next six months were uneventful, and nothing changed much.

However, the turmoil at sea has never stopped.

“Kaido established the Hundred Beast Pirates, Charlotte Lingling established the BIGMOM Pirates, and the Whitebeard Pirates are growing day by day, and Ota has joined them.”

“Moreover, Roger has appeared again and is being hunted down by Karp.”

Ron looked at the brand new newspaper in his hand, which was the figure of a samurai.

Mitsuki Ota, son of the general of Wano Country, Mitsuki Mikiyaki, was born in Wano Country and was the top swordsman. Speaking of which, this is the only samurai of Wano Country who has appeared under the public in recent years.

After all, the country of Wano has always implemented a policy of closing its doors. Putting down the paper, Ron sighed at the eventful situation.

Whitebeard and Roger, the golden lion, these people, were already henchmen of the Navy. Now there is another Kaido and Charlotte Lingling.

Even the country of Wano is involved, although Mitsuki Ota can’t represent the country of Wa, but the world government doesn’t know about this, and it is estimated that it is having a headache now.

After all, the strength of the country of Wano is not comparable to that of ordinary countries. That’s a country that can make the Devil Slaughter Order fail several times 850.

But what does it have to do with him?

Ron threw away the newspaper in his hand and looked at the group of trainees struggling to survive in the forest.

Although the qualifications of this batch of students are slightly inferior to that of Kuzan’s group, their perseverance is quite good. After his training, he has to produce another batch of leeks.

As for casualties, there are, but they are still acceptable. Time passed, and the second batch of naval cadets successfully graduated.

Ron returned to the naval headquarters by boat, and before he could warm up with the crane for a few days, he was directly arrested by the air.

“Let me go to the naval base stationed in the New World?”

Ron looked at the marshal in front of him, his face was calm and he didn’t dare to gasp.

“Counting up, I haven’t been with Tsuru for more than a month all year round.”

A helpless expression appeared on Sorra’s face, and he also knew that he was doing this, which was really a bit unauthentic. After all, Ron ran back and forth all year round, and even the donkeys of the Navy production team were never used like this. But that’s the way it is now.

The pirate power of the New World is unprecedentedly proliferated, and with only one general, Sengoku and Kapu, it can only maintain the most basic stability. The only one he could use was Ron.

Although sending all the general-level combat forces to the new world is a bit desperate.

But compared to the imminent new world, in the first half of the Great Voyage, there were a large number of rear admirals, and the vice admirals were more than enough to suppress.

“Give me half a month.”

Ron made a request, and he planned to have a good relationship with Tsuru for half a month. Discuss a business of several hundred million, and it is estimated that the result can be obtained in ten months.


Sora nodded.

It’s only half a month, there is a Warring States suppression on the side of the New World, and there should be no big problems.

“I leave this time, and I don’t know when I will come back next time.”

Ron looked at the Navy headquarters that gradually disappeared from sight and muttered softly. The situation in the New World will deteriorate rapidly in the next few years.

Whitebeard, Kaido, Charlotte Lingling, and the three sea thieves have expanded rapidly and occupied half of the new world. In addition, there are Golden Lion, Roger and other forces not to be outdone.

Compared to the unprecedented power of the pirates, the power of the navy and the world government in the new world will basically be weakened to the weakest time in history.

“However, everything can’t be chaotic with me suppressing.”

Ron gently rubbed the hilt of the sun, and this knife had completed an evolution after half a year of growth.

The slashing temperature of the blade reached nearly three thousand degrees Celsius from the most basic one thousand degrees Celsius. Moreover, the ability to awaken for the first time is special.

Return to the blade liberation!

In daily life, the high temperature is stored in the blade, and after the blade is liberated, the stored high temperature can burst out in an instant.

With the temperature he is storing now, if it all bursts out, it can even reach a critical point of nearly 10,000 degrees Celsius. Almost twice the temperature of the sun’s surface.

Everything is ashes!

“In the future, please call me captain.”

Ron touched his nose and felt a little bit in the middle of the second.

After a long voyage, the battleship arrived at the naval base in the New World. There are only a few naval bases in the New World, and the base where Ron is stationed is the G5 naval branch.

“General Ron!”

When the battleship arrives at the base, the base’s top officer, a vice admiral of the naval headquarters, greets Ron with all the base executives.

“You don’t need such a big formation.”

Ron waved his hand, he came to station the G5 branch this time, not to take over the top commander here. The mission assigned to him by the air is to help suppress the pirate forces.

However, since he has come, of course, it is impossible to honestly go to prison here.

Instead of being hit by pirates, it is better to take the initiative and suppress all pirates in this sea. After all, this is also a different kind of empty task.

After resting for half a day at the G5 branch, Ron drove the undead battleship alone towards the waters of the New World. Without suppressing the entire New World, his trip was for nothing.

“These guys are hiding quite deeply.”

Ron stood at the bow of the battleship and slowly withdrew his blade.

A huge pirate ship in front of him was neatly cut into two sections, and all the pirates on the ship were beheaded.

The undead battleship under his feet rushed up to eat and drink wildly, devouring all the corpses and the wreckage of the pirate ship. The undead battleship has been parading at sea for more than a month, and the top pirates such as Whitebeard and Kaido have not encountered a few.

Instead, I met a group of small pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million.

No matter how small the mosquito is, it is meat, and with the idea of adding population to the undead battleship, Ron did not let go of these small snacks. In just one month.

The sea area in the first half of the new world seems to be empty, and all the pirates are at their own peril, shrinking their tails as people. Who does not know, the admiral of the navy headquarters was killed in the first half of the new world.

At this time, there is still trouble, isn’t it a brain disease, specially sent heads.

“None of them can fight.”

Ron lay on the deck, feeling a little bored.

In recent times, not even a single pirate has been encountered, and these pirates seem to have been discussed, and they all disappeared in the first half of the new world.

Didn’t this cut off his rations?

After all, without killing, how can he become stronger.


Suddenly, there was a roar of artillery fire.

Ron raised his eyebrows and looked in the direction the gunfire was coming from.

A huge and somewhat exaggerated pirate ship is being surrounded by a group of pirate fleets.

On the pirate ship, a huge giant smashed his fist with a fierce face towards a pirate ship.


With a loud bang, the entire pirate ship was directly smashed into pieces by a punch, and this exaggerated power made all the pirates around widen their eyes and dare in disbelief.

“Holy Lake An Evil Wolf.”

Ron frowned, looking at the huge behemoth.

The number of giants is scarce, and even fewer are sailing on the sea. A giant race with this kind of strength, with a little thought, can distinguish the identity.

Without him, this guy’s future fate trajectory should be captured by the navy, imprisoned to the sixth floor of Advance City, and finally released by Blackbeard to become a member of the Blackbeard Pirates.

In terms of strength, of course, it is not weak.

In terms of the strength he had just shown, he was at least at the level of a brigadier general. However, this guy still seems to be a Devil Fruit ability.

I just don’t know what Devil Fruit I took.

“Wind Knife! Three winds! ”

Ron thought, swinging his knife and slashing.

A slash of about one meter swept out, growing stronger and stronger in the wind, and finally expanded to thousands of meters. The slash of thousands of meters instantly split into three wind blades of the same size, tearing the fleet in front.


Dozens of warships, within a breath, were all chopped into wreckage.

After all these years of cultivation, his kendo cultivation had reached the extreme.

The slash was condensed to within one meter, and its power was comparable to a full-force blow of the top general.

Moreover, in those extremely harsh islands, he comprehended all kinds of powerful kendo mysteries and physical techniques. Kendo has been explored to a higher level.

Today, his cultivation in kendo has surpassed all the kendo powerhouses in history. The title of the strongest swordsman in a thousand years is well deserved on him.

“San Juan Wolf.”

The undead battleship devoured the battleship at sea, and Ron looked calmly at the huge figure on the pirate ship.

“Because of a momentary anger, the evil who destroyed two countries, since you met today, your journey ends here.”

“Are you going to kill me!”

The San Juan Wolf widened his eyes and looked at Ron, his eyes seemed to be very angry. The body grows at a breakneck pace with anger.

The huge body that was already more than 20 meters exceeded 100 meters in a blink of an eye, and it grew until about 200 meters before slowly stopping.

The huge size is almost comparable to the tall buildings of the navy headquarters.

A huge fist like a battleship smashed down in Ron’s direction.

“Is Superman a scaled fruit?”

Ron raised his eyebrows, Superman scaled the fruit, could scale its own size, and the power would also expand and shrink. With a huge body size of two hundred meters, the pure physical strength of this punch is enough to be comparable to a general-level powerhouse.

The overwhelming shadows fell, and under that huge fist, Ron was as small as an ant. The terrifying fist wind set off huge waves of thousands of meters.

“If it were useful, this world would have been ruled by giants long ago.”

Faced with this oppressive scene, Ron slowly withdrew the sun on his waist.

“Everything is ashes!”

The blade gradually glowed with a sun-like hot golden-red brilliance, and the high temperature stored in the sun poured out in an instant. The extreme heat distorts the surrounding air.

“Yan Dao Dao! Flame break! ”

Armed color domineering winding, covering the sun. The flame elements around them surged wildly!

The rich flame element condensed into a flame blade of thousands of meters, facing the overwhelming shadow, Ron held the flame blade in his hand and slashed down from top to bottom.


Accompanied by a violent roar.

The entire sea surface was evaporated by high temperature, and the mist in the sky made the eyes lose their vision.

The huge figure of the San Juan evil wolf was cut off by this knife, and even the entire sea surface sank into a huge waterfall a thousand meters deep.

It took a few minutes for the surface of the sea to heal slowly.

The undead battleship rushed over and devoured the huge corpse and pirate ship.

The undead warship, which had already reached the critical line of evolution, instantly reached the requirements of evolution with accumulated energy.

“Evolved for the third time!”

Ron looked at the evolving undead warship.

The more times you evolve, the more powerful the evolved object becomes.

Any object will undergo qualitative changes after the third evolution.

Armed color domineering evolution three times to gain the power to control the elements, Red Cry evolution three times can summon blood avatars.

The original undead battleship is terrifying enough, in addition to controlling the power of the undead and sea beasts within a hundred miles, the power of the naval gun is already comparable to the legendary Hades battleship.

The main naval gun can be easily destroyed and leveled a small and medium-sized island.

Together with thirty-six secondary guns, even the Holy Land Mary Joya could destroy most of it in one salvo.

After the third evolution, the power will inevitably be able to crush the so-called Hades battleship and become the most powerful battleship in this world. However, the process will be long.

It will take at least half a year to complete the final evolution.

In comparison, the evolution of brain power should be much faster. Ron’s eyes flickered.

After a long evolution, his brain finally reached the upper limit of the first evolution. With a convulsion, everything in front of him seemed to become boring.

Ron felt his mental state, his state of mind constantly rising.

It seems to have transcended vulgar pleasures and reached a higher level of spiritual detachment.

Of course, all this is just an illusion caused by the sudden improvement of brain power, the analysis and understanding of the world.

After all, he is a very common person, no matter how high the realm is, it is impossible to reach the level where fame and fortune are not in the eyes.

At the very least, as a man, he felt that indulging in women was a good hobby. If he really broke off his love, what else would he strive for?

With his current strength, lying down directly will not be over. Like the future Karp, living is much happier than these people in the Warring States.

“Ghost brains?”

Feeling the new abilities acquired after the first evolution of the brain, Ron had a strange expression on his face. The ghost brain has no special effect, but it gives him the ability to simulate battles and replicate imitations. He can perfectly copy other people’s data through his brain and conduct simulated battles in his brain.

Through strong learning ability, he can analyze and imitate the physical skills and kendo of others. However, this ability seems to him to be a bit chicken.

After all, in terms of physical arts and kendo, he was already standing at the pinnacle of this world. Only others imitate him, when he is needed to imitate others.

Unless the stronger than him. Apparently, it didn’t.

“The first half of the new world has been cleaned up, and there should be no mistakes for the time being.”

Ron’s gaze looked in the direction of the second half of the New World.

Whitebeard, Roger, Golden Lion… Those powerful sea pirates are now basically gathered in the second half of the New World. If you want to hunt the strong, this is the perfect place.

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